

Punishment bestowed by the god has left the world in shambles... Demons lurk the word killing most of the population and while almost all of us were wiped out, those who sought retribution gave us a chance at survival. Blessing us with powers that helped us rival those monsters who drank our blood and cooked our meat. Even though we humans went through all of this, 1000 years later we still discriminate, steal and lie. Orchid's born into the healer class, he seeks a change. He who once tried to find it in a peaceful way later turns to gain strength to destroy the very people who discriminated against him and caused him pain.

DimSum · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs


He lays there on the floor, the bed of stars turning into an azure sky mixed with a tinge of orange even before being able to part his eyelids, it took him several hours to move, as it was close to the start of morning training where most of his peers would come into the arena to start their drills.

He got up, pushing himself, he made his way to the showers to get himself cleaned up, he twits the key fit into the keyhole on the rusted door belonging to his locker. He gripped his towel scurrying to the showers. He needed to make sure no one saw him like this. He couldn't give people a reason to undermine him, he can't give anyone even the slightest glimpse of him at his weakest point.

He stripped down easily, loosening his belt, and with one hand he pulls his pants and undergarments off in a fluid motion. He stood there in the shower as water streamed down his pale white skin running down his torso, hitting the floor. He wets his golden hair pulling it back, he thoroughly scrubs his blonds flocks with soap occasionally having to pick clumps of damp sand out of them.

The shower was a shared one, there were about 12 heads where you could get water from, the floor was tiled, the color being a sapphire blue. The walls were tiled in a similar fashion, all their necessities were provided stocked on a wooden ledge beneath the showerheads for their leisure.

He wanted to clean up any wounds that might have gotten infected as well to be sure no one would suspect he got beat up. Before getting in he looked horrible, sand was everywhere some even making its way into his briefs.

There were many bruises, the markings were easily visible from afar. There were ones that were still bleeding and closed ones that turned black and blue. He hissed as he let the hot water run across them.

'That fight really showed me, huh?' he smiled.

'I guess I need to work harder' he smiles sadly as he presses the crown of this head to the wall allowing the steaming water to flood through his hair.

'What happened to that kid?' his smile dwindles as worry starts to plasters his face. He speculates further all that could have happened, only to worsen his fret over the grey-haired boy.

'Why am I worried though.' he starts to freak out over the thoughts rummaging through his mind. As he was deep in rumination he doesn't realize his own hand moving down accidentally grazing over a cut on his abdomen. As the pain hits him all thoughts that were his center of focus shifted to regret as the sting was incredible.

After a while dowsing himself in water, he turns the faucet off and wraps a towel around his waist right below his well-defined abs. As he hears footsteps coming from the arena towards the direction of the showers he hurries to get a new pair of clothes on. He chucks his towel into his locker and jogs out, pairing a white shirt that was partially covering his stomach with a pair of dark blue jeans.

'I need to get home' he plans, he needed rest, he needed to go before the adrenaline drains out making him weak again. He rushes taking a taxi to his residence. As he gets home he is greeted at the front door by several of his house servants, they bow announcing in unison.

"Good evening young master." when they all look up and see their master all battered up they all were startled but they knew the line of work he was going into, it was also not a new sight to him look battered up, it happened quite often when he was young but it hadn't been the case for quite a long time seeing as his brothers and father would not really have the time of the day like they did in his younger days.

As he walks by his servants he opens the door to the giant mansion that sat in the middle of their incredible land that was easily the size of a small town. Everything looked prim and proper within the whole premise of the house, even the leaves on each tree were perfectly trimmed to the tee. Seeing as their family too had a history of rich and powerful leaders it wouldn't surprise anyone that their house would this grand. There were even rumors that went around about how they have several vaults placed around the city storing mountains of gold.


As he entered he was faced with something he'd rather not, his second brother, he utterly detests his guts but he had no choice to have the occasional meet up since they stayed in the same home. He nods his head and tries to head up the stairs that led to the second floor, he would have to climb another fleet to reach his room as it was situated on the 3rd floor.

But as expected, his older brother's remarks didn't let him do so...

"Aren't you being a bit presumptuous not greeting your older brother with any words" he glares.

'Again?' he curses under his breath as his efforts to end this encounter short were in vain.

"Sorry brother, good evening." he wishes praying for their conversation to end there and there

"You look, bad brother, did someone beat you up?" he smiles happy looking at his state.

"I hope you're not causing fights in school, you don't want to cause trouble for father do you?" he questions him placing his hand on Jake's shoulder squeezing it tightly.

This was something his brother used to do to cause him pain when they were a lot younger. Considering all the other things he did to him this was considered a nicety, Jake was the victim of abuse, and no one was able to question them for causing the small boy so much pain. Only after Jake started working out his scrawny older brother didn't really have any way of inflicting pain onto him other than insults mocking his dead mother. After a while, even this had no effect on him.

His father and oldest brother on the other had started to get very busy as they became head figures within the government. The news was a happy one for him, due to both getting promoted it meant he would most likely only see them across banners or rallies that he would never attend.

Jake was the son of their father's first wife, she had difficulties in giving birth so he had found a mistress to birth him two sons. Later when she finally did get pregnant she was diagnosed with an incurable disease. His father didn't really care much about her dying and gave similar treatment he did to her to Jake. Jake had never really met his mother and was brought up by his father's mistress, later after marriage, she officially became his stepmom.

There was endless abuse from the four and he went through all of it not knowing what he did to get such bad treatment. He used to curse his mother but after finding the truth he wanted to kill his entire so-called family. His mother didn't deserve such treatment so he worked hard to make sure he became a high-ranking officer to crush his father, the very man who he blamed for his mother's death.

As he walked up leaving his brother behind his eyes started to droop, he took larger strides to get to his room. Once he enters, he shuts the door close,

'Ah...why does my head hurt so much?' he presses on his temple. He suddenly gets extremely weak and seems to not be able to stand thus forcing him to crash to the ground. As he lays there he realizes he starts to lose the ability to see clearly, he slowly starts to hyperventilate as what was happening to him was so foreign to him.

As he starts to seize up he hears the knock on the door.

"Young master do you need food?" one of his servants spoke softly. As she doesn't get a response she slightly creeps the door open to find her master laying on the floor. She rushes to him, trying to get a response but after seeing that her efforts have all gone in vain she rushes out the door to get any senior staff to aid her.

21st Chapter guys...

Was thinking a lot on this whole writing thing and I think I was pressuring myself to post as much as I can to get more views but ain't gonna do that... most prob 1 to 2 chps each week...srry to those who expect more...

I have edited the first few chapters so if you guys would like you can re-read them...

Btw follow me on Twitter for any future update(s):



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Day 6-Zombie

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DimSumcreators' thoughts