

" time to go and rest"

After a long day tending to the kingdom, Sun and Cao is ready to go back home to rest, Cao-cao ran and up to his grandparents, Grandmama! grandpapa! Sun Jain pick him up. " hey our little dragon where poppy and mommy at? asked, Cao Jain, " you not leaving are you?" aw baby grandmama and grandpapa is tired just want to rest back home, answered, Sun Jain. " you can rest here grandmama and grandpapa, they walked inside the room, " were you two think you sneaking off to, we got beds right here,said. Du Jain, " we love you three but mother is tire need to rest at the island, said. Sun Jain,"mean while you two need to talk in try to work this out for the sake of Cao-cao, they didn't literary kick her out,she just noa queen anymore, size father is lonely for his wife want cuddle time and dinner, said. Cao Jain, " i hear what you said Zhang every word, we talked and decide to let you stay just removed the crown, i not saying you can love your parents there is room in your life for us to, we got your back as well as they do, i agree a dinner so we can know them and they know us, before that can happen you two need talk and work out your marriage that why i think that you need to go back to the village of songs hear them singing, figure out what in the song that you need to be work on the most, " you both need to go now, take the carriage,said. Cao Jain, " what about you two? asked. Du Jain. " we do not have a problem, said. Sun Jain, " is my momma still battling that my poppa got another kids by another women mm? she crossed her arms, " no, she over that part, " she is she made me go talk with them. said, Cao Jain."made huh request size you got three hours that day didn't you, asked. Sun Jain, " what about Cao-cao?asked. Zhang Jain, " we got him and the kingdom, get your butts in that carriage in go, said. Sun Jain, so they left heading to the village of songs, Yuan Jain appeared up on the screen" ( that is a good idea, you need to go speak with her mother Sun,) said. Yuan Jain, " why she didn't accepted my boy marriage to her braty daughter. " she our grandson mother Cao, i was about to do that mother, she went off the screen, " Sun " yes my love, behave, " when do we do what the husband wish? Cao-cao laughed at his grandparents, " have i never done what you haven't wish, keep a eye your grandfather Cao-cao, you be a good grandpa grandmama give you five hours of cuddle time, " five all you offering? asked, Cao Jain. " for now it may come up in time, my little dragon grandmama will be back, Sun Jain walked out of the castle and down to the falling down house that her father is trying is hardiest to repair with limited tool and wood, Zhou walked up and saw her, " i here to make peace between our families, my husband is a handy man were we live their is lots off wood, i can ask him to help you to repaired your home even help to restore it new, by the way i am Sun Du mother, we both are parents that love our kids very much we both want the world and best for them, since the day they were born, i love your daughter by marriage she is part my blood, i told her that we are there for her to, said, Sun Jain. " think we got on the wrong foot, we see the way of the dragon never fully understand it, when she got pick it was confusing to us because were do we come in at to me him, please come in, they walked in the house, and Sun Jain beginning to tell her the ways of her clan The Dragon and about how the inner dragon works they pulled up at the village of songs and got welcome with a song, " this place is beautiful, said. Zhang Jain, " yeah again i wonder how she knows about this place. asked, Du Jain, back in the city at the Tao house, Zhang father is trying to fix up their new house but having a rough time, " (my love i need a flavor,) said. Sun Jain, " (i am not helping those people,) said. Cao Jain, " ( call our friends and get your tool, i sure cao-cao would love to see were grandmama and grandpapa lives,) said, Sun Jain. "(did you say six, your grandmother plays tomuch, no i not asking Wen, Liang or Hong, ) she looked at him. they got out of the carriage and walked inside, " our dragon king and queen i am corrected? she sing out in a question, they looked at each other, " yeah, they both said, back in the dragon city, "(do i know, i think you know me way to better then that, if you don't want six hours and help our only child out in his struggle,)-(" you know i do, if you offering that.) said, Cao Jain, " ( oh i am offering it, call our friends and go get your tools show Cao where his grandparents live,) he raise his eyebrow at her, " ( who will be watching him, while we do this?) asked, Cao Jain, " bring him to me, i watch our grandson, go get your tools after you seek out Wen Bao, Liang Yun, and Hong Yu, ) said. Sun Jain, " (i want dinner and breakfast in bed Sun,)-("your grandfather trying but if he get that he miss spending time with grandmama, i mean swimming, picnics evening walks, what you want more dinner and breakfast in bed or long lasting quality time with, me? said. Sun Jain, " ( alone with you all i need, i call you back,) said. Cao Jain,