
Chapter 51 : Friendly Visit


When the final chime of my shift sang out, I untied my apron with a sense of finality, the fabric heavy with the scent of roasted beans and sweet syrups. As I stepped into the brisk evening air, a shiver chased up my spine from the chill and I wrapped my coat tighter around me to prevent the wind from cutting through.

Before I turned the corner, I felt the familiar buzz of my phone in the pocket of my jacket. Rachel's name flashed across the screen, piercing the veil of avoidance I'd carefully crafted around myself. Perhaps I was finally starting to let the grief for losing my dreams behind me, or maybe I just really missed her, but I swiped the answer icon before doubt could reclaim me.


"Li-Lily?" The voice on the other end trembled. "You answered," she breathed, relief coating her tone.

"Hi, Rachel..." My heart constricted, guilt taking hold of me as I heard how desolated she sounded. "I'm sorry. I just—"