
Free X Fall

Earth and Heaven are about to collide. God's personal caretaker follows a lead in a desperate attempt to save his Father and life itself. Drean's descent to Earth spurs legions of demons, angels and generations of their half-breeds to rise up and usurp God once and for all. In the war to come, angel's wings will be severed, raining blood and ash from Heaven's skies, staining Earth forever.

AlanBlack · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 15

Drean stepped out of the portal and into Riell's apartment."Please take your shoes off," she said.The wood floors of her apartment felt cool under Drean's feet."That was much more pleasant than my trip to Earth. Just like passing through a doorway."Riell nodded once in response."Why did we use the enchanted key to get here if you could have opened a portal at will?""I didn't want to be seen by anyone that might want to get at you. Or me for that matter."But, it was pointless. Those skia will be hunting us both now, Riell thought.Riell released a loud sigh and removed her boots and socks."I know you could be branded a traitor for helping me," Drean said. "I'm sorry."Riell dismissed him with a wave of her hand. "We made it to my quarters, so it doesn't matter now. I control who is admitted. I need to change and clean up. I'm a swamp under all this armor. I'll be back in a few minutes."Drean wandered around her apartment. There were several large windows on each wall of her den. Each window was a view of a different area altogether. One was a rocky coastline, another a birds eye view of snowy mountaintops.Riell shook her head at his amazement.He's such a child."Drean, please find a place to sit down. I'll be back. Don't touch anything."Drean nodded, and sank into the brown microfiber cushions of her sofa. He knew she was right to tell him to stay put. All he wanted to do was put his hands and eyes on everything in her apartment.Several filled bookshelves surrounded him. Pictures of houses from the Orient, Europe and the Middle East were on every wall. Drean heard the boom of thunder, and noticed a storm was raging outside one of the windows. It was dark, but with every lightning strike Drean could see a turbulent ocean being pelted by rain. He closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the storm."Are you falling asleep?"He opened his eyes. Riell sat next to him in sweatpants and a hoodie.Drean shook his head and smiled. He was about to ask her about the windows, when he noticed something else."What's that black cube?""A television," Riell said. "It's an old one. I don't watch it very often.""Come again?""I'll show you. Now, watch the front of it." She grabbed the remote from her coffee table."It's a black mirror," Drean said and gazed at his reflection in the TV screen.Riell pushed the power button, and the TV blipped on."There are people inside the television!""No, no. There are people on the television." Riell tried to suppress her laughter."No, they're trapped!"Drean jumped up and tried to get to the TV. Riell pulled him back down."Wait, wait," Riell chortled. "Before you do anything rash, let me try to explain it.""You're holding them captive in the television!" Drean accused.Riell laughed harder."The people you're seeing aren't in the television at all!""Then where are they?""See this, that's on now?""Yes?" Drean nodded."Humans recorded these images with machines, and now we are watching a replay of those images.""Recorded images?" Drean rubbed his head."Hmm... maybe I shouldn't try to explain it to you." Riell was losing her patience. She thought for a moment. "Machines are sophisticated tools created by humans.""I understand the concept of machinery. God makes use of it in Heaven.""Okay. Good. So about the images... remember how I was able to view your memories?""Yes.""These images we're watching... these recordings, are like the memories of those machines, and the television enables us to view them."Drean nodded in understanding."But what is its purpose?""Well," Riell flipped through channels, "news from around the world can be shown to humans in many different locations instantaneously.""An amazing tool indeed.""It also has entertainment value.""There are recorded images that can entertain? How?" Drean asked."It's going to be easier to show you than tell you. We're going to find a movie to watch so we can relax a little."Drean smiled at Riell."Thanks for understanding me."Riell stopped flipping channels."This movie's supposed to be really funny.""What is it?" Drean asked."It's called Bruce Almighty." Riell smiled. "You should get a kick out of it... And I'm Riell," she said and held her hand out.Drean remembered the gesture from when he met Greg. He took her hand: it was soft and warm."I'm Drean."His hands are so delicate...She held onto him longer than she should have and drew back when she realized it."Your name has a nice ring to it," she said and took a deep breath."Why is your face turning red like that? Did I upset you?"She instinctively cupped her blushing cheeks."No, no. I'm not upset." She laughed."Then what's wrong?""Nothing. Let's just watch this movie and take a breather."