
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · Thành thị
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69 Chs

Crazy For Her

"I'm going first. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Clark."

Kathrina took a step away, but Clark's hand stopped her from moving, and the sight before her utterly left her rooted in the place.

In front of her was Arthur with his companions, which she recognized as two. He was with his secretary and the woman from the day before. She blinked, trying to deny the Arthur she wanted to see was here, in the same place with her, breathing the same air.

Arthur's jaw ticked as his eyes lingered on Kathrina's hand that was being held. He had the urge to rip the other man's hand from hers.

"Arthur, are you okay?" His mother asked as he suddenly halted his step.

"Hmm, sorry, mom."

With that, he continued his walk and passed Kathrina, trying so hard not to give another glance at her. They did not acknowledge each other's existence as though they were just two people who happened to see each other on the street.

"Miss Reed, I am sorry. It was insensitive of me to bring your mental health into our conversation." Clark pleaded. Then he added, "I was just being cautious because it's important to know my future spouse's health condition."

Kathrina glared at Clark. Her mood had been down of this man, and seeing Arthur only worsened it. She felt stupid and embarrassed. She glanced at his table, which was right behind their table. Therefore, he might be able to hear them.

"It's okay. But I think we are not suitable for each other, Mr. Clark, so it's better to cut our communication before it's too late." Kathrina used her other hand to push Clark's hand, yet still failed as Clark was hellbent on not letting her go.

"Can we at least try just for tonight?"

Arthur, who could hear everything, muttered several expletives in his head. 'Why couldn't this fucker get a clue that she is sick with him?'

"No, I don't want to waste my time." Kathrina yanked her hands away from his harshly. She already talked nicely and behaved politely, but it seemed like a man like him did not get it if she was being soft. "You see, Mr. Clark, I tend to be unstable during the night, so you better stay away from me." She lied, then went out of the place.

She leaves carrying a ton of embarrassment and a bucket of pain from seeing Arthur.

At the same time, at Arthur's family table. They started to order their food. Ariel and Dion fought each other while choosing. Belle and his mom discussed their favorite food, and he was only flipping the menu without interest.

"What a waste of time on money to come here. Did you know that she was crazy?"

Arthur heard the man with Kathrina speak loudly.

"She even tried to suicide. Can you believe that? For someone with immense wealth, she surely was ungrateful. Her life should be spent with joy instead of wasting it by being a depressed adult." Clark did not hold himself and spoke badly about Kathrina.

Arthur clutched his hand so hard that it turned white. His eyes darkened, and he believed he would have exploded in a few minutes.

"You will hurt your hand," Belle suddenly said, making everyone's attention shift to him.

Dion and Ariel looked at him knowingly, while his mother was clueless as she tried to unclench his hand.

"Hmm," Arthur only hummed in response and tried to fool them by starting to read the menu thoroughly.

The waiter came and started to write all their order, and after that, they started talking about their everyday life. As it had been long since his mother met Belle and Dion, she spoke with them more. In contrast, he and Ariel were left out.

"Look, with them, our mom forgot about us," Ariel spoke to him. She leaned on his side and poked his arm. "Fix your expression if you don't want mom to worry," Ariel whispered.

Arthur inhaled and exhaled several times before emptying his mind of all the thoughts of Kathrina.

"What are you two talking about?" Dion suddenly joined Ariel and Arthur. "Did you ask Arthur whether I am single or not?" Dion asked playfully.

"You wish," Ariel replied hastily.

"Don't be embarrassed, Ariel. I know you love me a lot. I still have your love letter in my drawer, you know." Dion grinned.

Ariel did not respond, but she threw the napkins into Dion's, which made everyone except Arthur laugh.

"Exactly. With her unstable mental, who would want her? Now it makes sense why her mother asked my mom to arrange this blind date."

That was Arthur's last straw. He could not take it anymore. Listening to some asshole talking badly about the perfect woman like Kathrina made him sick in the stomach that he wanted to throw out.

"Okay, see you soon then."

The moment Arthur saw Clark stand up from his seat, Arthur followed him without hesitation.

"Where is he going?" Vivian asked.

"Bathroom." It was Ariel who answered. But Belle and Dion were one hundred percent that Arthur did not go there.

Arthur trailed Clark in silence. He was like a predator stalking its prey before attacking them at their most vulnerable moment.

When Arthur was sure not many people were around, he touched Clark's shoulder.


Before Clark could even respond, Arthur had launched a hard punch in Clark's face. He did it repeatedly, not giving Clark a chance to fight back. Arthur unleashed all his anger toward him uncontrollably.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Clark shouted. He could feel the taste of metal on his lips as the effect of Arthur's punch.

Clark held his collar and finally managed to land a punch in Arthur's face as well. However, he did not know that Arthur deliberately let him do that, so their situation was fighting each other, not him attacking him.

They exchanged punches for a while, but it was clear that Arthur was leading as the wound on Clark's face was far worse than Arthur's.

After that, Arthur pushed Clark until he fell onto the dirty ground.

"What is your problem, man? Did I owe you something?" Clark inquired as he touched his face. "Argh," he winced when he felt his nose. For sure, that man broke his nose.

"I don't know who you are, but if I catch you talking badly about Kathrina, I won't hesitate to hurt you more than this. So consider this as an appetizer."

"So, this is about that crazy woman?" Clark asked in annoyance. "She had a boyfriend but still went into a blind date. Did not expect her to be cheap." He insulted her without fear.

Arthur was a little calm just a while ago, but Clark was seeking his death by mentioning Kathrina in front of him. Arthur then pounced on Clark again. Hitting that useless man with more force than before to satiate his hunger for Clark's blood.

After a few minutes, Arthur got up off his feet. He took his wallet out and plucked cash and his business card. Then he threw it to Clark.

"Money to treat your wound and my business card in case you want to file a lawsuit against me," Arthur told him with a voice that was as cold as ice in the north. Then he turned around to leave Clark.

"Crazy bastard," Clark muttered after Arthur's distance was far enough from him.

Clark grabbed the money and the card and read everything on it carefully. "Arthur Ford…." He said with a shaky voice.

He gulped after realizing he had made a mistake with two people from a prominent family. "I am so done." He lay on the ground helplessly.

Both Clark's words were correct. He was done for daring to talk badly about Kathrina, and Arthur was too crazy for Kathrina to let Clark's mistake slip just like that. He was not a generous man, and he would make sure Clark would pay.

It saddens me that someone like Arthur Clark existed in real life. 

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