
Former Protagonist (Remake) :The Unveiled Journey

***************** What if I am not the main character, as it turns out? Akira expressed his extreme frustration at having to deal with the harsh reality of his world. "The year 2040 in Japan" The world that Akira currently lives in, which is effectively modernizing every aspect of life, is one where a wise person will eventually encounter a situation that they think is unreasonable for themselves. "the long-term struggle between android robots and humans for different job opportunities" Whether or not humans are intelligent today, they will not be assured success in this era because all those skills have been directly replaced by android robots, which are more efficient than humans and prone to error in every situation. but even so, By developing an android robot that can accomplish tasks that humans cannot, humanity at that time has finally succeeded in advancing its own civilization. As a result, skyscrapers reaching high into the sky are erected by humans as a symbol of their pride in being the dominant race in the world. In human history, the development of android robots has had both positive and negative effects on humanity. As time passes, people become more and more avaricious, and their hearts are full of tricks that allow them to achieve any goal they set out to accomplish. These people are truly miserable and are the primary source of this chaos. Nevertheless, behind all the chaos and despair, there remains a young man with great aspirations to be a hero from every perspective in human history. "Akira Mizuki" a young man from an impoverished family who is adamant about changing his fate despite constant misfortune He works hard and perseveres, but despite his best efforts, misfortune always finds him two steps ahead. He cried night after night until he passed out in bed because the madness of his world often prevented him from succeeding, and when he reached his lowest point, he made the decision to give up on his dream. "Where am I?" But interestingly, he woke up the following day staring at it in a broad, green lowland rather than in bed, where he frequently expresses his regrets every day, at the very moment when he felt like giving up all of his dreams. "Am I in a another world? Akira spoke those words with a fierce passion, suggesting that a long journey lay ahead of him. But even so, what lies ahead for him on that perilous and enigmatic journey? Will he meet a good end or the other way around? Everything will become clear once he has completed the journey, and time will make the final decision. *********************

Autum_Rain_Guy07 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 8:Alstrea


[Proxima II]

The story is focused Alstrea, a small kingdom in the eastern region that has been home to devoted followers of the sun god religion for centuries. For the past three years, Alstrea has been engaged in a civil war.

One of the royal family's heirs deserving of the throne, who is said to have done taboo things for mankind, betrayed the people and started this civil war. Of course, taboo things can only be accepted if they are directly related to the benefit of mankind, but in this case, they are directly related to the demonic race, which is the world's worst enemy.

This has caused the kingdom of Alstrea to split into two factions that are battling for dominance, but everything will end today.....

clang! slash!

[Rebel Warrior I:Quaacckkkk!!!!!]

[R.Warrior II:Heuuukkkkk!!!]

Two swordsmen from the rebel faction were heard screaming in pain before dying as a result of being slashed by soldiers from Count Doem's justice faction.

[Justice Faction Warrior I:Hurrah! curse you, black magician! traitor to this holy kingdom and the group of rebels who came with her! In this holy land, ye shall all die!]

[J.F.Warrior II:Go to hell, you witch, and honor Count Doem, who is the one who truly deserves to sit on the holy throne!]

During those tense moments, the point of view is fixed on a large tent containing a stunning woman known as the first princess of the kingdom of Alstrea, along with her devoted assistant Mio, who is preparing to flee their fortress because the rebel forces have been completely defeated, leaving only the rebel guardians.

[Mio:Your Majesty! quick! We have a long way to go before the guardians relent!]

[Litia: Please calm down, Mio. I need to focuseds right now on]

[R.Warrior III:Quacccckkkk!!!!!]

[R.Warrior IV:Please!! Have mercy to us all! Keuukkkk!! Arghhh!!]

[J.F.Warrior II:Mercy? pathenic traitor! just die already]

Splat! Splat!

[Mio: Oh no! the Guardians! that indicates they are ready to kill us and are already outside the tent! Be quick, your majesty, and cast the teleportation spell!]

[Litia:I know Mio! just a little bit more to finish]


[Mio:Your Majesty!]

[Litia:Alright! Teleportation magic!]

Sha! Zap!

A moment before, Litia managed to activate the teleportation magic just before the justice factions entered the tent Litia and Mio were in, allowing them both to escape from the dangerous situation at that time.

[J.F.Warriror I:Huh?! is that!!!]

The warrior from the justice faction briefly glimpsed a light that blocked their view of the tent. A few seconds later, as the light gradually dimmed, Litia and Mio vanished from their line of sight.


[J.F.Warrior II:No way! How did they manage to get away?]

[J.F.Warrior I:Shit! When everything seemed to be about to go as planned, how did this occur? we already failed our lord expection! retreat and quickly find that traitor!]


while on the other side, Litia and Mio managed to escape from the hands of Count Doem's justice forces who wanted to kill them both.

Litia and Mio have teleported to a lowland area that is not far from the Alstrea kingdom's territory which is now absolutely controlled by Count Doem completely, now Litia has absolutely no power over her late father's kingdom


[Mio:Huff! Huff! We! both! almost! get! caught! your majesty!]


Mio said that with a panting breath from her panic wh ile Litia just remained speechless

[Mio:Your majesty? really? Are you still thinking about Doem's impending takeover of the holy throne?]

[Litia: I am at a loss for what to do at this point. Mio, the Doem has won, and even though we tried our hardest to defeat him, we were unable to take the kingdom.]

[Mio:So what? We can fight Doem back by starting from scratch! Do not give up yet, your majesty!]

[Litia: How long should we continue doing this? Even though I am exhausted, Mio, I can not help but feel concerned for my beloved sister and my people in the kingdom.]


[Mio:Right! so your majes-Keuk!]

[Litia;Mio! Noooo!!!]


Mio ceased speaking and began to vomit a lot of blood when an arrow suddenly pierced her body from behind.

[Litia:please! Mio! Please do not die and leave me all alone! I have no one else to rely on but you at this time!]

[Mio:Blergh! yo-your ma-majesty! blergh!]

[Litia: Quit talking and let me help you get up! we can do this together!]

[Mio:N-no! Please, your Majesty, flee and leave me alone! It is also my desire that your Majesty not pass away without taking out that Doem bastard!]

[Litia: B-But without you, it is all for nothing, because you are no longer just my faithful servant—you are my best friend! I want to proudly take out Doem with you by my side!]

[J.F. Warrior: Capture her! the evil witch! damn you!]

[Mio: Regretfully, I am going to go before you, your Majesty, so go ahead and take care of it for me! I will sacrifice my whole body and soul, to ensure that nothing will stand in the way of your struggle to realize your dreams, unearth my buried bones, take them all, and sell them! I don't mind at all and am proud to have served you fully....I...Dont..Regret..it...]

[Litia:Tsk! You Idiot! how could you say that when you are now not just ordinary servant but my true friend!]

At that moment Litia put on a depressed expression while her eyes slowly flowed tears that fell on Mio's pale face

Mio at that moment... ended up dead in Litia's lap who only continued to cry over her death

Screech! Tap! Tap!

meanwhile, the warriors from the justice faction began to prepare a long spear aimed at Litia who was still holding the dead Mio on her lap with a war horse that galloped towards Litia was

[J.F.Warrior I:You Witch! die for the sake of Alstrea!]



before the spear hit Litia, Litia disappeared in an instant from the sight of all the justice faction warrirors
