
Free spirit

After the bonfire party, I kept having the same dream every night. It didn't help that I was the latest loser at school at the time or that I couldn't get the people that I cared about to stay. Everything seemed to go downhill for a while, with only a few good moments in between. But strange things happened and strangers became friends, family turned enemy. Then things take an even stranger turn and fairytales are brought to life; The biggest fairytale of all, being love. I hadn't realised how much my life had changed after a bonfire party. I soon learned that I had to take back control before it destroyed me.

Ukewuihe_Chidinma · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

The prank

Author's note:

*I am so sorry for missing a week's update. I've been a little busy but i will try to be more consistent. I hope you enjoy this chapter like i did😊.*

I screamed at him to explain what happened. I kept screaming intensely but he didn't budge. He probably couldn't hear me screaming at him in my head.

I watched him quietly. He tore up what was left of his shirt, as he stood before his bathroom mirror. It revealed long marks; a few on his left chest, others on his right neck. He bled from them.

A lot of questions ran through my mind at once, and then I shut them all out. The only person that could answer, didn't feel the need to explain anything yet. I was going to wait.

He folded and ran the ripped T-shirt under the tap, and with it he wiped his wounds, grunting and wincing at each touch. I dared not offer to help, because I knew him better than to do that.

"We should have dinner. Are you hungry? I am", he said suddenly.

My eyes narrowed on hearing this, my jaw dropped. I wanted to say something, anything but, there were no words.

He headed out to the living room. I took a few minutes to contemplate on whether or not, to jump out the window and run for my life. But you KNOW I went out to meet him.

" Vincent... ", I started as I walked in, but he cut me short.

" I have some meat here, and left over Chinese", he said rummaging the fridge, his back to me.

"My life was in danger. It COULD..still be. You knew him...", I argued

".. Monica.. Please can we eat first?", he said, shutting the fridge door " I'm not gonna ask again, are you hungry?"

I refused to give up.

"He hurt you. YOU said he was a serial killer and then .... You're bleeding and...and none of it makes sense", I stuttered, my hands flailing in the air.

I panicked, obviously, but he didn't seem to care. He glanced over at me briefly and turned to put something in the microwave. Then he searched a cabinet and pulled out a pack of Norwell pasta.

" Could you make Spaghetti like before? I need to put on a clean shirt. I can't be walking around like this ", he said, walking out.

It was crazy obviously. I thought, 'Monica you have got to be insane if you stay here. This is your chance'. I guess I really WAS insane after all.

Vincent came out after a while. I was just finishing up with cooking. He didn't bother with the Chinese in the microwave.

We sat at the table, across from each other as we had dinner. He ate like an animal, so fast, I wondered if he even chewed. He was sweating. Eating didn't seem enjoyable at the time. It seemed more like.. Work.

"Why are you so calm?", he asked

I paused from playing with my food. Without looking up, I replied.

" My symptoms are.. Intermittent, remember? "

He scoffed. We continued in silence.

I couldn't eat anymore. I was focused on him, that I forgot myself. Even when he looked up from his food, I stared still, for a few seconds. Then I realized myself, but there was this awkward energy between us already.

He rose from his chair, and cleared his plate.

" You shouldn't stay up too long. After the events of tonight, you'll need to rest up for school", he turned to me, "you can have the bed"

I didn't know how I felt about his 'generosity'. I was unsure about saying thank you or asking for an explanation.

"How can you be so calm?", I asked finally.

We were really just going back and forth here. He held the fridge door open.

" Are you worried I might have what you have?", he joked.

"You have to tell me what's going on... Because I'm not crazy. I know... I saw..", I stuttered.

" I understand ", he said.

I almost didn't understand English anymore. It was really unexpected, his answer.

" It's not that serious. But I understand your mind's not at rest. If you'll calm down, I'll explain everything", he said, pouring a glass of water.

It was odd. I wondered if he didn't explain before because he was hungry.. Which was, still absurd, considering the circumstances.

