
Forgotten Soul' of An unknown God

"IN THE SEARCH OF YOUR TRUE SELF AND TO FIND THE BURIED TRUETH , YOU HAVE TO DESTROY THE FAKE" In a universe woven by divine threads, meet Renial Sovn—a God mysteriously intertwined with mortals, cursed with the unique power to unveil long-buried secrets. Branded as a fallen deity, his perilous journey is driven not only by a relentless desire to reclaim his lost godhood but also by the haunting whispers of an ancient prophecy. As Renial traverses the blurred realm between gods and humans, his one-of-a-kind ability to uncover hidden truths becomes both his greatest advantage and his deepest torment. With each revelation, the very fabric of reality unravels, leaving readers spellbound as they witness a God who challenges the cosmos itself, all in the pursuit of a destiny that defies the heavens. Join us on this mesmerizing odyssey, where the cosmic stage becomes the battleground for an extraordinary struggle, and where Renial's quest for self-discovery and the revelation of a cosmic truth will leave you on the edge of your seat, craving the next revelation.

FIRE_ANGEL · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Realm of Nightmares I I

A/n : i just wanted to tell that from now on i will post chapter daily, and 4 powerstone = 1 extra chapter.


When I had first witnessed the unnatural actions of the princess, I had suspected a demonic spirit might have taken control of her.

But now, with Renial's inexplicable return from the dead, I realized this was no ordinary demon spirit's work.

Something far more sinister and malevolent was at play, something that transcended the realm of the supernatural.

My conclusion began to take shape – the Renial standing before me was a fake. The real Renial was dead, and some devilish entity had assumed his form to speak with me.

Slowly, deliberately, I placed my right hand on the hilt of my sword, my knuckles white with tension.

"What do you want from me, you evil creature?" I growled, my voice laced with a mixture of anger and fear.

"Uncle, why did you abandon me?" the fake Renial cried, his voice quivering, his expression twisted in sorrow.

"Don't try to deceive me. You are not my nephew," I retorted, my resolve unwavering.

"Uncle, how can you do this to me?!" the imposter wailed, his eyes welling with tears.

"First, you abandoned me and left me to die, and now, instead of seeking forgiveness, you accuse me of being an evil creature. Don't you have a heart?"

My jaw clenched tightly, anger bubbling up to its peak.

I gripped the hilt of my sword even harder, my veins throbbing with tension. I closed my eyes momentarily,collecting my thoughts, then reopened them, ready to confront the deceit before me.

"Hey! Is this… some kind of sick joke?!" I roared in frustration, the weight of the situation pressing down on me.

Without hesitation, I unsheathed my silver sword, determination burning in my eyes as I launched a fierce attack on the fake Renial, determined to unmask the truth.

My blade sliced through the air with a deadly precision, aimed directly at the imposter who wore my nephew's face.

But as my sword descended, the imposter's expression shifted from sorrow to wicked amusement.

With supernatural agility, he dodged my attack with ease, his movements fluid and inhuman.

I stumbled forward, my momentum carrying me past the fake Renial.

Before I could regain my footing, he struck, a powerful kick connecting with my side.

Pain seared through me as I crashed into the rocky wall of the cave, my breath knocked out of me.

The imposter stood before me, his eyes filled with malice.

"You never learn, do you, Uncle?" he taunted, his voice a grotesque imitation of Renial's.

"You can't defeat me. I am something beyond your comprehension."

Summoning my strength, I pushed myself off the wall, determined not to give in to despair. I couldn't allow this malevolent entity to continue toying with me.

With renewed resolve, I lunged at the imposter once more, my blade dancing through the air in a flurry of strikes.

But each attack was effortlessly evaded, as if he could predict my every move.

Frustration and fear gnawed at me, but I couldn't relent.

I had to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

As the battle raged on, the imposter's malevolent laughter echoed through the cave, mingling with my desperate shouts.

It was a battle not just of swords, but of wills, a clash between darkness and a flicker of fading hope.

Each strike I attempted, each thrust of my blade, was met with an eerie grace, as if the imposter could predict my every move.

My frustration grew, and fear gnawed at my soul, but I couldn't relent.

I had to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

The cave seemed to close in around us, the air thick with malevolence, as if the very walls were closing in on my fight for survival.

The imposter's face contorted with malice, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light.

He spoke with Renial's voice, but it was twisted, a grotesque mockery of the boy I had loved as my own.

And then, in a moment of sheer desperation, I found an opening, a vulnerability in his defenses.

With all the strength and determination I could muster, I lunged forward, my blade finding its mark.

The imposter's mocking laughter turned into a bloodcurdling scream as my sword pierced his heart.

In that instant, the malevolent presence that had haunted me dissipated, and the imposter crumpled to the cave floor, lifeless.

But victory came at a great cost.

My vision blurred, and darkness closed in on the edges of my consciousness. 

 I fought to stay upright, to make sense of the chaos that had consumed my world, but my strength waned.


I jolted awake with a sharp cry, pain coursing through my body, but then just as abruptly, it vanished into thin air.

"Hah… hah…" I breathed deeply, trying to steady my racing heart.

Wait a minute... I think I had experienced this before. In a hurry, I started to check my surroundings, and there it was – the same cave where I had first awakened.

I ran forward, determined to escape this nightmarish cycle.

Ten minutes passed.

Twenty minutes.

Thirty minutes.

Once again, the moonlight bathed the scene in its familiar silvery glow, the same light that had offered me hope before.

But this time, a sense of impending doom clung to the air, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was trapped in an endless nightmare, doomed to relive this horror again and again.

And my gut feeling turned out to be right.

Before me, just as before, stood the imposter.

But this time, there were two of them, each impersonating Renial and Rose.

They wore sorrowful expressions, tears streaming down their faces.

But I knew better than to fall for this macabre charade.

This was the devil's game, and I refused to play along.

With a deep breath, I drew my silver sword once more and launched myself at them.

The battle had begun anew, and this time, I was determined to break free from this never-ending nightmare, no matter the cost.