
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · Thành thị
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69 Chs

Investigating (2)

"She went so far as to request extra protection from FSS. Perhaps you know the reason?"

John's head shook to imply that he had no idea about the problem, but the look in his eyes suggested that he was hesitating.

"Are you even her manager?" Kathrina attacked him and snickered when she saw the flash of anger in his orbs.

"Of course I am. I was the one who made Marcella into a big star!" His intonation rose without him even being aware. He felt like the woman was discrediting his hard work as Marcella's manager. John did not like it when people undermined his effort to bring fame to Marcella's name. He was the sole reason the dirties girl on the road could be a shining diamond.

John's answer was different from what Kathrina had expected. She believed the man must have misunderstood her question. But Kathrina did not bother to explain herself. Maybe, this way, she could get more information.

"Oh really? Everyone believed Marcella's talent was the reason she managed to rise in popularity." One of Kathrina's brows was elevated, and a smirk could be seen dancing in her mouth.

John rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue in annoyance. These detectives were no different from the rest of the people who thought surviving in the entertainment industry with only talent was easy. They had no idea that so many aspiring artists never had the opportunity to show their talent to the world.

"I helped her with everything, Detective. Even if she did not have a talent, she could be a big star if she had me as her manager." John's harmless answer brought a wider smile to both Theo and Kathrina.

"Did you get in through the back door?"

When John managed to digest the meaning of Theo's words, he immediately lost his words. John blinked several times as he realized he had just said something he should not even mention to anyone, especially not to detectives.

"Cat got your tongue, Mr. Harris?" Kathrina taunted him, making John stare at her like she was a thorn in his thumb that he could not wait to get rid of.

"These days, who does not use their connection?" John posed a rhetorical question instead of answering the detectives.

"I presume my question was a bit ambiguous to you. So, let me rephrase it again. Are you involved in a shady business with your so-called connection just to make your artist bigger?"

John's breath stuck in his throat, his heart pumping hard. He opened his mouth to speak, yet no sound came out from him. He was like a fish that was trying to breathe on the land.

"Mr. Harris, where were you on the night she died? Were you with her, watching as she exhaled her last breath?" Theo accused him. He deliberately puts pressure on John's mind to make the man feel concerned and expose something.

"Be careful with your tone, Detective." Instantaneously, John's stare hardened into a glare. Gone was the nervousness on his body, only leaving a calm and collected man. "I never left my home on the day she died. If you don't believe me, knock on my neighbor's door and ask them to confirm."

Kathrina bobbed her head to Theo, giving a sign to stop asking about John's whereabouts. After that, Kathrina leaned entirely on the couch, giving the impression that she was sitting comfortably in her own place.

"For now, let's say your statement is true so we can move on to the next question." She noticed John looked away; his face continued showing signs of displeasure. "Does she have an enemy? One who wanted her dead."

Frown frowned on John's forehead as he seemed to think deeply about her question. "I am not sure about an enemy, but she does have a competitor in the industry." Seeing the Detective's reaction, John knew they were interested in the said competitor. "It's Angela Kane."

Kathrina turned her head to face Theo and whispered to him, "Do you know Angela?" which Theo answered with a simple hum.

"Please describe their relationship."

John's reply came as soon as Kathrina was done with her instruction. "The very thought of seeing each other makes them sick to their stomachs."

"Do you think Angela's hatred toward Marcella is enough to make her kill Marcella?"

Kathrina's question made John realize that Marcella's case was not a simple suicide anymore. Instead, they were heading more toward the murderer possibility. He was unsure at first, but now he was certain.

"I am not sure about that, Detective. Angela is the best person to ask if you want to learn more about their relationship." John was done with them. He did not want to be included in Marcella's case anymore. "I assure you, Detective. I don't have the answer to solve your case, so you can start looking elsewhere."

"Don't take us as a fool. I know you are hiding something." Theo continued looking at him intently, saying, "And believe me, we will find it."

"Both of you are free to try, but you won't be able to find anything because I really don't know anything. The two of you are targeting the wrong person." John talked back without feeling afraid as if he was confident that they wouldn't be able to detect any dirt in him. "I guess we are done, Detective. I have said everything I know. Therefore I beg you to let me mourn for Marcella in peace."

Kathrina almost choked on her own spit when John said he wanted to mourn. The man acted as if he cared for his artist, but Kathrina knew there was no ounce of feeling for Marcella. He only saw Marcella as his personal ATM.

"To lose one of your money sources must hurt your heart deeply, Mr. Harris. For that, I offer my condolence." Her tone and face were devoid of emotion which caused John's face to flush with rage; nonetheless, John did not respond to her words.

Both stood up and ambled their way through the door, leaving John's house with him still fuming.

"He did not kill her, but he likely knows the reason why she is dead," Kathrina said while she entered the car.

She fastened her seatbelt and cast a glimpse back at John through the window of the moving vehicle. She knew something was amiss with John, but she still could not pinpoint it. Kathrina shook her head and decided to give that more thought when she returned to the station and reread the case file.

"Theo," she called him while touching his shoulder.


"Have you looked at Marcella's call history?"

"I have. Her last phone call was to Angela and FSS help center." He answered with eyes focusing on the road. But he caught a glimpse of her solemn look from the edge of his eyes.

"So, our next destination should be Angela and FSS, then."

"We cannot meet them today. Angela was not in the city and FSS…. The CEO's secretary said her boss will only talk with us after the funeral."

"It will take a long time if we wait," Kathrina protested. She was sure FSS wanted to clean themselves to avoid getting into the mud.

"We don't have to wait that long since the funeral is going to be held the day after tomorrow so we can meet Arthur Ford right after the funeral." Theo explained everything he knew, "we have enough time, don't worry."

"By then, we will lose the killer."

Theo said his last sentence with the intention of easing Kathrina, but her answer made him shut his mouth and let out a deep sigh.

'You are such a loser, Theo,' He mocked himself in despair.