* * *"God isn't like that at all!" Drean said after Riell turned the movie off. "I admit these movies are impressive works, but that one was completely untrue!""Well, do you think humans have witnessed God in His entirety and actually know what He's like?"Drean shook his head. "Well, no but if they know nothing about God maybe they shouldn't make a movie with Him in it." Drean folded his arms and leaned back onto the couch. "They could offend somebody."Riell laughed. "Are you offended, Drean?"Drean gave her an angry look. "No."Riell pushed Drean's shoulder and kept laughing."Come on... it's just a movie."Drean tried to smile but couldn't. Riell stopped laughing and the momentary silence between them helped Riell's mind refocus itself. She needed to learn what she could about him while he still trusted her, and though it was hard for her to admit, she wanted to connect with him again."Will you share the rest of that memory with me?" she asked."I don't know if I can right now.""Do you want me to trust you? Or are we on different sides after all?""You're still unsure? Just send me back.""What?""Send me back to the bar. You're right. We're on different sides.""No, we don't," she said. "Sit back down. Please?"Drean sat. He closed his eyes and tried to open himself up to Riell."Thanks, Drean. I just have to be sure."Riell had reassured herself during the movie that allowing Drean in her apartment had been a precautionary measure and that invading his mind again was essential to her mission, but in truth, she had merely wanted to."Answer me this before we start," he said."Ok?""Are you doing this because you cannot trust me? Or because of a personal reason?""I..." she started.Riell stared past his eyes at a photograph on the wall: a beach near her home in England. Usually it soothed her and tempered her. She could not close herself off any longer. It was impossible."I just feel like you're keeping me at a distance for another reason," Drean said."It's both," she admitted."I won't press you about it. I just wanted to know," he said. He closed his eyes again.Why does he make me feel so vulnerable when I'm the one poking around in his head?She closed her eyes and dove into Drean. Unparalleled euphoria spilled into her again. It was agonizingly pleasurable. She could not guard herself as she had before because she did not want to. Her surrender made it all the more enjoyable. There was no more guilt, only desire: the need to feel more. She drifted into his memory.* * *Drean looked anxiously out into Heaven's sky and tried to see past the cloud of smoking feathers. When it cleared, no angels could be seen. Lucifer's side had won but not without repercussion.Long claws extended from their hands. Horns jutted out of their heads and down their backs. Their corruption had even stained their armor which had darkened and refused to reflect any light that touched it. Deep red, green and black scales covered their bodies, and their wings had become bat-like.Riell recognized the demons from books she had read.Bal'droh, the green demons, were emaciated versions of their angel selves. The reds, which had grown larger than before and had glowing scales, were bal'dir. The blacks, the bal'duz, dwarfed the other races with their bulbous muscles, height and over-proportional wings.They all turned in unison to The Sanctuary and flew toward it."I have never seen demons like these before... these are not Hell's demons. I do not understand," Drean said to himself.Yet, he knew his comprehension was irrelevant. The Sanctuary was in danger. It was time to fulfill his duty."Dominations, prepare yourselves!" he yelled. "We may be few, but the Lord is on our side! Repel them!"Drean dropped to his knees, closed his eyes and concentrated. The Sanctuary's emergency defenses needed his will to activate.Demons chattered amongst themselves in the guttural language of demonic. Each of the bal'dir screamed as if they were tortured by unseen hands and burst into flame. Their screams drew his attention away.He thought they had been incinerated, but he could still hear their shrill cries, and their burning wings still held them aloft.Drean concentrated and every noise outside The Sanctuary faded to a silence, like he had fallen into the depths of a deep chasm. Seconds after, he heard a low hum as his will connected with the defensive technology of The Sanctuary. He heard a bell's ring waver in harmony with the hum and knew it was responding.Celestinite cogs whirred to life and brought thick, celestinite doors down from the ceiling, closing off every entrance.Atop The Sanctuary, four large turrets sprung from the roof. Drean could see through each of them and manipulate them as if they were a part of him.He took aim and unleashed God's eternal light upon the demons. Demons grazed by the blasts were seared and maimed. Those struck