
Day 2 (11/10/2021)

Hello there! Let's start today's Forum notice with a quote.

"Have more than you show, Speak more than you know"

-William Shakespeare

Well, that's a nice quote. We must have more than we show, meaning that we must show very little of us i.e. we shouldn't be showing off our belongings. We must be happy with what we have. We must be happy for getting good water, good food, god shelter and good friends. And, we must speak more than we know meaning that there's no need to memorise anything. Everything-your kindliness, hospitality, judjement, speech, motivation- all must come from your heart.

The next quote can explain the above statement-

"I have never thought of writing for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must come out; that is the reason why I compose"

-Ludwig Van Beethoven

The great composer himself tells this. I want to tell you a story on being intelligent, which I learned in my early childhood.

Once, in the royal garden in Peking, China, there were many farmers working for the Emperor. The Emperor once became very ill. He gradually became deaf and slightly blind as well. So, he wanted to appoint a new emperor for the throne of China. He nominated his 23 gardeners for a test. To each he gave a seed. They have to grow a plant for 3 months. The one who has the tallest will be the Emperor.

Among the farmers was a poor one, named Jun. Jun planted the seeds in a fertile pot. He watered them every day, added compost to it, kept it in the Sun at intervals. He did the right things needed to grow a plant, but nothing came out. He saw his friends having large towers of bushes and shrubs, with beautiful fowers blooming. They all blustered Jun for not even growing a tiny shoot.

After three months, they all came to the palace with their pots. Jun hung his head sadly. The Emperor, with his adviser, inspected everyone's pots. The last one to be seen was Jun. He hung his head sadly, for he thought he would be poked fun at.

But, what's happening here? The Emperor broke into laughter by seeing Jun's empty pot with his blurry vision. Jun thought he was making fun at him. But the Emperor told, "Jun, what a honest man you are. You are the next Emperor!"

Jun looked the Emperor with felicity. The 22 gardeners were astonished. The Emperor told, "You 22 fools, I have given you boiled seeds. Fighting for being Emperor, you were dishonest and used other seeds. Jun, being the honest, has passed the test, and shall be crowned Emperor. And the 22 shall be dismissed from your work"

The 22 dishonest gardeners hung their heads and went home. Jun, being honest was happy. The End

Readers, comment a suitable title for the story above. See you in the next Chapter!