
001 Who Is Real Death

These eyes screaming for revenge were tired of waiting now yes he was back in the past, but he was 5 years old. There were still 2 years before they found him. What was he going to do in these 2 years, of course he would improve himself, right? no one could beat it except him. He had to be an adult to get stronger, so he started the plan given by the primal demon. First, he had to find the Antares demon that he had heard. According to the rumors, the story of the demon, who was still young even though he lived for 30000 years, spread everywhere. 1 year before the royal family found him, the church wanted to have him executed and the demon could not even resist, he was said to be very weak, but when I asked the primitive demon, he said that he was one of the strongest demons and that he could not use his power while in disguise and the first mission He told me that I should get the power of Antares as an astronaut. Paying attention to this, zhou lu had set everything up to his steps and set off. He might be 5 years old but all the weather conditions were nothing to him and the demonic beasts in the forest were afraid to attack him because the evil feeling from him was at the level of a demon king after all so he finished his journey without any troubles, the map that was transferred to his mind when he reached the village She tried to find the house with him and found it, but when he got there, he was surprised to see where he lived, he thought that the place where zhou lu antares lived was a cave, but the place where he lived was a very luxurious house, he was just about to knock on the door to get inside when he realized that the door was gone and after a few seconds everything became dark. he realized it was the magic of antares and he shouted

"The supreme demon sent me, the primordial demon, I have a lot to tell you"

After saying that, the chill that came from behind him scared him, he couldn't stand and fell to his knees when he looked behind him he saw only the shadow of the primordial demon.

"What are you waiting for come in"

His tone was so calm that he started to doubt whether the previous pressure was coming from him. When he entered, he entered the open one of the rooms in front of him, there was a red-haired red-eyed man who looked like an extra gentleman.

"Hmm say he sent you tell me why?"

"I need your strength so..."

"Oh I don't want to hear your boring story boy what do I get for what you have to tell me"

The place was quiet, he hadn't thought of that at all.

"Hmm then why should I come with you"

"Because in a year, you will be exposed and you will be killed"

"Hmm, how do you know that kid?"

"I'm from the future"

"Heh, you're a fun kid, then tell me, let's test you, I will hit you with all my strength, if you survive, I will come with you and even I will be your teacher.

"Looking at the demon in front of him, Zhou lu knew that there was someone who could kill him with just one finger, but if he didn't get it, his revenge might fail, so he desperately agreed.

There was something that the Zhou lu did not know was that Antares was a demon that even the demon world feared because of his 3 trillion years of demon power, he was called the master of true death in hell because he could even kill the undead...


Name: Zhou Lu

Age: 5

Stage:Demon Servant

Demon Power Level : Demon King

