
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · Thành thị
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69 Chs

A Gift For The Lonely Man

Soon it was Jenna's exhibition day. There were around twenty to twenty-five people inside the venue. Different kinds of paintings on the wall represented the painter's different views of loneliness.

The first painting that greeted the spectators when they entered the venue was a dazzling light of the city with a woman in the center of attention, seeming as though she was on the stage, enjoying the light that fell over her body. Below the painting was a sentence that said celebrating loneliness.

Most people took their time to observe each piece of art, trying to absorb the feeling the painter wanted to give. They passed the painting one by one and finally stopped at the vast canvas showing a figure of a woman with palpable sadness in her brown eyes.

They were surprised as this was the only work that focused on the expression of the human. Almost all paintings centered around light and the ambiance in the surroundings, and sometimes there were several small figures as in the first painting, but none showed the realness of human emotion.

In awe, they stayed longer to watch the woman's expression. Somehow, they could feel relate to that kind of emotion. So often, they would spend their time basking in the loneliness that was so hard to beat, and it grew a dark shadow over their soul.

Drowned in loneliness were the words written under the painting. And none could explain the artwork perfectly besides those words from the painter herself.

Amongst the audience, Kathrina was there. The shock brought a tremor to her body. She did not know that was how she looked. The woman in the painting displayed an emotion Kathrina could never know she could. It was evident in those brown eyes that the woman was in great agony.

"That's your expression when you confessed." With a crossed arm, Jenna said that. She peeked at Kathrina through the corner of her eyes.

"Congrats, Jen. This is so beautiful." Kathrina's gaze was colored in astonishment. She was delighted to see the result of Jenna's painstaking effort. But at the same time, she was anxious, as many people had witnessed her rawness.

"This is my first work that got so much attention and prize. I guess I can rise to the rank of the famous painter." She joked in an effort to lift the solemn mood.

"Don't forget to pay me if you get rich overnight." Kathrina blurted out, making Jenna suddenly laugh.

"Shut up. You are richer than me." Jenna talked back.

"Well, it should not stop you from paying your model."

"I am broke!" Jenna's voice rose, making people look at them like clowns in an amusement park.

Kathrina turned her back on Jenna, pretending she did not know the redhead woman.

The sudden vibration in her jeans pocket took Kathrina's attention away from the judging eyes of people. Kathrina told Jenna that she had a call to take by signaling to her.

As Kathrina faded from the flood of humans, Jenna stood still. Watching and listening to people complimenting her work of art. This was one of her happiest moments. Back then, people came to her exhibition mainly to socialize with her, trying to get into her good grace. But now, they came and enjoyed her art.

After breaking up with her ex for the past few months, all her effort finally yielded a satisfactory result. She could not wait to brag about her small achievement to her parents.

A sudden tap on her shoulder blade forced Jenna to shift away from her focus. She saw Kathrina looking at her with an apologetic expression. "Why?" Jenna asked.

"Sorry, I can't stay long. Something happened. I had to leave for the crime scene."

"Go, a corpse is waiting to meet you," Jenna said and hugged her simultaneously. "See you at your apartment." She waved to Kathrina continuously until she finally saw her cousin leave the venue.

Jenna went back to her activity. Observing the crowd and busking with the feeling of pride. Just as she was about to walk around the venue, a low-tone voice came behind her.

"How much is it?"

Jenna moved swiftly, facing the owner of the voice. She was stunned as the man was Dion. However, her expression altered so fast from shock to calm. She smiled at him and asked politely,

"What do you mean?"

"That painting," He pointed at her best work with his chin. "I want to buy it."

Jenna's brow furrowed. She had no plan to sell that particular painting. Initially, she would give it to Kathrina; after all, it was her cousin's face on it. And she was sure Kathrina would not want someone else to take it.

"It's not for sale." She answered shortly. "I suggest you look around as you might find another interesting piece." Jenna advertised her work shamelessly.

"Will do, but I especially want that one for my friend. You see, he had that kind of look too." Dion smiled as he recalled Arthur's dark mood and pained expression over the week. Getting the painting of Kathrina should be able to lift his spirit even just a little. "I can pay as much as you want." He added.

"I am not in dire need of money." Jenna was firm, not giving in. It was not like she was short of money. She could lazily around in her home, and money would be transferred from her bank account with a single text or call to her parents.

"Can you consider it as payment for the help I gave you when you were drunk?" He tried using her drunken state as a bargaining chip.

"What are you talking about?" Jenna feigned innocence. She took a step away as if wanting to run away from him.

"I kissed you because I miss my ex-boyfriend." Dion suddenly repeated Jenna's words, making the woman's pupils grow wider. "Does it ring a bell, Jenna? You talked a lot that night, saying how much you love your ex and missed him."

Jenna moved like lightning, covering his mouth with her palm. "Stop it." She gritted her teeth as she said.

Dion smiled under her palm. The smile reached his eyes as it was shaped like a crescent moon. Taking her hand from his mouth and said, "Sell it to me. Tell me your highest price and I will give you the money. If you refuse, I can look for your ex and tell him about your wonderful view of love."

Jenna's nostrils flared as her anger started to build inside her. She wanted to attack this man for his blatant threat but could not do it in the presence of people. Not to add, he seemed to have a strong power to dodge her even if she tried to threaten him back.

"Tell me. I don't have much time to spend with you." He urged her.

Jenna exhaled. 'I'm sorry, Kath.'


"Excellent," Dion said with a flat tone.

Jenna gave him an incredible price, but Dion managed to send that money into her bank account. She thought his intention would falter, as she was not a refutable painter, and placing a heavy price tag on her work would usually result in rejection.

It turned out Dion was the rich who loved to spend his money carelessly, even for something that most people deemed not worthy of money.

"Thanks, Jenna. Hoping to see your next masterpiece." Dion bid his farewell after successfully getting the painting.

Initially, he visited her exhibition only to study her. But after seeing the painting of Kathrina, he suddenly thought about gifting it to Arthur. As a good friend, it was best to help Arthur's mind calm rather than let him get in a mess and make a mistake.