
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · Thành thị
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69 Chs

Realization Always Came Too Late

"Get in, Detective," Arthur said with a flat tone.

And Kathrina's heart dipped into the ocean.

While holding her breath, Kathrina reluctantly dragged her feet to move into the elevator. She did not like the current situation even a bit. It was like being trapped in a deserted place between two people who were close to each other, and there was she. She was just there like an idiot, playing as an additional person to make the situation a bit merrier.

Arthur was feeling almost the same. He felt tortured not to be able to talk with her like usual. It was painful. When he sensed that Kathrina had no intention of pressing the number to her floor, he did it on her behalf. His sister on his right looked at him in question. He knew that a number of questions were playing in Ariel's head.

"Who?" Ariel asked with a hushed tone. Then, she peeked at Kathrina and noticed that the woman was gorgeous.

"Neighbor," Arthur replied shortly, and Ariel snorted because she did not believe him.

Ariel and his mother only arrived today in Centre City, and after giving the file to Kathrina, Arthur planned to leave the apartment for the time being in order to train his heart, so it wouldn't turn soft every time she was near.

Today he was supposed to meet Kathrina only for the case file, but who would have thought they would meet each other like this? He glanced at Kathrina and saw her leaning on the wall while playing with her nails. He assumed she must be feeling awkward, and she probably thought he was with a new woman.

If Kathrina did think Ariel was a new woman in his life, then Arthur would not correct it. It was better like that. Then the probability of her taking him when he wavered would be null.

'You are doing a great job, Arthur. You did the right thing.' He chanted those words in his head multiple times like some mantra

When the elevator indicator showed 20, Arthur removed Ariel's hand from his waist. He told her, "Wait for me in my unit." Then he ruffled his sister's hair affectionately.

Witnessing all of Arthur's treatment toward the other woman almost made Kathrina want to open the elevator door herself. She was burning inside; all she needed was water to subside the fire that threatened to burn everyone.


The elevator door opened smoothly, and Kathrina walked out in a flash as though someone was cashing her.

"You have many things to explain, so I'll wait patiently," Ariel said with a fake soft tone. She more or so could grasp the situation between her brother and the short hair woman. They were probably in the phase of push and pull. So, she did a little trick to make their process move faster. Maybe the short hair woman could take her brother's heart fully.

Little did she know that her brother's heart had already melted because of Kathrina.

Ariel watched as her brother followed the short hair woman's step. She smiled and prayed in her heart that whatever happened, it would end up with happiness as a result.

"Detective, wait," Arthur called.

Kathrina stopped. Never in her life that she thinks the word detective could irritate her to this level. It was she who asked him to stay away, but now when he did, it seemed like a part of her screaming in agony. The whole thing about Arthur made Kathrina uneasy. He had power over her, and she was scared that if it kept growing, she would lose her control entirely over him.

"Yes?" She responded calmly. Fortunately, Kathrina managed to swallow the molten lava that was about to burst from her.

Arthur took something from his briefcase and handed the brown envelope to her. "This is the information about the alarm and the people who asked to hack the system." He spoke.

Arthur got the information from Miller today. Apparently, it was Miller's client who asked people from Miller's company to steal the program and use it against him.

The client was Xander Lowe. He did not know him at all and had never met him in person, so there was no reason for him to attack FSS. Therefore, Xander only did it to sabotage Marcella's safety.

Kathrina took the file in her hands, then lifted her eyes to look straight into Arthur. "Thank you."

Arthur exhaled from his mouth and spoke again, "Then everything is clear, Detective. After this, there is no reason for us to meet anymore." As he said, a flash of surprise passed Kathrina's face, but she concealed it quickly. Arthur added, "I hope the file will help you solve the case."

Kathrina did not know what to say. Arthur's words about not meeting each other anymore were stuck in her brain, forcing her to stop thinking and digest everything slowly as if she was terrified that she had heard wrong.

Seeing that there was no reaction from Kathrina, Arthur then took a step back. "Enjoy the rest of your day, Detective."

When Arthur turned his back on her, Kathrina's impulse worked faster, and she held the fabric of his suit to prevent him from leaving.

What Kathrina did blew Arthur's mind. All this time, he held her from leaving his side, and she always played as the other party who left him longing for her.

Arthur spun around and watched Kathrina with her head lowered and her shoulder slumped like a kid who had lost their precious toys. The state of Kathrina made him want to embrace her in his arms and whisper tons of sweet words into her ears.

"What's wrong, Detective?" Arthur asked with a strained voice. If Kathrina asked him to stay even just for a while, Arthur might throw his perfect revenge plan into the trash bin.

Kathrina honestly did not know what to say. She wanted to ask about the dinner offer, but it seemed wrong to do that since it was clear that he did not want them to meet again.

'Why did you even hold him back? That is what you want, for him to stay away from you. So, don't act pitiful right now.' Kathrina scolded herself. She had no right to prevent him from leaving.

"Oh, nothing." She uttered a lie with a diplomate smile plastered in her mouth.

The response from her brought disappointment to Arthur. He did not know why he bothered to hope.

"Okay then, Detective.

With that, Arthur walked away. The once close gap between them was erased. Now their distance would only grow even farther.

Kathrina watched Arthur's back slowly fade from her line of vision. It was a painful thing to see, but she forbade herself to avert her gaze. She wanted to see how the man she had a feeling for slipped away from her grasp.

"You have feelings for him. Perfect, Kathrina."

Unfortunately, she admitted the ugly thing in her heart way too late. It was ugly because she could not control it. It was ugly because it made her insane.

Now, Kathrina felt like crying.

Finally almost over with the first arc.

I can wait to share about their relationship progress and to unveil Kathrina’s past little by little.

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