
Fragment of Reality

“This world is so pathetic, everyday is consecutively the same, yet we still are anticipating for what is to come. Why is that? Is it because we are so immersed into this pitiful world of ours, or are we just utter fools?” Fragment of Reality is a riveting dark fantasy, adventure, thriller novel that follows the journey of a young man named Kuro, who embarks on a perilous quest to uncover the true meaning of existence. At the beginning of the novel, Kuro is depicted as a generic character, with little depth or complexity. However, as the story progresses, Kuro begins to develop a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world around him, which leads him on a journey of self-discovery. As Kuro travels deeper into the unknown, he confronts the ultimate question of existence: What is the purpose of life? Is there a grand design that governs our existence, or are we merely random elements in a chaotic universe? Through his encounters with various characters, Kuro comes to understand that the answer to this question is not straightforward, and that the meaning of existence is a complex and multifaceted concept that can only be approached through experience.——

shougofr · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

The Test (part 4)

Karl and I exchange glances with one another before simultaneously turning back towards the table, as we try to absorb all that Lawrence said, and to figure out how to get through this first round.

We then look over at all the candidates sitting on the tables around us, wondering to ourselves how we'll get past this.

I turn my head and catch Karl looking towards me as he soon begins to speak up to Lawrence.

- "So you are saying that our only objective is to eliminate our opponents, and survive?" Karl says. "What would be the required amount of candidates needed to eliminate?" He goes on.

Lawrence grins, seemingly anticipating Karl's question. He answers him without hesitation.

- "Great question." He says in an amused tone. "As for this portion of the test, we will not be looking for a specific requirement of eliminatations, rather we will be examining those who are capable of defeating their opponents on their own terms uniquely." Lawrence explains. "In actuality, however, eliminating other candidates wouldn't be your only objective, but we will also be examining your intelligence, technique, and adaptibily towards different occasions." Lawrence goes on.

- "Now, this does not necessarily mean that it wouldn't be practical to focus on eliminating the opposing groups, but naturally I believe that one who is capable of joining the Scourge would have the courage to defeat the opposition and able to handle the situations they are presented with the least resistance." He finishes.

This answer seems to confuse Karl and I, as the latter of us were quite skeptical of this explanation, but nevertheless decide not to interrupt Lawrence. I know for certain that both of us are capable of defeating the others if need be, though I don't want to make assumptions just yet.

The silence between us continues for a while, as neither Karl nor I attempt to reply. Instead, we just sit and listen to Lawrence continue on explaining the procedures of this second phase to us. After a while Lawrence finally comes to an end and declares that we will be expected to start immediately.

- "Before we set off, I want you all to review the information given to you beforehand regarding the procedure." He states.

We all nod in agreement and proceed to read through the relevant information regarding the test.

After scanning the content thoroughly, the majority of us agree that it doesn't give much information at all.

Now that I've thought about it, it seems that this portion of the test seems rather easy compared to what we've faced earlier. However, this isn't enough to stop us from preparing ourselves for the worst nonetheless. Our priority for this task is to survive and ensure we are prepared to take care of whatever might come to us.

The rest of the instructions are not important to us anyway; after all, it all boils down to how we perform and execute it ourselves. The Scourge is looking for candidates of uniqueness and ability, not of quantity, which means that in order to pass this level of the test, Karl and I must project individuality so that we stand out of all other candidates.

This is why we can't simply follow a list of rules in this second phase, we must find our own unique style of battle. If this is possible, we could even create our own individual abilities to overcome our known weaknesses. I am sure that the Scourge is testing us to see if we can think outside

of the box, in order to achieve a higher standard of performance.

Once we've finished reviewing all of the information in the documents, Lawrence starts to address the crowd again.

- "Now that we have confirmed your readiness, we will depart on our way." He says. "Be sure to follow the rules and regulations in place within the trial and do not deviate from the designated protocol."

- "Understood," the remaining members of the group respond unanimously.

- "All participants, please follow me." Lawrence announces.

I watch as Lawrence leads the group into the corridor that will eventually lead to the exit, which happens to be near where we're sitting at the moment.

After he exits the room and closes the door, he then turns and faces us again, causing the rest of us to follow suit. I realize right away that he is still eyeing us as though trying to determine what we plan to do.

It's obvious he believes we are planning something, and is trying to ascertain what our intentions are. Though I suppose it's a good thing he has suspected our motives; this means that he will assert close attention to us during the trial, which is exactly what we're hoping for.

Lawrence then turns around after a short pause to address us once more.

- "You may now proceed into the corridor ahead. The trial chamber is located on your left. Remember to follow the rules and regulations that I have explained to you prior." He says.

With that, Lawrence turns and disappears in the hall that was leading into the room.

We immediately turn our heads and begin making our way down the hallway to follow Lawrence.

After passing through several doors and corridors that appear identical to the last, we arrive at the final door located at the end of the hallway.

Lawrence opens the door and motions for us to follow him inside. As each of us begin to walk through the door, we enter an unilluminated hallway filled with dark grey concrete walls, floors, and ceilings. Although the entire room is completely deserted, I can still sense some presence lurking somewhere nearby, giving off a chill that is very noticeable.

The hallways stretch beyond our reach in every direction. It appears that the corridor is actually stretching out for miles. Even though there are multiple directions leading to different parts of the complex, it feels as if we are lost in the labyrinthine maze.

I glance back and notice that the other candidates had begun following behind us, with many of them walking backwards in hopes of being able to keep track of who is in front of them and vice versa.

Our progress along this dark and gloomy path continues for about fifteen minutes until the presence we had been sensing earlier becomes noticeably stronger.

Lawrence doesn't seem to notice the increase of presence or anything else that's going on around us. Instead, he simply continues moving forward with ease, almost as though he has never seen any of this happening either.

I'm starting to wonder whether Lawrence is aware what the presence is, because it is becoming increasingly evident to me that he's hiding something from us.

Suddenly I notice that the others are slowing down slightly, as though they can detect a subtle change in the surroundings. My eyes widen as I notice I sudden light approaching from somewhere far off in the distance.

Just then I hear the sound of footsteps coming toward us, causing my heart rate to quickly increase.

As the light slowly begins to illuminate inside of the room, the sound of feet rapidly clambering over the ground becomes louder and louder, until we arrive face to face with an appearance which I find extremely fimiliar.

I sigh in relief as the figure steps closer into view, and it becomes clear who exactly I had been expecting to see. A slight grin appears upon my face.

The man whom appears before us is none other than Vincent Kurtz himself.