
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · Thành thị
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69 Chs

Tipsy Talk (2)

"Your head will burst like a firework once I pull the trigger."

Kathrina pressed the gun against Arthur's skin, making the man lift his head until it was entirely supported by the headrest of the couch.

Arthur could not contain his laughter anymore that his body shook, which made Kathrina hold his shoulder blade to maintain her balance.

"How dare you laugh!" Kathrina barked like she usually did to the criminal.

She got to her feet and repositioned herself to straddle him. Then her hand went to the back of his head, forcing him to look at her. After that, Kathrina placed the rifle on the right side of his head.

"This way, the bullet will go straight to your brain." She whispered lowly, almost sounding like she was threatening him.

Arthur cracked a grin, finding her drunken antics to be quite amusing. "You are free to shoot me, Kathrina. I already said it before."

His voice was like a seduction from an incubus; it allured her slowly to give in and commit a great mistake while basking in pleasure.

Kathrina's showed an annoyed expression, then she said. "Stop talking like that. You are ruining my concentration." She told him, then smacked him out of impulse.

Arthur was rendered speechless due to the blow she delivered to the back of his head.

"Did you just hit me?" Arthur asked with disbelief in his tone. He put his hand to the spot where Kathrina had struck him.

"Why? You don't like it?" Kathrina looked completely unconcerned as she blinked her eyes innocently while tilting her head. "If you had behaved like a good boy, I wouldn't do that. But you are so bad." She complained like a kid.

"I did not-"

"You did. You have been seducing me like a devil."

"I did?"

"Stop talking. I need to concentrate before I pull the trigger."

Kathrina put her index finger in front of his lips and tightened her grip on the gun in her hand. She took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling, before pulling the trigger.


After hearing the sound, Arthur's pupils dilated, and his mouth was agape. Shock filled his entire being after knowing Kathrina had almost taken his life. However, he found her to be super irresistible at the moment. The expression on her face when she was focused on him caused something to stir inside him—making him want to claim her as his.

"You did not expect it, right?" Kathrina inquired while giggling like a high school girl when they saw their crush walk in front of their class. She felt good after seeing the shock on his face.

Arthur took the gun from her, who then hurled it to the floor. Then he straightened his body, placed his hands on her slender waist, and pulled her closer to him until he could get a whiff of the alcohol from her.

"Do you know what I am thinking right now?" Instead of answering her question, he posed another one for her.

"Wh..what?" Kathrina's voice quivered as she felt his palm slide down to rest on her nape. They were so close, closer than they did before. An alarm started to blaze in her mind, yet she ignored it.

"I wanted to devour those lips of yours." He stated in a shallow voice, so low that Kathrina thought she had heard him wrong.

Kathrina's mind was muddled, not only from alcohol but also from Arthur's soft stroke on her waist. She bit her lips, not knowing what to do with the sudden surge to embrace Arthur's body and beg him to venture into her body like he was on an adventure.

She should be scared now because she was almost on the dangerous line, but surprisingly, not even the slightest bit of trepidation had crept into her heart.

Kathrina did not know where her bravery came from, but her hands had successfully circled his neck.

"Then what's stopping you?" She whispered right beside his ears.

Arthur's gaze darkened at her question. He yanked her back, making them lock eyes. "I don't want to kiss a drunk woman." He said it with his teeth clenched tightly together.

"Really?" Kathrina was sure she would regret everything she did tomorrow, but she could deal with it later. "Should I make a move on you?" She knew she was playing with fire, and if she was not careful, she could get burned.

Her fingers slowly traced the outline of his lips until Arthur's groans assaulted her senses. She raised her eyes and was rewarded with the sight of a pained expression on his face. It gave her a great deal of satisfaction.

"Stop it," he said sternly. Arthur could see his control had started to walk away from him, ready to wave their goodbye in a matter of seconds. He closed his eyes to regain his composure. He had promised to keep her safe, so he would not do anything without her permission.

The glee that could be seen in Kathrina's eyes was palpable. She disregarded his warning and leaned in toward him until the apex of their nose touched each other. "Are you sure?"

"One hundred percent." Arthur was amazed at how quickly he responded.

"Hmm." She hummed in response and pushed her head back.

Kathrina's action made Arthur let out a sigh of relief. Finally, he could catch his breath.

"Hey, Arthur…."

Arthur turned his attention back to Kathrina and saw her expression had changed to gloomy. Instantly his gaze softened at her.

"Why? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Kathrina shook her head in response. She wrapped her arms around his body, trying to steal his body heat as much as possible to warm hers. "Thank you."

Arthur hugged her back after hearing what she said. His hands did not stop moving to give her back a tender stroke. He felt her nuzzle her nose against the crock of his neck. Her warm breath hit him multiple times, making him shiver.

"You smell nice," Kathrina mumbled while sniffing his aroma more. She was surprised at the fact that Arthur's aroma had the same calm effect as her mother's. It was perfect that she was drunk from it.

'Don't get confused. You are drunk because of vodka.' Her little sanity reminded her.

"You also smell nice."

Kathrina shook her head slightly. "You are lying."

"I'm not." Almost immediately, he refuted what Kathrina had said. But no response came from Kathrina as he could feel her breathing turn steadier than before. He glanced over to his side and saw that she had closed her eyes.

Arthur's mouth curled up into a smile. He kept their position as his mind wandered to the moment Kathrina cried. The scene played vividly in his mind even the anguish he felt started to come back again.

"I think I really like you."

Arthur's words were intended only to be drowned by night, but unexpectedly Kathrina heard him. A sincere smile bloomed on her lips, then she said. "I think I hate you less." After that, she went into dreamland.