"Here", he said, handing me the glass. " it should help calm you".

I was still in shock, but it was a small thing to do, to get him to talk. I drank the water.

"Okay. I'm calm. Now, explain", I said.


" I cannot believe, you drugged me", I said articulately, staring absently on the road.

Vincent and I were in the car, on our way to my school that morning. I had woken up, unable to recall what happened before I slept except that I drank some water. It added up.

"You probably would've stayed up all night unable to sleep. I was only trying to help", he said as he parked in front of my school.

In awe, I turned slowly to him. I shook my head, because, again, I could not believe him.

" You know, if you keep staring, you'll be late. Then the whole going back and forth would've been for nothing ", he said.

Okay.. I could've easily exploded on hearing that statement. At that moment, I had mixed feelings. Not the good kind

" Oh, my God", I breathed calmly.

I got out of the car and slammed the door. It didn't slam.. AGAIN. I saw Liam waiting and went to meet him. We walked into school together.

School went by as usual. I didn't tell Shirley about what Mira did and how she lied. She was finally adjusted to the team, and I didn't want to put her in that position.

We did go over Mira's "facts", however. They were just Mira brain washing Shirley into believing she was gay; and, in love with me. Shirley might be gay after all, but it certainly can't be proven by Mira's psychology skills. Sexuality is a spectrum after all.

I couldn't tell either of them.. Liam or Shirley, about Vincent and Keiron. He seemed to find us wherever we went. I couldn't get them involved.

After school, Liam walked me out, Shirley had practice. Vincent was waiting in the car, a few feet from us.

" He's your driver right?", Liam asked, eyes fixed on Vincent.

"Yeah", I said, rolling my eyes.

" Does he bother you?", he turned to me, "I saw, this morning".

"Uh...", I stammered.

The question was unexpected. Then I saw Vincent signalling me to hurry. And I got my answer.

" He's.. Unbearable. Very very unbearable, and unbelievable ", I said, feeling my annoyance coming back slowly.

" If you don't feel safe with him..", Liam started

"I should... probably get going. I don't wanna have to listen to his dreadful lecture"

"Yeah. Of course", he paused. " See you tomorrow then", he said with a smile.

"Sure", I said as I walked to the car.

Vincent didn't take us home. He took us to an old abandoned church compound. A building stood tall in its center, but it barely had any windows left in it. The ground around it was covered in chalk stone, so grass barely grew out of the cracks.

" Vincent..", I started tiredly, shaking my head slowly.

He had already done too much that he hadn't explained. But I still felt safer with him. It was exhausting, having to reconsider my decision every time. Whether I was wrong to trust him.

"..You want answers don't you?", he asked.

He took his eyes off the dashboard, and turned to me.

" He came to find you.. Finding me too was a coincidence. Which means, there's no reason to hide it from you", he said.

"What...you're just gonna hand me over to him?", I asked, scared.

" Get out of the car ", he said as he opened his door.

There was no way I was getting out. Walking over to my side, he opened my door. I sat still, my seatbelt very secure.

" Do you trust me?", he asked.

I knew the answer but I couldn't tell him.

"I promise, I won't let any harm come to you", he assured me, putting out a hand for me.

Quietly, I unlocked my seatbelt, and took his hand. Once I was out of the car, he stared into my eyes for a moment, while holding my hand. His features were warmer, not so stern. Then he smiled and looked away.

" You remind me of someone ", he said walking away.

He walked towards the entrance to the church. I assumed he expected me to follow. I did, slowly, catching a glimpse of the godforsaken place.

We got into the church, Keiron was there. On seeing me, he smiled from ear to ear, like we were friends. He brushed past Vincent and headed straight for me. The smile was still in its place.

I stopped in my tracks, and took a few steps back. He got to me and took my hand. Then he bent forward and kissed it. 'Cringe-worthy' would be an understatement.

Vincent rolled his eyes. I gave him a questioning look, but he just shook his head.

