
Forsaken Redemption

In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by chaos and despair, a man named Mori finds himself trapped in a never-ending cycle of death. With each demise, he awakens again, only to face the same agonizing fate repeatedly. Determined to break free from this relentless torment and bring salvation to a forsaken world, Mori embarks on a dangerous journey to confront the very deity responsible for the apocalypse.

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3 Chs

Sleepless Night

Surprisingly, when Mori explores the lifeless body after killing the dimension traveler, he finds nothing valuable. After exploring the corpse, Mori went in search of a shelter where he could stay in for the night but unannounced for him there was going to be no rest for him what so ever.

As Mori kept looking for a temporary shelter he found a shopping mall, inside the shopping mall there was a danger lurking around. Mori went inside the shopping mall, and as he walked around he thought about food wondering if they might even be any food. Mori checked each restaurant and luckily he found some food maybe enough food to last till next week. Mori then thought, "Where would I store all the food." Mori had to check the shopping mall all over again to find a duffel bag and after finding it he went back to the restaurant and stored all the food he found.

Before going out of the shopping mall he had sensed killing intent from behind him and he instantly reacted getting in a boxing stance. Since he reacted fast enough, he had blocked the zombie punch which pushed him back quite far. The zombie followed up with another punch but this time Mori countered it hitting the zombie in the face which made the zombie fall on the ground. Mori thinking he finished the zombie let his guard down but soon after the zombie got back up.

Mori realizing that his fist wasn't enough to kill the zombie looked around his surroundings looking for a sharp object, after finding a sharp piece of glass he had made his plan on how to kill the zombie. As soon as the zombie came close enough he grabbed the piece of glass and struck the zombie in the forehead, and the zombie fell flat to the ground.

Mori dug into the hole of the zombies brain and brought out something that looked like a gem, and after holding the gem for a while a blue window popped out in the sky. Mori had yelled out of excitement and after calming himself down he had thought of all his past lives. All the lives where he had never gotten a blue window and suddenly he just gets a system. He remembers his 42nd life when he met a human that told him about the system, the human explained to him everything about the system but the human didn't say one thing how to get it.

The system was a blue window in a sky it showed you information about yourself and what your specialties are but most importantly it allowed you to pick a combat growth skill that will develop along with your experience. When Mori went looking for a skill he scrolled down to the bottom to find a skill named ??? without even reading the descriptions he picked the skill. After picking the skill Mori felt excruciating pain, for his mind was blank and the only thing he could think of was shelter because since he was out in the open if he went unconscious there would be no getting back up.

Mori had only 1 objective in his mind right now get back into the mall and border himself up in a restaurant. Mori took 1 step at a time and each step he took the pain increased, after some time he made it to a restaurant and since he had no mor energy in his body he instantly fell to the ground. After the night passed Mori woke up, as soon as he woke up he checked his surroundings. Mori then got up, as soon as he got up he checked his body to see if anything had happened to him and surprisingly he felt newfound power. The power Mori felt was familiar like a lost memory that he had forgotten.

Mori then went and checked his new strength by punching the wall after waiting for a while a dent appeared on the wall followed by a crack. Mori then thought to himself "How far behind am I, if this is what I have accomplished with 1 day how much have the humans accomplished with 4 years."