

Kachi took a deep breath glanced at the square clock at the wall and bite her lip in consternation. Today's work day has been truncated by cranky customers with complicated orders and she had tried her possible best to carry out her work in the best way but Christ... She was so tired and her feet hurt so bad and to worsen the situation she was the only person on duty that day as her co- workers called in sick, therefore the mantle of responsibility was dropped on her tiny shoulders for the day. Serving the last customer with a shiny smile that hid how strained and exhausted she felt internally, she hoped he would be the last person she would attend to because apart from the fact her fingers were shaking from tiredness it was quite late already and she needed to head back home for school tomorrow , the school has given them a free day to recover from the excursion but she had opted to work on the free day to generate more funds. Throwing another glance at the clock she prayed for strength and swore lightly when the bell rang to announce the entrance of a costumer not only was the fact that she had to attend to an extra person but why did it have to be her worst enemy? Patrick!!! .

She discreetly watched him smile with his jerks of friends and clenched her fingers tightly wondering how she would serve them "what the hell would she do now? "Her mind screamed but before she could find a way out of her predicament her manager came round the counter wondering the reason for the delay .

" Hey kuddo there is one more person and his friends to serve and you're free to leave "

" I know sir but I really have to leave I bet I won't even catch a ride due to the late hour and I have been working non- stop all day" she complained trying to wiggle her way out from serving Patrick.

" I know kuddo " The manager began understandingly, " you have worked hard today and I promise to give you a raise in your next salary but take a look it's just a bunch of teenagers, I'm sure you would be done in a blinking of a minute " .

" Sir I'm no- "

" And I did you a favour " He continued hurriedly not allowing her to express more complaints " I already have their order all you have to do is to serve them and immediately they leave we're closing for the day, you have done an excellent job today kuddo keep up the good work " He finished off gave her a Pat at her head and walked back to his position where he could see everything happening in the place.

Taking a deep breath and stilling her spine for what she was about to do , she got their order ready and walked with measured steps to their table while holding tightly to the tray and wishing they would suddenly stand up and leave but she knew the possibility of that happening was second to none.

Kachi wasn't ashamed of her job ,as long as she wasn't doing anything illegal or immoral to sort herself out, she was satisfied and she wouldn't continue with it forever but Patrick was a dickhead who took pleasure in annoying her and she didn't know if she would be able to bear any of his rude snide remarks tonight because her emotions were literally at the edge at the moment.

Clearing her throat lightly to alight them on the arrival of their order, with lowered eyes she dropped their tray and hoped no one would recognize her but immediately she straightened to return back to her post Patrick snatched her fingers while mouthing her name with surprise written on his face

" Kachi!!! gosh this is the last place I expected to see you, I didn't know you worked here " He said looking her over on her short cute uniform wear of the eatry.

Kachi slowly withdraw her hands back not looking at him and wondered why he looked so surprised to see her working " Your orders sir's " She said in her professional voice completely ignoring him and his words " And don't hesitate to notify me if you need any other thing " .

" You work and yet you still come out with great grades wow" another mouthed and they all forgot about their order as everyone of them stopped to stare at kachi while she squirmed wanting to be out of there as sooner as possible.

" Well if that's all I would ret- " .

" That's not all " Patrick interrupted her abruptly " You ignored my previous words " .

" Tsk I don't know what to say to you sir and I'm not obligated to answer your every questions " .

" Christ why do you always turn everything into an argument? I'm trying to have a reasonable conversation with you but you always end up fighting me why?? " He fired in question.

Kachi was so glad when her manager intervaned because she was clueless on how to handle the issue " Why the heck was he so mad that she ignored him? " .

" Do we have a problem " ? The manger asked facing kachi.

" No sir the customer is merely freting over a non existent problem " .

" Damn you kachi I don't fret and yes there is problem " .

" Bro bro you would get her in trouble " His friends wishpered in his ears but kachi heard it loud and clear.

" Kachi you know customers are always right what have you done this time? Did you give them a wrong order? "

Kachi's heart was thumping now being blamed for doing nothing wrong and all thanks to Patrick!!! .

" No sir she did nothing wrong , it's me " Patrick added slowly to the manger " I am the one that raised my voice first " .

" Oh alright that's dandy then, kachi you can go back to your post " She obliged while throwing daggers at the direction of Patrick.

Soon enough they all ate and left kachi sighed in relief when the manager finally clicked the " Closed sign " . Thinking of her bed and ignoring the cold weather she strod determinedly to her home , she stopped with a start when she saw a shadow trailing her but thinking of it as nothing she continued on and suddenly stopped right in her tracks when she felt rough hands grab at her waist lifted her up and blindfolded her eyes astonished and scared for her life, she shouted with every remaining strength left in her but the words she heard next chilled her to her bones.

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