
Chapter 47 : End of a Dream


The moment the class was interrupted by a slight knock on the door the next morning, I did not expect that my day would take a completely different turn.

I knew something was amiss when a young lady handed Professor Calhoun a note and he nodded, his eyes flicking around the classroom and finding me. The space seemed to constrict around me, the walls pressing in with a weight I couldn't shake off.

I could feel everyone watching and tracing the trajectory from the unreadable expression on the professor's face to my trembling hands.

Professor Calhoun nodded subtly toward the exit, his eyebrows furrowed. "Miss Everhart," he said, his voice penetrating the hushed murmurs that had erupted in the room, "the Dean requires your presence."

Fear gripped me with such intensity, a cold knot forming in the pit of my stomach, that I was motionless for a second, waiting for my brain to digest the news.