directly were instantly disintegrated.The turrets had slain thousands of demons within the first minute of their activation, yet Drean could not relax. Lucifer's army was vast, and he knew he would have only a short time to diminish it.He heard Lucifer roar over the clamor and knew his window was closing."To The Sanctuary!" Lucifer cried.Lucifer's army swarmed the building.Dominations hold them at bay. The Sanctuary amplified his thought and it boomed as a deep resonant voice.The dominations in front of The Sanctuary engaged the demons and tried to wrestle them back, but were quickly overwhelmed. Drean did what he could before bal'duz smashed the celestinite machinations one by one.Drean steeled himself, gripped his celestinite long sword's silver hilt and drew it from its sheath. He held the sword at a salute and assumed a defensive stance.Demon's pounded on the doors of The Sanctuary, bending and warping them until they collapsed.A group of demons flew for Drean, screaming unintelligible battle cries.The diminutive bal'droh barreled for the seraph. Green, foul smelling liquid seeped off of them. They split away in the midst of their dive, flitted about The Sanctuary and growled at each other.Drean looked from demon to demon and his eyes latched onto the bal'dir. The demon's red scales constantly moved over its body, like magma.He growled at Drean.The sound was low and echoed throughout The Sanctuary. It grew into piercing intonations as Drean watched him. The scales on the demon circulated rapidly and expelled flames that billowed above the demon's head.The bal'dir nodded to the enormous bal'duz, which swooped down upon the angel while his comrade bode his time. The bal'duz opened his mouth and roared with glee. Drean stood and waited in the shadow of the coming demon, though he could see it could swallow him whole twice over.Drean leapt into its face and extended all three pairs of his wings at once. A pulse of brilliant golden light beamed from his wings for a moment, blinding the demon. Each and every feather of his wings became a tongue of golden flame. Drean gripped the hilt of his sword tightly and propelled himself with his wings, decapitating the gargantuan demon with one stroke. Drean landed and watched the bal'duz turn to ash.The bal'dir shrieked a command. The four remaining demons surrounded the angel and bore down on him. Drean jumped into the air to meet the demons, and stretched his wings out. The demons squealed and raised their blackened weapons to claim his wings. Their blades came an inch from his wings before their flames roared higher, disintegrating their weapons and scalding their scales.Overcome by bloodlust, the demons forgot all strategy and fell upon the angel. Drean spun, became a scorching tornado of fire and did not cease until he could hear the demons' wails over the rushing air and fire. He removed their heads from their charred bodies and settled back onto the ground."Well done," a harsh voice said from behind him.Drean turned to see Lucifer with an entourage of thousands: demons, and partially changed angels with black wings.White scales had replaced his skin. Muscle bloated his body, which had grown to a height of twelve feet. Horns curved out of his head and spines jutted out of his back. Dragon-like wings draped behind him. A long reptilian tail swished from his backside. Lucifer rested the back end of his sword on his shoulder: the once sleek, heavenly weapon had been corrupted like the rest of him. Its black blade was slightly longer than Lucifer was tall and no longer emitted or reflected light."You have betrayed us all, Lucifer. No, I will no longer address you by your Heavenly name, demon. Our Father has given us so much. Soon you will know what it feels like to have Him take away," Drean said."You know nothing of what he has given or taken from me, seraph. Stand aside. My qualms are not with you.""I will not. Prepare for the ramifications. I know not what the Lord has in store for you, but you can be assured...""We knew our actions would have consequences! We are all prepared for them!"The demons cheered in agreement."Maybe he is right, Lucifer," one of the black-winged angels said.Lucifer turned to him. "What do you mean by this?""Maybe we have gone too far.""Tear his wings off," Lucifer commanded.Demons obliged him. Hundreds of black-winged angels retreated."Leoran! Take a group and follow them."Lucifer looked for Leoran and could not find him among the ranks. He growled in frustration."Dispose of them. And bring Leoran to me!" he screamed.A large group of demons gave chase.Lucifer turned back to Drean. When they made eye contact the seraph attacked.Lucifer grabbed Drean's blade in his free claw and held it. His scales hissed as the sword dissolved them. Drean's flame erupted, towering over him: the rush of hot air sent demons and angels sprawling, but Lucifer stood firm with a confident smile on his face."Celestinite may have adverse effects on us now..." Lucifer clenched the sword