
The Moment

"Bruv. What do we do?" London asked.

London, Goldie, and Galaxy were sitting on the couch planning on what to do. It was a Saturday after all and they were extremely bored.

"Bruv, it's a Saturday afternoon and we are bored out of our minds." Galaxy said.

"Why don't we do some power training? We could really use it- well...you guys could really use it..." Goldie corrected himself, putting a lot of emphasis on "you guys".

"That's not true." Galaxy said crossing her arms.

The ground shakes slightly and an orange crystal comes out of the ground. Galaxy nervously laughs.

"Uh-huh. Let's go into the backyard so we don't destroy Darla's house." Goldie said, opening the backdoor.

They exit the house and begin training their powers.

"Wait, how am I supposed to train my power. It's only when I feel intense joy or anger that something really happens." London questioned.

"Like this. London. Goldie loves you so much that he wants to make out with you right now." Galaxy said, hugging herself whilst making kissing noises.

London's eyes change from brown to lavender in one eye and black with a white center in the other. His right arm crystallizes like before and his other arm gets covered in a thick black liquid.

"Told you it would work." Galaxy said, laughing at London.

"Did you have to be so graphic with it?" Goldie said with a red face.

"Oh yeah...gotta spill them deets to make him feel an intense emotion." Galaxy mentioned.

"Oh please. London would have done that by now if he really wanted to." London said, but with a much deeper voice.

"Why is he talking in third person now?" Goldie asked.

"Oh, don't you know?" London said.

He begins to glow a bright white as two figures separate and then the bright light fades away.

A person with white hair and cyan blue tips. He had lavender eyes and a gray shirt paired with some normal jeans. The other person had very, very pale skin and thick, black liquid dripping from head to toe. Literally. His eyes were just like Goldie's. His shirt wasn't exactly a shirt, but rather a shirt made from the thick, black, tar-like, liquid. Same with the pants.

"With London being a walking contradiction, we are the two emotions he can't control." IL said.

"Who even are you..." Goldie asked very concernedly.

"I'm IL and Mr. Goody Two-Shoes over there is Icey." IL stated.

"You-" Galaxy angrily said.

"That's right, sis. Me. Get used to it, honey" IL remarked.

"For you're information, I am not a Mr. Goody Two-Shoes. I kicked over a can of soup on purpose once." Icey said, trying to sound badass.

Everyone laughs a little bit.

"Hmph. You guys just don't understand." Icey said, crossing his arms.

"Let's just fuse again so we dont have to worry about that..." IL suggested.

They hold hands and the same bright, white light blinds them then quickly fades away. London returns to normal.

"So, now you know, literally, what I'm made of." London said embarrassed.

"I liked IL. He was really funny." Goldie stated.

"I hate IL. He tried killing me once." Galaxy said.

"Please, Galaxy. Let's not talk about that." London said, trying not to cry.

"Alright, alright. You're right. Let's not go off on that rabbit trail." Galaxy said, trying to get him to not cry.

"Galaxy. It's your turn. Show us what those crystals can do.

Galaxy inhales deeply and exhales slowly.

The ground begins to violently shake. Galaxy begins to levitate.

Two orange crystals wrap around her as she floats up. One crystal explodes into a glitter storm of sparkles.

Goldie and London's jaws drop.

"Oh, I'm not even finished." Galaxy said.

She pulls a giant yellow crystal and a giant emerald out of the ground.

Galaxy begins to sing.

"You see not everyone gets what they want. You two are a perfect example of that. You both can't stand the fact I ship you. And that's fine, I don't mind. You both are perfect for each other, but I don't say anything about that. Even though it's true. You both should be together even if it means dying for each other, flying sky high, or being in the depths of hell where I belong." Galaxy finished as she stops singing and floats to the ground.

The crystals shatter and little green and yellow sparkles float down to the ground.

London and Goldie are clapping like mad.

"I didn't know you sang!" London said, sounding very impressed.

"What a show." Goldie added.

A few hours pass.

"Hey, guys it's getting really dark. Get ready to come eat dinner!" Scarlett yelled from the kitchen window

"Alright!" They all said at the same time.

"Galaxy. How come you never told us you could sing?" London asked.

"It's just one of my hidden talents. That song i sang earlier i had actually wrote for Marcy. But it works for you guys to. I just changed a few words." Galaxy laughs.

"Well, it was a lovely song." Goldie added.

"Thanks. I actually thought I would never sing it again." Galaxy stated.

"Alright, guys! It's time for dinner!" Darla yells from the kitchen window.

They all rush in and start inhaling their food. Darla and Scarlett just look at them with wide eyes as they inhale it like a tornado destroying a house.

"Seems you guys were hungry?" Scarlett nervously said.

"Big time." The three of them said at the same time.

Alright well, you guys go off and enjoy the rest of the night.

"Bro, we should watch a movie." Galaxy suggested.

"Yes, lets ciphen down popcorn and M&M's." London said.

"You just ate- oh right, a black hole for a stomach." Goldie realized.

"YUP!" London said loudly.

About two hours pass, and midnight is in full beauty. Moonlight shines through every window in the house. Everyone has gone to bed. London, however, is restless. He gets up quietly. Goldie opens one eye and watches London quietly exit the room. London walks out the backdoor. Goldie quietly gets up and follows him.

London looks up and sees a beautiful midnight sky with moonlight bouncing off every reflective surface there is. The Milky Way spiral arm can be seen on that night. London exhales slowly as Goldie walks outside.

"You know, this is the same sky you were confused about when we first got here."

London gasps and jumps like a cat.

"Jesus! How did you know I was out here?" London asked, trying to catch his breath.

"I'm very aware of all my suroundings. I know when someone gets up and walks out of a room for example." Goldie said smirking.

"Oh." London said.

"Wait how do you know this was the same sky I was confused about?" London asked.

"You can see the Orion Constellation right there. It's in the same position it was all those days ago." Goldie said, pointing at the pattern of stars.

"What do you think about this whole situation we're in." London asked.

"I think we are not in any situation. We're simply recovering from a very bad one." Goldie said.

"Well...I'm glad we're recovering from it together..." London said, grabbing Goldie's hand.

"Me too." Goldie said.

London looks up at Goldie and Goldie looks back. They can't look away from each other. The moonlight glimmering and sparkling off of London's eyes as Goldie notices the sparkling. Before they could even think of what they were doing, their faces got so close to each other that their lips eventually met. London and Goldie were kissing under the galactic, night sky. Neither of them pulled away.

"Hey guys, where do we keep the Tylo-" Galaxy pauses.

She sees London and Goldie kissing and her draw drops. Both of them notice her standing there.

"Galaxy!- What a pleasant surprise..!" Goldie's voice cracks.

She doesn't move. The only thing you could hear was Galaxy's shock.

"Galaxy...?" London asked as he walked closer to her.

He pokes her face.

"I think she's dead." London said, laughing a little bit.


"I can't believe we actually did that..." London said with a bright red face.

"Well...it happened...I've never felt this way about anyone ever..." Goldie said.

"So what does that make you two...?" Galaxy said with slight girly fangirl screams mid-sentence.

"London. You don't have to go through this world alone anymore...I'll be there for you always. So what do you say? Do you want to be with me too?" Goldie asked.

"I'd be honored to, Golden Freddy." London said.

Goldie puts his hand out and London grabs it as they all walk back into the house.

As one story arc ends, another comes to light. I want to take this time to tell all of my viewers how appreciative I am for 1K views. This book was just a doodle I made, but with some adjustments, it became something more. I appreciate each and every single one of you and I'm glad I could take this incredible journey with you guys! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! See you guys in Chapter 11!