
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · Thành thị
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69 Chs

A Dimmed Star

"Did you just say that you like the short hair one?" Dion asked to make sure he hadn't heard it wrong.

"I did." The response from Arthur was laid back and simple

Dion was so astounded that he struggled to talk; he could only look at Arthur as if he had lost his mind. It was highly unusual for Arthur to

admit his attraction to a woman so easily.

Dion knew there was no place for a woman inside Arthur's heart for so long, so when Arthur suddenly said someone had taken his attention, it gave him a shock.

"Where is Arthur? Where did you hide my friend?" Dion placed his hands on both sides of Arthur's face and forced him to look into his eyes. "Answer me, Demon!"

"Stop being so dramatic." After giving his response, Arthur rolled his eyes and shook off Dion's hand

"You are serious...."

Seeing Arthur didn't refute his words, Dion staggered backward, covering his lips while his pupils stayed focused on Arthur's figure. He couldn't believe the day Arthur opened his heart had arrived. Dion always thought Arthur would only do that when he had settled everything, including his enemies.

"Do you know her?"

"I only know her name and her profession." Arthur gave his answer truthfully. He didn't have to hide anything about the woman he fancied.

"Give me her name, and I'll run a background check on her."

"Don't. I will try to get to know her on my own."

At this point, Dion was sure that Arthur had lost a few of his brain cells. If not, there was no possibility of him behaving like that.

"Are you sure? What if she is someone your enemy sends to seduce you?"

"She isn't."


"Don't do anything unless I tell you, and stay away from Kathrina."

"Pretty name."

Dion's words made him receive a death glare from Arthur. "You are being possessive, big man, and she is not your girlfriend yet. It will only get worse in the future. Ah, suddenly, I feel bad for her." Dion continued while shaking his head left and right with a mocking expression.

Arthur clenched his teeth and hissed, "Shut up."

"I almost forgot. I actually want to ask about the redhead girl. But your confession made me lose focus."

Arthur narrowed his eyes as he securitized Dion. When his friend asked about women, it was either he wanted to sleep with them or he wanted to ruin them. Knowing the redhead was Kathrina's acquittance then, Arthur had to protect that woman from Dion's hand.

"Don't look at me like that," Dion admonished Arthur and proceeded to say, "I don't have bad indentations."

"But you want to sleep with her," Arthur chimed quickly. He was aware of how Dion's train of thought worked, and right now, his friend was trying to fool him.

"Bingo, but it wasn't all. I feel like I've seen her somewhere with one of the Reeds."

The mere mention of Reeds caused Arthur to find it difficult to breathe. If the redhead was from the Reeds, then Kathrina could also be a Reed. The mere thought of it made him feel queasy in his stomach. He couldn't accept it if Kathrina were the family of his enemy.

"Have you seen Kathrina before?" Arthur asked.

"No, but Arthur...." Dion touched Arthur's shoulder blade when he noticed Arthur's jaw ticking hard. "I think you should do a background check on her. That way, you can decide whether to continue or stop. Do it before you fall too deep."

Arthur wanted to curse. The deepness of his feeling didn't matter. He would still be damned if Kathrina was a Reed.

"I will ask her when we meet. You should stay put. Don't do anything without my order."


"And Dion, go home."

Arthur's words broke the tense air around them, then Dion laughed out loud while holding his stomach.

"Okay, see you, lover boy." The nickname Dion used for Arthur was meant to make Arthur irritated, but it seemed like his friend was not in the mood to respond, so he simply left.

As Dion walked away from Arthur, a solemn expression gradually emerged on his face. Although Arthur asked him not to bother with Kathrina, he didn't say anything about the redhead. Dion had to ensure those two women wouldn't affect their perfect plan.


Almost a week passed, and Arthur hadn't seen Kathrina. Not even her shadow could be seen. It was almost like Kathrina had vanished entirely from the face of the world. He had been crazy since Dion infected his brain with the possibility of Kathrina being a Reed. To add, he was also missing her.

Arthur had never felt something more robust than he had for Kathrina in such a short time. It was insane; however, he didn't care as long as it made him feel more alive than ever.

He suspected Kathrina tried to distance herself from him as far as she could. It frustrated him, but at the same time, it fueled his determination to catch her.

Arthur's reverie was shattered when someone stormed into his office. His eyes immediately saw the figure of Marcella Williams. The big star appeared in a messy state. Gone was the elegant Marcella that the general public knew.

"Mr. Ford...." Belle eyed Arthur carefully, feeling bad because she had done a poor job at handling Marcella.

"It's okay. Leave us alone." Arthur said to Belle, and the woman left the room without uttering a single word.

Marcella marched in Arthur's direction in a hurry. After that, she reached into her purse, pulled out a wad of cash, and hurled it onto Arthur's desk. Her eyes glimmered with tears as she looked at Arthur's cold brown orbs.

"What is the meaning of this, Miss Williams?"

"I'll pay you. Just give me protection," Marcella's voice sounded desperate. Her tears slowly trickled down her cheeks as she waited for Arthur to grant her request.

Arthur handed Marcella a box of tissues, then said flatly, "I'm sure my secretary has already provided you with an explanation of the FSS protocol. Unfortunately, we are unable to comply with your request, Miss Williams."

"Someone wants to kill me!" Marcella reverberated loudly in his office. She was nearly hysterical as her body trembled like a branch hit by a strong blast of wind.

Even after seeing Marcella's reaction, Arthur remained unfazed. Simply put, he had grown tired of Marcella. Since the beginning of the year, the woman had been causing problems for his company.

"Okay, then, what is the reason behind that intention? Please enlighten me. I can take it into consideration if your answer is reasonable enough.

Marcella fell quiet. She raised her hands and bit her nails out of nervousness. Marcella was pondering her choice. If she explained the truth, her career would crumble under her feet, but if she lied, FSS wouldn't offer their help to her.

"Miss Williams?"

The sound of Arthur's voice snapped her to reality. She looked down and avoided his gaze. "I don't know, Mr. Ford. I only know someone wanted me dead." In the end, Marcella still chooses her career. She was under the notion that if she could get the help, she could secure both her career and life.

When Arthur heard Marcella's response, his countenance changed instantly from blank to angry. The woman clearly didn't understand human language. "I'm afraid we can't...."

Marcella dropped to her knees and positioned both hands in front of her chest like she was prying.

"Please, I am not lying."

"Please stand up, Miss Williams." The tone of his voice had become icier. Arthur tried his best not to call his security staff to kick Marcella from his office.

"I won't unless you accept my request."

Arthur's head throbbed painfully. He kneaded it softly while thinking about the best solution for the problem Marcella had caused.

"A new alarm and two more guards. This is the final deal I'm willing to make with you, Miss Williams. You may either take it or leave it." Marcella stood up from her position. Her heart began to blossom with hope. "What is the difference between the new and old one?"

"The new one is linked to FSS and the closest police station around your place. So when you push the button, they should be able to reach your place in less than five minutes."

Marcella initially wanted a safe house, but from Arthur's words, she knew it was his final offer. So, with that, she agreed with him.

Arthur exhaled the air from his mouth. Then he pressed number two on the telephone at his desk.

"Yes, Mr. Ford?"

"Give Miss Williams the pen and explain how to use it. Also, assign two more people for her." Arthur gave his instructions. The pen was just a code name for the special alarm since it was planted inside an actual pen.

"Understood, Mr. Ford."

Arthur ended the call and tore his attention back to Marcella, "I believe we are done, Miss Williams. You can meet my secretary at her desk. Thank you."

Marcella Williams nodded and crept out of the room before Arthur lashed his anger.

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