tighter and snapped it in half; it vanished from Drean's hand in a bright flash of light "but even a celestial such as you cannot equal my power."Lucifer struck him: his blow shattered Drean's chest plate, doused his wing's flame and left him on the tile breathless.Lucifer's army jeered Drean and cheered for its general.A light that shone with every color and no color at all appeared above the throne of God."This has gone far enough.""Greetings, Father. Come to relinquish Heaven to us?" Lucifer turned and faced the Light of God."Not quite. You and your kind are not welcome here any longer. This violence and hatred has no place here. Farewell, child."Lucifer howled and writhed before a conflagration exploded from his body. Fire obscured Drean's sight, and his vision dimmed to black.* * *Riell removed herself from Drean's mind and found herself hyperventilating. She had crushed one of the arms of her couch. Sweat permeated her clothing. She could not calm down. Drean stared at her and did not know what to do."Are you ok? I think you broke that." Drean gestured at the couch's arm.She cried while Drean stared at her and did not stop until she realized he was watching her."I'm sorry." She wiped her eyes. "Your memories just remind me of things I've been trying to forget.""I apologize for that," Drean said."It's fine. Viewing memories takes a heavy toll on the mind. It leaves your emotions very vulnerable. I'll be ok in a second."She stood up and stumbled across the room and down a hall.I've never had so much trouble recovering from a mind meld before. What is wrong with me? Riell thought.Drean heard a door open and close and the sound of running water.I can feel her sadness whenever she is connected with my mind, he thought. I wonder what she is so sad about."So, why did all the angels treat you with such disrespect?" she asked when she came out of the hall a few minutes later."What do you..." Drean gaped at her.She had changed into black shorts and a fitted green lacy halter-top, exposing most of her legs and surrendering cleavage.Riell smiled before she could check herself. I keep forgetting he hasn't spent much time around women."They didn't call you Drean," she said. "They... Drean keep your eyes on my face or something in the room."He blushed and looked away from her. She laughed at him."I'm only messing with you," she said."I didn't have a name at the time," he said."You didn't have a name? Surely an angel with an important position such as yours would have a name.""No, my Father blessed me with that among other things before I left Heaven." He glanced at her."Interesting, among other things? What else did he give you?""Free will."Riell stared at him. "You mean you couldn't think for yourself before then?""No, I could only think within the confines of my duty to God.""What is that like?" she asked."I was content at my post." Drean shrugged. "I could not really think anything of it.""No. I mean, what is it like having your mind change from being so one sided to what it is now?""It's overwhelming. I never knew any emotion other than contentment. Now..." he looked into her eyes "I feel so much more."Riell wanted more than anything to draw him close."Now that you've asked me all these personal questions, can I ask you one?" Drean asked.She breathed out and regained control over herself at his question."Sure.""Can you tell me about your origins?"Riell sighed at his question."Okay."Why do I feel like I can trust him? I'm supposed to be handing him over to Shrazz. I'm going against my duty and our contract by harboring this angel."My father was one of the angels that fought in Lucifer's army."Drean's eyes widened. "But that would make you thousands of years old.""Thousands?" Riell laughed. "I'm not that old.""I guess that makes sense... Gerald told me the angels that fell from Heaven fell not only through space but through time as well.""Yeah. That's what I was taught when I was young," Riell said."Did you know your father?"Riell cried again."No. I'm sorry I'm so emotional right now. It'll pass. I promise.""It's ok. I'm sorry I asked.""No, no. It's fine."Riell composed herself."All I know of my father is what my foster father told me. He said he saw my father rape a woman in an alleyway. My father flew away and left my mother for dead when my foster father found them. She immediately swelled up and went into labor. During my delivery, she changed into a demon and then died.""How did she die so suddenly?""After falling from Heaven, fallen are extremely fertile and cause rapid pregnancies, some of which are near instantaneous. Their potency gradually fades with time. Their negative energies are passed on through sexual activity. Humans are strongly affected by them. Women that do not conceive usually survive the transformation. Very few survive the labor."I didn't know emotions could be this powerful, Drean thought. I feel hatred for the fallen angel that raped her mother. But, if that horrible act hadn't taken place, Riell wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't have learned anything from her. My emotions and knowledge of this world wouldn't be as developed had I not met her. Yet I want to maim the angel who took her mother's sanctity away. Drean made up his mind."I want to find this angel and erase him from existence," Drean said."How can you decide that so quickly? Don't let your emotions take control like that, Drean," she said."He caused you great pain and has probably lived his life taking pleasure in the pain of others. He needs to be erased.""Okay," Riell conceded. "But do you even know what rape is?""I've never heard of it until now, but somehow I know what it is. Maybe God granted me knowledge such as this before I left Heaven.""I suppose that makes sense.""You've been searching for the angel, haven't you?" Drean asked."Yeah. That's why I started working for The Falling Curtain. It polices half-breed and fallen activity throughout the universe." Riell wiped her eyes."So they sent you to kill me?""My boss wants you alive. I'm not sure why. I really don't know what he wants from you, Drean. I would have been instructed to kill you myself had you been just another fallen angel, but you're special to him. He seems to want to do the job himself.""So do you trust me?" Drean sat up a little and waited for Riell's response."I think I can trust you. I will try to trust you.""That doesn't change much though," Drean said. "You will still have to apprehend me. It is your duty.""Hey." Riell laid a hand reassuringly on his. He looked into Riell's dark eyes. His thoughts quieted and his muscles relaxed. "I don't know what I'm going to tell my boss yet. But I'll think of something when the time comes. You are not the monster he believes you to be. I'm sure of that now."Riell hugged Drean, who did not know what to do in response.Drean felt Riell's warm body against his, and a giddy sensation swelled up inside him."Drean, this is a hug.""A hug?""It's a gesture of friendship and affection. I'm honored to be the first to share it with you." Riell squeezed Drean.Drean wrapped his arms around Riell and did the same."Like this?""Yes but not so tight!" Riell gasped."Sorry!" Drean loosened his hold on Riell."That's better. Just like that," Riell said.Riell caressed his back and let herself appreciate his toned muscles, the wooziness his affection inflicted, and the bitter sweetness of her sin against Shrazz and The Falling Curtain. Though she knew her actions would be considered unforgivable it made the situation all the more alluring. She was wet for him. If she kept this up, there was only one way it would end.Riell released Drean from her embrace and slid away from him on the couch, out of his reach."I'm sure that you're not the one we're looking for, Drean. If my boss knew of your purity I'm sure he would not be after you either.""So why don't we just tell him?""I haven't decided what to do about that yet." Riell pursed her lips in thought and remembered Gerald."He's convinced you're going to destroy the universe," she said."That's not true.""I'll think of something, but in the meantime," Riell looked at Drean, "do what I tell you and you should be fine.""Alright."Their gaze became one, focused on one another and each other's need to be together: as close as humanly possible. Drean had no idea what to do or say. Riell was frozen as well, but she knew what had to be done. She had invested in toys for a reason."We should... get some rest, Drean.""Alright," Drean said, but he did not look away.

Riell blinked, stood and mentally shook Drean's eyes out of her mind, so she could make it to her bedroom.

"Drean," she said when she reached the doorway."Yes?""I enjoyed our time tonight.""I enjoyed it as well," Drean said and smiled at Riell."Do you want the lights on or off?""The light? It's fine," Drean said."Ok. Goodnight."Riell closed the door behind her. She waited for the familiar creak of her couch, and knew Drean was out of earshot. She had to get some relief.She rummaged through her toy drawer for a specific enchanted vibrator. She needed to duplicate the feeling she experienced when connecting with Drean. It wouldn't be the same at all, but it was a close second, and right now that would satisfy her needs. She lay on her bed, spread her legs and felt her wetness drip down her thighs. Riell shoved her toy deep inside and let out a squeak as it turned on. It sent pulses of euphoric energy through her body and as it did, light circulated through her veins. Definitely not the most subtle toy. She thought of Drean's body in her arms and was instantly close, but it wasn't enough.Despite herself, she went to the door and put her back against it, secretly hoping Drean would hear her moans. That thought pushed her over the edge and she came again and again. As the cluster of orgasms subsided, she found herself again.Fuck I needed that. Why did he get me so worked up? Time to clean up and get some rest. I'll have to figure out what to do with him tomorrow.