
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · Thành thị
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69 Chs

Fall Together

It had been three days since Jenna stayed at Kathrina's apartment. Apart from being annoying, Jenna's presence helped Kathrina a lot in the sense that she did not have to play her television with a loud voice just to keep her company.

Jenna, like usual, had always been a loud woman, from her behavior to her voice. During her three days in Kathrina's unit, she successfully persuaded Kathrina to move her lazy bum and join her in one of her session of zumba.

Kathrina's days had been full despite being on sick leave. Jenna made her start her day with meditation, claiming it would lift Kathrina's spirits. Then they would eat breakfast, lazily lay on her comfortable couch, eat lunch, watch celebrity gossip, watch Jenna's favorite movie, eat dinner, and sleep. That was what they did for three days.

About her wound, fortunately, it managed to heal fast. So, she only needs to hide a few scars from her mother.

"Kath, your kind neighbor, gives us much food again," Jenna yelled through the entrance door.

She stared at the food, astounded that the man could convince a well-known restaurant like L'Tyara to offer delivery service.

L'Tyara was a big and famous restaurant in Centre City. Those who dined there were primarily influential people. From what Jenna knew, L'Tyara rarely accepted when their costumer asked for delivery. Only chosen people had access to such services, so Kathrina's kind neighbor must be someone important.

Despite bearing the surname Reed, Jenna was still a nobody. She lacked anything noteworthy to qualify for that service. The Reeds were one of the prominent families in Casouth. The majority of them were well-known in their respective fields. The oldest one, Victor Reed, was a Chief Justice of Casouth. Adam Reed, the middle, was the founder of a very successful jewelry brand Auburn. And lastly, Giana Reed, the youngest and her mother, was a renowned pianist.

With distinguished and successful people as their parents, they had privileges in their lives. However, they never act like a spoiled child.

Among the Reeds, Jenna and Kathrina were the only ones who were less popular among the common folk. People only recognized them as the children of Reeds. On the other hand, Kale Reed had made a name for himself as an accomplished jewelry designer; now, he was second in command in Auburn. While Juan Reed, the only son of Victor Reed, was a remarkable doctor, he had served in a conflict country since obtaining his license.

Jenna herself was only an aspiring painter; a few of her works received recognition, but most of them remained in her studio, alongside spider webs and dust. And Kathrina had only joined Homicide Detective two years ago, and there had been no cases that could have made her name famous. However, both were content with their current career as they did not aim to be a big shot like the rest of Reeds.

"Your neighbor must be one of the important family," Jenna claimed as she set the food on the rectangular table. "Which one do you think it is? Ford, Garcia, or Miller?"

"I don't know and don't care," Kathrina started eating the food, not bothered at all by Jenna's inquiry. If she had to be honest, Arthur might be Ford, the one behind FSS. They even had the same first name.

"Then don't eat his food," Jenna said in her annoying voice. Then, Pettily snatched all the food from Kathrina.

"What are you doing?" Kathrina stared at Jenna with her usual bored look.

"You said you don't care about so you should not eat the food he sent. If you want to, At the very least, show some interest to him."

"He gave us food out of his free will, so I don't have a responsibility to show my interest in him. It's not like I forced him to do it." Kathrina grabbed her share of food from Jenna and began eating, oblivious to the fact that Jenna looked at her as if she wanted to kill her.

"I think you should stop acting like you are not into him. I know there's a part of your cold heart that wishes for him to warm it."

"I believe you should stop thinking."

Jenna humped in response. She finally started eating after Kathrina showed no sign of interest in the topic. Jenna was sure that one-day Kathrina would be head over heels for her gorgeous neighbor. There was no doubt about that. The only remaining question was when it would happen.

After filling their belly with a free meal from the generous Arthur, Kathrina and Jenna began cleaning up the mess in the apartment in preparation for family dinner tonight.

At four in the afternoon, Kathrina and Jenna had done everything. They looked at the big mirror, assessing their look.

Kathrina chose a white sweater dress that fell beautifully just above her knees. Her mother preferred it when she wore a dress, hence the decision. Her face was covered with light makeup, and her lips were painted with a soft pink lip gloss to brighten her face. As for her hair, she left it alone in its

On the other hand, Jenna dressed as if she were going to a formal dinner. Jenna wore a sleeveless black dress that hugged her slender body, with red hair styled in a bun that exposed her long neck. Jenna, unlike Kathrina, had boldly painted her face.

Their daily style was the polar opposite of each other. Kathrina, who worked as a detective, always preferred clothing that did not impede her movement. As a result, she only wore dresses when she was with her family. In comparison, Jenna was a living Princess. She once told Kathrina that she wanted to wear a Princess gown daily if she could.

"You should have gone with the maroon dress. Aunt Kalina will be overjoyed when she meets you."

"Jen, this is just a family dinner." Kathrina reminded Jenna. Why would she dress up if they only eat in her home with her family?

Jenna rolled her eyes, irritated with the same reason Kathrina had used for years.

"Who knows, Aunt Kalina might invite her friend's son."

"She won't. My mom is aware that I won't like to be set up without knowing anything." Kathrina explained.

Except for Kathrina's safety, her mother seldom did anything behind her back. She once stated that she would make her daughter's life so full of joy that she would never shed tears. Although she still cried, those words brought so much peace to her heart back then.

Jenna's phone's alarm was screaming like hell. At that sign, both hurriedly grabbed their bags. Kathrina wore her flat shoes while Jenna wore heels, then they left the apartment.


After reaching his usual parking spot, Arthur's car came to a halt. Dion sat beside him in the driver's seat, and Belle took the back seat. Dion and Belle were quick to unfasten their seatbelts while he remained frozen.

Arthur's gaze was drawn to the figures of Kathrina and the woman she called Jen as they approached his car. No, they were heading to the vehicle beside him. His attention was solely glued to Kathrina as she moved gracefully. He noticed that Kathrina looked extra beautiful tonight. Arthur could guess that she had something to attend to since he never saw her dressed in anything other than jeans and a jacket.

She slowed down when she passed his car and turned her head slightly; it was as if they were looking at each other. Arthur's breath caught in his throat as he took in her long and slender legs, and somehow, he managed to think how it would feel when those legs circled his waist. But, sadly, Arthur's imagination was cut short when Dion waved his palm in front of him.

"God," he let out a groan unknowingly. He closed his eyelids and clenched his fits hard, attempting to regain his composure.

'Damn, that woman.' He cursed in his head. She was a lethal drug to him, yet he was unsure if he could even give her a slight effect.

"Are you all right?" Belle asked worriedly because Arthur had not said anything since they arrived. She exchanged glances with Dion as if asking him the reason behind Arthur's strange behavior.

"Hmm. Just give me a moment." Arthur heaved heavily and leaned back into the car seat headrest.

Dion and Belle let him be. They remained silent, afraid that Arthur would snap if they disturbed him.

Dion's mind wandered through to the redhead woman who had passed their car. That woman was stunning and strangely familiar. He just did not remember when he had seen her before. Later he'd have to ask Arthur whether he knew them personally.

After a minute, Arthur seemed still so lost in his mind. His facial muscle contracted as he realized that if this damned situation stayed the same, he would be the losing party, and by then, he would lose his mind. He wanted, no, he needed to make Kathrina feel the same way. She had to know how frustrating it was to lose control.

Arthur would make sure that if he fell, Kathrina would fall with him.

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