
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · Thành thị
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69 Chs


The light in the bar was dim, and the music drummed loudly. The people in the bar were dancing and drinking. The atmosphere was festive, and several screams from people mixed with the music.

While most people were enjoying themselves, Jenna sat alone, facing the bartender. She was here not to have fun but to vent her sorrow.

All this time, Jenna had been pretending that her breakup did not affect her, that she was done being sad and hurt, and that she was very much willing to start a new relationship. However, everything was merely lip service to ease the worries of people around her.

She had been in love with Thomas for a long time, and she had dreamed about their little family. Yet, everything crumbled right before her eyes in the form of a cheating partner. She thought five years was enough to make Thomas think twice before acting, but the man used something between his legs rather than his brain.

To think she even gave him the benefit of the doubt made her feel like a clown. She was desperate to cling to an impossible hope that Thomas did not do that to her. She was overly confident that their love was strong enough and nothing could shake it. But now, it proved how wrong she was. Only her love grew firm with each passing time, while his withered until there was nothing left.

Tears were brimming in Jenna's eyes, and she blinked away. She lifted her hands, brought the martini glass into her mouth, and gulped the liquid. It was her second glass for tonight, and she had already felt dizzy. Jenna usually did not drink unless for socializing in the upper-class circle. Hence she was not a heavy drinker.

She dropped the glass, looked at the bartender, and then said, "Give me more."

The bartender looked at her as he was unsure that the woman could take more alcohol in her system. "Are you sure, Miss?"

"One hundred percent, hick." Jenna said, then hiccupped. Her blue eyes looked dazzled, and her face turned even redder like a ripe tomato.

"I think you should stop drinking." Came a baritone voice to catch Jenna's attention.

Jenna jerked her head and saw an excellent specimen was sitting beside her. The man had a pair of gray eyes that emitted an air of mystery. He wore an ash black button-up shirt paired with slim-fit chinos. The man's hair was a bit messy.

"Me?" Jenna asked while pointing at herself.

"Yes. I am talking with you, Miss…."

Hearing that the man trailed his words like that made Jenna scoff. The man made it evident that he wanted to know her name. Since Jenna was not entirely in her right mind, she told him her name carelessly. "Jenna."

"Jenna," he said. Her name rolled out from his tongue smoothly. "I am Dion, by the way," Dion added.

Dion squinted his eyes, observing Jenna from head to toe. The woman wore skinny jeans with a navy blouse that hugged her body perfectly, showing her delicious curve. Her red hair cascaded on her back. The twinkle lights of the bar shone on her hair, giving the illusion that her hair was like a burning fire.

Dion's mouth curled up in a satisfied smile. Jenna was exactly his type. Although she was a Reed, it did not matter. He would get her for himself and also use her at the same time. Since Arthur did not want to do that with Kathrina, he would do it.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Jenna asked while pointing at his mouth. However, in her current state, she could not predict how far their actual gap was, so she ended up touching his lips.

Dion was beyond surprised when Jenna's finger grazed his lips in a soft touch. He was at a loss for words, and a sudden urge burst in his body that ordered him to lick the woman's finger.

Strangely, Jenna did not stop touching his lips. Instead, the woman brazenly stroked it tenderly as if she was luring Dion into the dark. Jenna's blue eyes lifted to meet his, then she said. "You have a soft lip."

A hearty chuckle left Dion's mouth, and he inched closer to her. "I do. Are you not curious what my soft lips taste like?"

Jenna's mind worked far slower due to the influence of alcohol. She could only digest Dion's words after a solid minute in silence. "Not really," she answered shortly.

Dion moved from his chair and stood before asking again, "Really?" His eyes glimmered with mischief.

Jenna placed her fingers below her lips, giving the impression that she was thinking deeply when she was not thinking at all. "Maybe a little?" She answered, followed by a giggle.

"Want a taste?" Dion's face suddenly was so close to hers that they exchanged breaths. He could hear her soft breathing and feel the warmth of her body. She was so close; he could almost taste her.

"If you want to, then okay."

Jenna was unaware that what she said was like an invitation to a beast. At the same time, Dion's smile grew wider and wider with each passing time.

"I'll let you have a taste," Dion said, making Jenna look at him in bewilderment. Nonetheless, the woman still nodded.

Dion's head dipped lower, his lips brushed against hers, making a soft moan escape her mouth, and he pulled her closer. He watched the change in her expression from confused to one with a content smile. And that was his sign of continuing.

His tongue darted out and licked the seam of her lips. She opened for him, and their tongues tangled together, trying to dominate each other. Jenna could feel his hand on her back, pulling her closer as he deepened the kiss. She moaned in pleasure as his hand brushed over her breast, her body igniting in desire.

Jenna pushed him gently as she tried to catch her breath. Her vision was blurry, but her senses were heightened. "Wow," she let the word slip from her mouth.

"Wow," Dion mimicked her. He liked the taste of her lips. It was so soft, and mixing it with the taste of the margarita she drank was like a lethal combination.

Jenna giggled again, and she covered it with the palm of her hands. She was not expecting to get kissed tonight, all she wanted was to cry for her scumbag ex-boyfriend, but life, indeed, loved to surprise her.

"Do you want to come with me?" Dion asked. He would not lie that he did not feel an ounce of lust toward her. In fact, he was very much attracted to her sexually.

Although she was intoxicated, thankfully, Jenna could still think that the offer was dangerous. "No. You are a stranger."

"I already told you my name."

Jenna smiled slightly, "Well, that does not erase the fact that you are someone I just met. What if you are a serial killer and looking for a victim? And I happened to be the perfect one."

"You have a very imaginative mind, Jenna." Dion wanted to hold her hands when the woman staggered, but Jenna brushed his hand off.

"I kissed you because I miss my ex-boyfriend." Jenna blurted, taking Dion off guard.

"You what?" Disbelief was covering his voice, and his face showed that he did not believe what he had heard.

"You hear me. So, let's end everything here. After all, tomorrow, I won't have any recollection of the kiss." Jenna explained. She was honest. Most of the time, she did not remember what happened to her when she was drunk.

"Let me help you out then." Dion offered his hand for her to take, but the woman was stubborn. She pushed her way out alone, passing a bunch of people who were high as kites.

Dion did not give up. He trailed behind her. Ensure the woman would not encounter a problem until the exit door.

When she saw the door to the outside, Jenna beamed. She increased her pace. Then, someone suddenly walked past, hitting her shoulder, making her lose her balance, and she fell into the warm and hard body behind her.

"You should have taken my hand, Jenna."

Jenna and Dion kissed even before Kathrina and Arthur did haha.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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