
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · Thành thị
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69 Chs

Redhead (2)

In the end, Jenna accepts Dion's help. She let him lead her out with his arm embracing her shoulder. Then, unconsciously, Jenna leaned on him. Her nose touched his neck, inhaling the musky aroma that somehow had a calming effect.

"You have soft lips and smell nice," Jenna grumbled as though she was pissed that the man had two qualities she wanted.

Dion lowered his eyes to look at the woman who walked beside him with her eyes closed. "You also smell nice. Fresh like a strawberry." He praised her in return.

When they kissed before, the strawberry scent assaulted his senses like a flood. And for someone who usually did not like the strawberry smell, he found it pleasing when it came from her.

"Did you bring your car?" Dion nodded at the bouncer when they exited the bar.

"I didn't."

"I will take you home. Give me your address." Dion knew where she stayed and where her family's house was, but he asked just for formality to make it less creepy for her.

Jenna pondered for a moment. The home was not her best choice since the helper would tell her parents that she went home drunk. However, her apartment was not a good option too, so Kathrina's place was the best choice.

Jenna bobbed her head as she agreed with her reasoning. "Centre Palace Apartments."

"Okay," Dion said, then they walked to the parking area.

Dion opened the door for her, putting his palm above her to avoid bumping her head. Afterward, he went into the driving seat and smoothly buckled his seat belt.

He glanced at the woman who had fallen asleep soundly. She sure did not mind lowering her guard for someone who accused him as a serial killer. He reached for the seat belt and helped her to fasten it.

Once again, the strawberry aroma mixing with alcohol invaded his nose like a tornado making him groan in response. Dion closed his eyes, trying to clear his mind from the dirty image of Jenna naked under him.

For a while, he remained silent to gain his composure back. Then after he was sure there was nothing in his brain anymore, he started the engine and left for the apartment.

After driving for twenty minutes, Dion suddenly heard a sobbing sound from the woman beside him. He peeked at her and saw that she was crying like a child, which made him frown at her action.

"Why are you crying?"

Jenna gazed at Dion with her teary eyes; somehow, her tears could not stop when she looked at him. She wanted to vomit all the pain inside her, and the man in the driving seat seemed to be the perfect trash bin since he was a stranger.

"Do you want to know? Really?" Her tone turned like a kid's.

"Tell me."

With that, Jenna started her long story about her ex-boyfriend. "Can you believe it? He cheated on me after five years of being together. We were supposed to marry each other and have happily ever after, like in a Disney movie. How could he do that to me!" Jenna screamed in agony.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but life is not a movie," Dion said.

"But I love him so much. How could he throw the love I give him like it's useless."

"Well, love is useless."

What Dion said earned a light punch on his arm from Jenna.

"You are supposed to listen, not give a dumb comment."

"How is it dumb? I am merely stating the fact. Neither love can't feed you nor bring you wealth, so it's pretty much useless." Dion stated. He believed the supposed four magical words meant nothing.

"You never fall in love, aren't you?" Jenna questioned with a suspicious tone. "One day, you will fall for someone so helplessly, Dion. Believe me. You will."

He shook his head to deny Jenna's words. "I can't wait." He said sarcastically.

Jenna rolled her eyes and went back to the previous topic. Jenna talked so much that her voice started to hurt Dion's eyes. The woman cursed and cried from time to time, and she also hit him as if he was her ex.

Jenna stopped as the exhaustion ate her away, and she caught him and took a quick glance at her. "Thank you," she mouthed the words and went to sleep. She felt free, her anguish for the last few months finally out of her chest.

"I'm sorry," Dion said. He had to apologize first for what he planned to do with her. He was cruel, yes, but it was imperative for the success of the revenge plan.

The car was filled only with silence for the rest of the journey.


The bel of Kathrina's apartment rang loudly, which made the woman jump in shock. Her eyes moved frantically around the area, but there was nothing there except herself. She exhaled in relief.

The bell kept ringing nonstop until Kathrina glared at her front door. Whoever decided to visit at midnight like this must have lost their mind. She dragged her foot to open the door and greet the rude visitors.

"Jenna?" It was the first-word Kathrina could utter when she opened the door.

Jenna was standing in front of her door with her eyes closed, completely losing herself in slumber. Kathrina could not believe that her cousin had the power to sleep while standing. "Who takes you home, Jen?"

Kathrina stepped out and looked to the left and right to search for someone, yet she could not find anyone, which aroused her suspicion. "Who took you home?" she asked again as she held Jenna's waist to lead her in.

"A man who's more handsome than my ex, hehehe." Surprisingly Jenna could talk despite her unstable condition. She even mentioned her ex-boyfriend.

"Compared to my neighbor, who's more handsome?" Kathrina almost wanted to slap herself. Why would she even ask such a question? She knew she should stop thinking about that man, but her mind obviously resisted complying.

Jenna abruptly halted, opened her eyes, and said, "You are thinking about your neighbor in the middle of the night." Jenna talked like she was completely sober. "You are so into him, Kath." Jenna pointed, then lost her strength and dropped to the floor.

"What the hell, Jenna!" Kathrina exclaimed. She placed her hand on her waist and did not do anything but watch Jenna curl like a baby in the ground.

Kathrina put a blanket over Jenna's body, leaving the woman to sleep there. That was Jenna's punishment for running her mouth as she pleased.

Kathrina did not want to dwell on what Jenna had said, so she decided to continue her sleep. Maybe tomorrow, everything would be okay, and her heart would freeze again.

Little did she know that her longing would only pile up in her heart and then would burst out like a volcano.

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