
Chapter 42 : Holiday Break


The karaoke night had taken a turn I would never have expected in a million years. Before I could wrap my mind around what was happening, I was pinned to a wall outside of the bar, Adrian lavishing me with his kisses and intoxicating touch.

Feeling the heat of his body pressed against me made me temporarily lethargic, as if I couldn't think properly. His touch sparked a rebellion in my flesh, demanding indulgence, but my mind screamed for me to stop, to pull him away.

My scholarship—my future—depended on keeping my distance from him. Yet, when agony swam in his eyes and he confessed his misery, a pang of guilt twisted inside me like a knife. I was the one responsible for it, and for some reason beyond myself, I couldn't push him away.

"I miss you so much," Adrian had confessed. "How can you do this to us, huh? How can you pretend this is not real?"