
Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker

Huiyin carried on with an ordinary life until one day when she met a palm reader who revealed to her about her life changing soon. Her father who worked as a security guard in the biggest all boys school in Guangzhou province, China, was killed mysteriously. Promising to figure out the reason for her dad's death and take her revenge, she decided to go to the school and pretend to be a boy. She met Kang, a cool unforgiving Chinese governor son who seemed to be keeping a very dangerous secret and who she has eyes only for. Meeting Kang's three rich friends, who have handicaps and are no longer friends, her life was tossed into a blend when she fell genuinely enamored with one of them. But trouble begins when she realized a powerful witch and wizard from her past life was after her life to steal the magic light from her divine tea and that an invisible enemy was bend on destroying them all. Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker is a story that will melt your heart. Be the miracle that you want the world to see.

Minja_Okeke · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


'The heart of God is the hand of miracles'

❤️❤️❤️ THE ACCIDENT ❤️❤️❤️

"Come on!!" The Bull roared at his opponent. He had thought the two blows would put the kid to unconscious, but it didn't, the kid was still standing to his feet and was smirking at him.

Huiyin ran towards him and leapt into the air and came down heading straight at the Bull.

The Bull was ready for the coming attack and stretch forth his fist to punch his opponent stomach.

Huiyin uses her elbow to block the punch and gave him a fast five punches on his face and held onto the Bull second coming fist.

"Next time watch for your opponent's strong hand." Huiyin told him and with inhuman strength haul the Bull into the air by the arm she held and throw him out of the rings.

The Bull fall down with a heavy and loud thud from the door he had emerged from. He stood up weakly.

"Wow, this is the first time someone, not just anybody, but a fifteen year old kid just beat our reigning champion of many years. Huiyin has defeated the Bull," the announcer said to the sudden quiet environment.

The audience went quiet for a while then everywhere was filled with shouts and they started shouting her name.

"Huiyin!! Huiyin!!"

Huiyin came down from the rings and hugged her father.

"You've made me so proud and I am glad you are my daughter," Nianzhen Shu said in pride and saw Zou approach them.

"Sorry, I take back my words. Your daughter really defeated the Bull who no one has ever defeat for the past years."

"This is to say the size of a man shouldn't be measured but the strength he possesses should be focus," Nianzhen said.

"True. From tomorrow night your daughter works here and will be earning 10,000 Yan every night. She has surprised everyone and they will love to see her fight again," Zou said to the two happy people. "So Huiyin, will you become one of my fighters?"

"Is the money enough for you Huiyin?" Nianzhen asked.

"More than enough father." Huiyin answered and reply Zou. "Yes sir."

Zou left them and came back later with a document which Huiyin and her father signed.

"Let's go home," Nianzh said.

They were about to leave when Huiyin bumped into a lady and a man.

"Sorry," Huiyin said with a smile.

"Huiyin, I have been looking for you and I am glad I have seen you today," the lady said with a smile.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"I am your very good friend, in fact we've been friends for many years. My name is Mia and he is Ren, my brother." The unknown lady now known as Mia introduced herself and the man with her.

"So? What do you want with my daughter?" Nianzhen asked.

"Nothing, just want her to give me what she owns me, a secret technique."

"Listen Mia or whatever your name is, I don't owe you anything or whatever it is you just meant. Now if you will excuse me I and my father wants to go home." Huiyin said.

Nianzhen left with his daughter.

"Mistress, she doesn't remember yet so what are going to do?" Ren asked.

"Nothing, we will come back for her when the time is ripe, for now, we should just enjoy our stay in Guangzhou," Mia said with a cold smile.


On their way home, they saw many soldiers controlling the traffic as four ambulance from a hospital drove pass them.

"What's going on?" Huiyin asked aloud in thoughts.

"The Chief of Army staff in China son and his friends were involved in a ghastly accident." An old woman beside her replied her. "Those rich kids doesn't know life has no duplicate." She added.

Huiyin and her father continue their way home.

3 Years Later….

Huiyin still remains the reigning Champion Queen. She registered for an evening school to continue from where she stopped.

On the night of her eighteenth birthday her life changed.

That morning….

"Hey Huiyin, happy Birthday." Nianzhen said kissing her cheeks.

"Thank you father."

"You are eighteen now, so what's your greatest wish?"

"To be with you as you grow old, aside from that, nothing else." Huiyin replied.

Nianzhen smile. "Huiyin you are a great gift from heaven given to me. But at times, things don't go according to our plans, sometimes we have to face the trials of life and with your fist held high, you faced it."

"I know that father."

"I will be coming early tonight to celebrate your birthday. I told the school management and they told me to come early today and guide the school, when night falls someone will take my place. so try to come back early so that I can take you out," Nianzhen said.

"I will be here waiting for you father, try to come home soon," Huiyin said.

"Will do my dear." Nianzhen turned to go then stop. "Won't you give your father a hug?"

"Of course," Huiyin said and went to hug him. "I am already missing you father, don't stay out late."

"I won't." With that Nianzhen left.

Huiyin went and took excuse from Zou and left home early.

By 9pm, no sign of her father and the sky has darkened showing signs of a heavy downpour coming. Lightning and thunder raged with fury from the sky.

10:30 Pm, still no sign of Nianzhen.

"What is delaying father, he knows today is my birthday," Huiyin said to herself.

"Something must be holding him down, I got to check around." She added and without further delay, she locked up the house and went in search of her father. Immediately she stepped out, heaven open and rain begin to fall she ignored the heavy downpour and went in search of her father.

She searched where she knows her father might be but no one has seen him.

She went back to meet Zou but they were closed.

She decided to check King's High School and took the route to the school.

She hasn't gone that far when she saw a body on the road she took. It was moving slowly and groaning in pain. Whoever it was has been drenched by the rain and was shivering.

Praying and hoping the body doesn't belong to anyone she knows, she got closer and brought out her phone touch to see the body more clearly.

Her phone slip from her hands as the body turn out to be her father.

"Father!" She yelled. Her father was covered in bruises and cuts. He was bleeding and his body was so cold.