" Let me officially introduce myself princess", said Keiron

"My name is Keiron. I'm Darion's..", he paused, " Vincent's.. elder brother", he said with the cutest, creepiest smile.

Again, I turned to Vincent, but he just pinched the bridge of his nose, and bent his head.

"Charming.. Elder brother", he added.

He turned around and walked back to Vincent, who was now sitting on a pew, his back to the altar.

"Next time, I'm picking the place", Keiron said to Vincent.

" What do you want?", Vincent asked, tiredly.

"Why 'Vincent' though? It doesn't even sound like Darion..", said Keiron

" You asked me to bring her. You said it was important ", Vincent pressed.

Keiron stared intently at Vincent.

"Come on, don't tell me you're hooked on this one already", he said looking me up and down, suspiciously.

Vincent gave him a look, and that was all it took to get him to talk. All the time, I watched quietly, standing a few feet from the entrance.

" Alright. The king is dead.. Sort of. I've come to take her home with me", he declared.

Vincent with raised eyebrows, turned his left ear towards Keiron, as if he didn't quite hear. He turned to look at me, as if to confirm the person Keiron referred to. Slowly, he turned back to his brother.

"I'm.. Not sure I wanna allow you do that", Vincent said, casually.

Keiron laughed at his reply.

" I wasn't asking your permission", he stated and turned to me, "nor hers", he said smiling innocently at me.

" Keiron, what could you possibly want with her?"

"There's no time to explain", Keiron replied, his smile never left.

Vincent scoffed at this reply.

"And yet, you found time to beat me up"

"Darion, there is ALWAYS time for that", he said, surprised at Vincent's retort.

I watched two good-looking guys argue ever so casually, and yet there were clear threats in their statements.

" If you don't care what I think, why'd you tell me when you know I'm going to try and stop you?", asked Vincent. He was smiling too.

Keiron stared at Vincent for a while, still smiling. Then he focused on me, close to the church entrance. His eyes moved slowly down to my chest.

"Fine. Here, I'll show you", said Keiron.

He started walking over to me, so focused. Vincent pulled him back but he pushed him and Vincent crashed onto a pew, smashing it. My heart raced.

I took a few steps back, but he had soon gotten to me. He held my wrist, as I pulled, trying to get free. Then his eyes glowed, and veins came to the surface on his face. I froze up.

His eyes were locked on the stone that hung from my neck, resting on my chest. I saw over his shoulder, Vincent was trying to get up. I wished he would look up.

Then Keiron placed the stone on my forehead. I felt the pain again. It kept increasing, pulsing through my whole body.

" Aahhhhhh....Ah", I screamed, and then I couldn't.

It felt like my airways were cut. Keiron watched as I started to kneel from the pain, but he held on to my wrist with one hand, and with the other, he held the stone in place.

I saw Vincent. He was shocked, his eyes wide, as he watched us.

"Nn..K....Nn...", I barely made sounds.

My breathing slowed. I felt life leaving my body. Slowly, from my kneeling position, I laid on my back. Keiron held on to me. I pulled on his hand, his shirt. But he didn't move the stone. Soon, it was lights out.


I was half awake but could hear them talking. I could feel a bed under me.

" I promised her no harm would come to her", I heard Vincent say.

"No harm has. You wouldn't have brought her if you didn't trust me", said Keiron

So then they were in on it together, I thought.

" But what did you do to her?", Vincent asked.

"The Yoren stone, about her neck, you don't recognize it?", asked Keiron.

" Yoren... That's the stone from the legend. It's connected to the curse", Vincent replied "I remember it was stowed away in a secure place"

" The King died a few weeks ago, on the day of his Jankai", Keiron said.

My eyes were open now. I was in Vincent's bed. They were standing in the room, and didn't notice I was awake.

"So... The queen..", Vincent trailed off

" No.. She's alive."

Vincent was shocked. His expression revealed confusion.

"After you left, the king had a new hope for us. Our kind. He started searching for answers and seeking counsel from the great witches.... I guess he found something", said Keiron.

