
What the hell is that?!

Within the eastern edges of the Silent Desert, the inhabitants of the small Plaga tribe were going about their daily routine, the tribes inhabitants were mainly Incubi and Succubi otherwise known as Seducters.

The Seducters are a nomadic race of demons known for their beguiling charm and silver tongues, able to influence mortals and even other demons with low willpower to do their bidding, higher rank Seducters are also able to acquire the ability to polymorph to increase their charm to specific targets, such as removing their wings or adding an extra eye for example.

However for the most part their basic form consists of being between 5-6 feet tall, with females being slender and males rather muscular. Wings protrude from their shoulder blades which enable flight with a tail growing from their tailbone to help maximise their balance in the air.

Seducters are known to have a nature which leans more towards being evil and they are a naturally proud species. However despite their pride they are a species known to have been enslaved throughout history for their beautiful females and handsome males.

Sometimes even human sorcerers would manage to summon a Seducter from the Nether Realm and enslave them to be their familiar, acting in the role of a butler or maid in most cases, or as a meatshield in others.

Moving back to the Plaga tribe, its population reaches around 200 with the majority being female, as a predominantly female oriented race only 20% of children are born male, leading to a situation where most males take multiple wives.

Near the entrance of the tribe are two Succubi, caring for their young daughters while waiting patiently for the return of their husband and son. "Millie, Elsa, stop running around! You're bothering the neighbours." shouted one of the women.

"Yes mamas!" said Millie obediently, being only 3 years old she is still very dependant on her mothers.

"Ugh, why can't we just play! We're not bothering anyone." grumbled the 5 year old Elsa, cutely scrunching her brows together before noticing a silhouette coming from the west.

"Ah! It's sister Eleanora!" she shouted with glee, knowing that soon she will see her dad and big brother.

"Ah she's right sister wife, let's go and await the return of our husband." said one of the Succubi to the other before they both started walking out to meet Eleanora with their daughters.

After running and flying as quickly as she could back towards the her tribe, Eleanora managed to return in a record time of a little over a week. Despite being exhausted though all that could be seen in her eyes was determination to see the chief, her father.

Once she managed to reach the gates of the tribe she noticed Durke and Arens family coming out to greet her joyfully. Feeling that all too familiar heart wrenching pain returning her tears once again started to fall.

"Big sister Eleanora! Where's daddy and big brother? Are they being slow pokes?" giggled the younger Millie followed by her older sister.

Unable to answer them through her sobbing, Eleanora felt as if her voice was ripped away from her. Continuing to walk past the young girls towards their mothers, she took out Durkes horns and the small wooden sword before slowly passing them to the blank faced Succubi and continuing towards her father's tent.

Walking further away all that she could hear were the gutteral cries of grief and innocent questions of 'Where's daddy and brother' from the naive children.

Finally stepping into the chieftains tent and meeting eyes with her father, with hatred lacing her voice she only says one thing.

"Father, prepare for war."


Meanwhile after just having sent off his commanders to begin recruiting, Azazel is flaoting above the center of the huge pool of Mana.

'Hmm, when I released my aura earlier I managed to convert some of the neutral Mana mist into pure death Mana. I wonder if its possible to do the same to the source itself.'

Thinking so to himself he begins to dive into the Mana pool, attempting to reach its depths. Since arriving at the plateau he has tried to do so many times before out of curiosity but always stopped when he reached a certain depth due to the pressure he felt on his soul.

10 meters...

20 meters...


90 meters...

Every 10 meters down the pressure on Azazels' soul doubles, upon reaching 90 meters it feels as if his whole body is burning and every further centimeter moved caused a pain so great he almost passed out.

"I can keep going!" He screamed while gritting his non existent teeth.

Pushing further and further his core starts to crack, however the immense inflow of Mana from the depths of the pool continuously repairs them, causing his core to become harder, more condensed.

After what seemed like only a few seconds but also a lifetime his Mana reached full capacity however it still continued to enter him, stretching his very body itself beyond its limits.

His form shifted, growing from an orb like shape into a more humanoid one, with his tendrils expanding to look more like sleeves while ghostly whitened hands form beneath them, veins practically visible under the white mist which made them up, only instead of blood, Mana coursed through them.

His facial features gained more definition and he gained a mouth, now able to speak physically rather than through his senses as he has grown used to. The colour of his face changed from a pitch black to the same ghostly white as his newly formed hands, pronouncing the black cloak look even more as if he was wearing a hood over his head, covering to just above his eyes.

He had evolved, he knew instinctively that he was still a shade, so he must have grown from a Minor Shade to the regular Shade form.

With his increased size and Mana capacity the pressure around him swiftly decreased, able to descend even further and faster than before.

100 meters...

120 meters...


Finally upon reaching 150 meters he had reached the bottom, however when he saw what was at the bottom of the Mana pool all he could say was "What the hell is that?!"


As this was happening, in the North where Victor was sent to explore, a strange occurrence was happening between him and a Minor Ghost he had come across.

"Bow before me and I shall lead you to conquer all!" He declared, trying to replicate the great majesty shown by his lord.

"Why follow... Just a ghost... One day... I be ghost." The little Minor Ghost adamantly refused to follow just a basic Ghost.

Feeling embarrassed and also inferior remembering his fellow commanders unique evolutions. Victor got into a heated argument with the Minor Ghost trying to showcase his greatness.

However unable to come up with any retorts to the little ghosts blunt comments about his lack of uniqueness Victor slaughtered the Minor Ghost with one of his acid arrows before thinking to himself about what he can do to rise above his fellow commanders.

"Below God, there sits an emporer, I shall be the emporer to my Lords godliness!" He roared while trying to mimic Azazels 'Body Manipulation', after many attempts and failures, he succeeded and managed to raise three large spikes above his head, surrounded by many smaller ones, in the end his appearance resembled a Ghost wearing a crown.

"Muahahahaha! With my newfound image I will complete my Lords bidding! How could anyone refuse to bow to my visage!" Shouted Victor with great confidence in his new look.

Little did he know that not far away from him another Minor Ghost was laughing its ass off "Hehe... He looks... So stupid".

I'm surprised no one has commented about who they think the four ghosts are, I'm giving them all traits of the characters I'm basing them on :P

Anyway I hope you enjoy :)

Ckcrazycreators' thoughts