
Former Protagonist (Remake) :The Unveiled Journey

***************** What if I am not the main character, as it turns out? Akira expressed his extreme frustration at having to deal with the harsh reality of his world. "The year 2040 in Japan" The world that Akira currently lives in, which is effectively modernizing every aspect of life, is one where a wise person will eventually encounter a situation that they think is unreasonable for themselves. "the long-term struggle between android robots and humans for different job opportunities" Whether or not humans are intelligent today, they will not be assured success in this era because all those skills have been directly replaced by android robots, which are more efficient than humans and prone to error in every situation. but even so, By developing an android robot that can accomplish tasks that humans cannot, humanity at that time has finally succeeded in advancing its own civilization. As a result, skyscrapers reaching high into the sky are erected by humans as a symbol of their pride in being the dominant race in the world. In human history, the development of android robots has had both positive and negative effects on humanity. As time passes, people become more and more avaricious, and their hearts are full of tricks that allow them to achieve any goal they set out to accomplish. These people are truly miserable and are the primary source of this chaos. Nevertheless, behind all the chaos and despair, there remains a young man with great aspirations to be a hero from every perspective in human history. "Akira Mizuki" a young man from an impoverished family who is adamant about changing his fate despite constant misfortune He works hard and perseveres, but despite his best efforts, misfortune always finds him two steps ahead. He cried night after night until he passed out in bed because the madness of his world often prevented him from succeeding, and when he reached his lowest point, he made the decision to give up on his dream. "Where am I?" But interestingly, he woke up the following day staring at it in a broad, green lowland rather than in bed, where he frequently expresses his regrets every day, at the very moment when he felt like giving up all of his dreams. "Am I in a another world? Akira spoke those words with a fierce passion, suggesting that a long journey lay ahead of him. But even so, what lies ahead for him on that perilous and enigmatic journey? Will he meet a good end or the other way around? Everything will become clear once he has completed the journey, and time will make the final decision. *********************

Autum_Rain_Guy07 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: District 7


[Techno Monitor Tower at 20:00 am Japan time]

[Akira: Whew, just a minute for the final trash, table, and switch inspection...at last, I can relax by going home.]


[Akira: ?????, What is that noise?]

[??? : Zzzzzzzzzz, mweheheheheheh Zzzzzzzzzzz]

[Akira: hold on a second, have I just overheard someone experiencing delirium while they were asleep? and who the hell is that?]

Inquiring as to who was still in the office at that moment, Akira started to go through each employee's room and computer desk to make sure there was nothing more to see or any untidy desks, and he continued this process until he reached the final table he wanted to check.


[Aika: You are not going anywhere, mwhehehehe]

[Akira: Huff, So you have been there the whole time? Mrs. Aika....]

Akira sighed and grinned as he noticed a little girl with long purple hair dozing off on her computer desk, most likely from being too exhausted to work.

Aika Takashi, a popular young woman at work who is well-known for her diligence and kindness toward all people, including janitor Akira.

Akira admires Aika greatly, but not out of love or anything else; rather, he likes her for her occasionally innocent demeanor, which makes him want to keep treating her like a child even though Aika is a year younger than he is.


[Akira: Huff, Please do not tell me again tonight that you will work late into the next day at the office to assist other staff members in finishing their tasks at the expense of your own well-being.]

Out of concern, Akira started to access Aika's computer at that point and saw everything on it.


[Akira: so you really gonna do it again huh? for what reason? Miss Aika...]

[Aika: Ho-hum, eh? Brother Akira? w-why are you still here? I assumed you had left for home already.]

When Aika finally began to stir from her sleep a short while later, she saw Akira standing beside her, grinning.

[Akira: I should be the one asking you questions about that, do not I? Is there a reason you feel the need to assist your colleague in finishing their office work? It is sometimes necessary to learn when to say no to circumstances that are harmful to you, particularly this one. I have witnessed it happen numerous times. ]

[Aika: n-no! That is not the case! It is simply... ]

[Akira: No, no, no! I will not tolerate this anymore come grab a drink with me; I will cover the cost.]

[Aika: b-but! b-but!]

[Akira: There are no buts for you!]

[Aika: nooooooooo!!!!!]

At that moment, Aika appeared quite resigned as Akira started to drag her outside with force.


[POV: Japan Sky Castle in District 7]

Slurp! Slurp!

[Akira: What is the deal? do you dislike coffee? or would you prefer a beer?]

Seeing Aika's scowling expression and her refusal to take even a sip of cofee, Akira asked that, heaving a tired breath.

[Aika: No, it is nothing at all. ]

[Akira: Really? My dear, do not give me that while you are pulling that face. ]


Akira believes that since they have been together so much since their adolescence, Aika is now deserving of being treated like a member of his own family. Right now in their relationship, Akira has no qualms calling her his sister or using affectionate language.

and Aika does not mind that, despite the fact that those closest to her regard her with contempt simply for being in close proximity to Akira, a lowly individual in today's society.

[Akira: Oh my gosh, please stop acting like that, my dear sister! Come on! was it not worth it for your brother to fetch you here and buy you a drink at this posh restaurant? this is not inexpensive and simple to get into! obtaining the entry ticket requires a significant amount of time and effort.]


[Akira: please? I implore you, sweetie]

[Aika:huff! alright! alright! you win! please stop making that disgusting face.]

[Akira:why not? does the sight of my repulsive face make your heart race?]

[Aika: oh come on! that is simply not possible, especially considering that we are merely brothers and sisters! and remember that while you do not feel romantic toward me at this point, Shirley, the boss of Techo Tower, does!]

[Akira: I do, indeed! even if it is only a wish that vanishes along with my desire. but wait, why are we discussing my crush in this context?]

[Aika: hehehehehe!]

[Akira: Stop laughing out of the blue!]

[Aika: This is how you get punished for dragging me out against my will!]

[Akira: Punishment? but I am doing this because I only want the best for you!]

[Aika: hihihihi!]

[Akira: pft! You little one, quit laughing! and come here!]

[Aika: Absolutely not! hahahahah!]
