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Successful People Without a Formal Education

Almost everyone believes that to be educated, one must attend a formal school, with the exception of religious education, which can be learned at home from religious scholars. Because they have been brainwashed by society to believe that you need a certificate or other degree to be deemed educated, many people are illiterate or semi-literate. This article will debunk that notion. In fact, I am planning to attack it with a nuclear weapon. There is plenty of practical and historical evidence to disprove those who covertly rate others based on their educational abilities "many" "many" times. These individuals believe they are superior to those who have not studied for a higher-level degree outside of the four walls of a classroom.

We will take a look at a few people who changed the world without having received any or much formal education. We will also learn what it takes to get a formal education, if it is even essential, and whether the existing global education system helps or hinders knowledge acquisition.

There is a lot to say about our educational system. Let us take a look at how these five legendary

persons defied societal expectations to become some of the world's most accomplished scientists and

inventors. Thomas Edison was expelled from school because his professors believed he was a slow learner. Following his expulsion, Thomas continued to study at home with the help of his mother. She was the one who taught him to read and write. He toiled and experimented until he created the light bulb,

motion picture camera, and stock sticker, all of which are still used around the world today.

The Wright Brothers were the first to invent a flying machine and fly a plane. These brilliant scientists never finished high school. They were kicked out. "There is little prospect for progress if we believe that reality is fixed and only acknowledged truths are true," Orville Wright famously observed.

You have probably heard of Bill Gates. Several times the world's richest guy. He dropped out of Harvard to build one of the world's most successful multinational enterprises.

Larry Ellison is the creator of Oracle and was formerly the world's ninth richest man. "Diplomas are for losers," Ellison reportedly stated in an address to Yale grads. He is one of our generation's rich college dropouts.

Yes, Michael Dell, the founder of Dell Inc., dropped out of college at the age of 19 and went on to develop a multi-national technology firm. This essay was actually authored on a Dell laptop.

From the examples I have mentioned above, is higher education still necessary?

No. For technological, scientific, or social growth, formal schooling is not required. We will show you how by looking at the lives of some scientists who, despite never having attended a university, transformed the world with their innovations. Some of the scientists never even finished high school. Some students did not even finish primary school.

That is not to argue formal institutions should be abolished. They will be beneficial, but if they are used incorrectly (as they are today), they will confine rather than disseminate knowledge. Governments should create ways to make home learning easier so that a child may learn from anybody,