" What do you mean?", Vincent asked.

"The beast and the man are closely interwoven. During the Jankai, the beast grows strong, and dominates, killing the queen. But the link between beast and man is weakest", Keiron explained.

" He tried to perform a ritual using the Yoren stone. A ritual that would cut the link, and free the man of the beast", he paused.

"But it didn't work. The curse was strong. His spirit was forced out of his body instead", he said.

Keiron turned to me.

"With the help of a witch, his spirit is now stored in this world. I was trying to force it to the surface", he said looking at me.

Vincent traced his gaze to me. He was finally aware that I was awake. Then slowly, a look of realisation appeared on his face.

" So this....King.. He's inside me?", I asked, feeling grossed out.

"He didn't surface. I have to take her back. I don't have much time. The witch said there might be a chance to still put his spirit back", said Keiron.

He was different. Not so crazy. I could almost sense sadness, hopelessness. Then something clicked in my head.

"Your world... What are you?", I asked

They exchanged looks. Vincent sighed with his head bent. Then he looked up.

" My people call us Loup-garous", he replied.

I gave him a puzzled look.

"We are... wolf-men", he explained

I wasn't sure how to react. Then my brain just.. winged it. I started to laugh. I laughed hard. They seemed unable to understand why.

" Oh so I finally get you to watch twilight and now you think you're a werewolf ", I said amidst laughs

" What's a twilight? ", Keiron asked Vincent.

" Not a werewolf.. A wolfman", Vincent argued.

"What's a werewolf?", Keiron asked.

All the while I was laughing. My eyes grew teary.

" Yeah.. Sure, wolf man... But we already have a wolf superhero, Wolverine? so it might be tough getting the crowd to carry that", I said, barely able to breathe.

"Of course. I should've told you before, because it wouldn't have made a difference", Vincent retorted.

" Yeah. This. This is a silly prank that you had planned out, AND, so well. It's probably the drugs you gave me. Which, my parents are gonna know of once they're home", I wasn't really laughing anymore.

"Where are the cameras? I'm not stupid", I said scanning the room.

" Shirley will not believe this. Wait.. Is my father in on this?", I paused, "How much did he pay you?", I asked Keiron.

Keiron leaned towards Vincent.

" This is all your fault really. I could've just taken her and brought her back in one piece. But you wanted to know everything. Now, she's gone mad", he said with a straight face.

He wasn't loud but I could hear. Then he walked out of the room. Vincent had a serious look on his face.

"Oh please... I'm not an idiot. You can't expect me to believe...", I trailed off.

He'd started to pull up his shirt. I looked away, as if it would be the first time. Then again, the first time could've been null, being all tensed up and bloody.

" Look at me", he said

I ignored him.

"Look", he ordered.

I turned around. His body was.. Like I imagined. And I imagined it good. But something was off. Only the day before, he had cuts on his left chest. But there was no bandage, or wound or even a scar. Nothing to show for that night.

In disbelief, I climbed out of bed and got close to him. I ran my hands over the areas to be sure. Taking a deep breath, I backed away calmly.

" I guess you have great skin", I said

"No, don't do that", Vincent said calmly

" Do what?"

"Act like you don't see me, the real me. You asked me for the truth. Don't act like you don't understand"

"Oh but I do understand. It's not real. None of this is. How could it be?"

I was having an anxiety attack. He held my wrists, and stared into my eyes.

"Monica, I understand you're scared. But I finally told you the truth about who I am...what I am. I don't have to feel like a fraud anymore. Please, I need you to understand", he said calmly.

" How can you expect me to understand?", I snapped.

"Vincent, this is.. Too much", I said articulately.

He let go of my wrists as I sat on the edge of the bed. Then he turned around and walked away without a word, leaving me to my thoughts.


Alright guys, I hope you liked this one. I think I like Keiron a little 😂. Please vote and share. Also leave a comment for me. More will come soon. 😊