
Forgotten Prince Of The Divine Phoenix Empire

Feng Zhu stared at the golden coloured phoenix flag in front of him with a slightly dazed expression. His gaze lowered as he stared at the words carved on the jade. Divine Phoenix Empire. "Hmph! Royal bastard who allowed you to crawl up here?" An angry snort came from behind him. [Would you like to sign in the 'Divine Phoenix Palace'?] It seems like this day is going to be full of surprises. Note-> It's not your everyday fan-fic, there is drama and stuff in here so be warned. ------------------------------------------------ This is not a wish fulfilment type of fan-fic. Check out my youtube channel to support your poor author:- Youtube_Stories. search for -> forgotten relative_1 on YouTube. Picture is not mine.

nkcthereaper · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
8 Chs

Chapter 7

Slowly but steadily time passed, every day Feng Zhu would go out and wander the streets, looking for a new place to sign-in as he couldn't sign-in the same place twice, if it were not a sacred ground of heaven and earth.

Unfortunately Feng Zhu didn't receive any amazing reward like the drop of phoenix blood or anything, the best he managed to get was a elementary profound realm cultivation pill which he saved up for when he would truly start cultivation.

On the other hand Feng Zhu also became friends with the two little thugs, completely unlike how they first met, now the three of them would even hang out with each other almost every single day.

Feng Zhu even taught Chen Chengpu some tricks to attract people, helping him earn money although it wasn't much but compared to his rough job filled with hardships it was without a doubt heaven compared to the previous hell.

Feng Zhu still clearly remembers how Chen Chengpu cried while thanking him continuosly for the 10 Yellow Profound Coins they earned on the first day, since Feng Zhu didn't have any urgent need for the money he handed his share to Feng Zhu as well making him cry even harder.

He even started saying things like he would be forever grateful for what Feng Zhu had done for him and would one day return his kindness and such, Feng Zhu didn't take his words to heart and just brushed his words off like a joke.

Although Chen Chengpu's expression seemed quite determined at that time.

As for the fat thug Wang Lie, he was even easier to get, one day when he saw Feng Zhu and Chen Chengpu were hanging out with each other he also joined them after some hesitation.

The only one missing from the three thugs was the arrogant girl, but didn't Feng Zhu ask for her whereabouts and neither did the other two said anything.

And just like that the days passed by turning into weeks, in no time the short period of one month came to an end, coincidentally the start of the outer sect admission process was also on the same day.


"Grandpa I am leaving now!", Wang Lie shouted in a loud voice as he quickly wore his shoes.

"Don't feel pressured Wang Lie, it's fine even if you don't get selected."

An old voice replied back as an old man with a hunched back slowly walked out from inside the house while holding his stick.

Suddenly the old man rubbed his bald head and said.

"Oh this old brain of mine is really getting rusted now, I can't even remember where I placed my purse! I'm sorry Wang Lie I wanted to give you some money but......."

"It's okay grandpa, I will be back by evening anyway.", Wang Lie said with a smile on his fat face while tightly gripping his fists.

"Mhm go on then."

With a heavy heart Wang Lie left the place making his way forward with strong footsteps.


"Brother I will be waiting for the good news!", A little girl shouted as she maid a fighting pose with her hand.

"You bet! I will definitely get selected!", Chen Chengpu replied with a confident smile.

The clothes he wore today looked oversized but Chen Chengpu wasn't embarrassed if anything he felt even bolder while wearing the clothes his father used to wear.


"I am going to participate in the outer sect selection mother."

"Mhm I know you will be selected without a doubt.", Mo Chou said as he gently rubbed Feng Zhu's hair.

After giving one last look to Mo Chou, Feng Zhu left the house.

Surprisingly in the past month Mo Chou didn't show any sign of going out of control at night or even drinking, but for some reason when going to sleep she would always tightly hug Feng Zhu as if he was her emotional pillar.

Feng Zhu had his doubt at first knowing full well that an addicted person would not change so suddenly but after observing for several days and not finding anything wrong Feng Zhu eventually got rid of his suspicion.

And so with the light of the sun lighting up his path, Feng Zhu pushed through the crowd and finally stepped inside the outer court of the divine phoenix sect.


"You said you're name is Feng Zhu?", The elder responsible for the outer sect admission asked with a surprised look on his face as he looked straight at Feng Zhu.


The Elder gave Feng Zhu a deep look before taking out a crystal from his inner pocket.

"Hold this."

Feng Zhu raised his eyebrow at the strange behaviour of the elder, it was completely different from how he treated the other participants before him.

Raing his hand Feng Zhu grabbed the crystal not long after a tiny flame appeared inside the crystal started burning with a not so noticable light.

Seeing the scene the elder nodded as if he had expected it and started writing something on the paper in his hand before pointing at the confused Feng Zhu.

"You go and stand over there."

Feng Zhu followed the Elder's direction and saw another old man with a long white beard sitting calmly on his chair and enjoying his morning tea.

"Hurry up there are others behind you as well!"

Under the urging of the elder, Feng Zhu walked upto the old man who seemed to be enjoying his life before quitly standing behind him.

Through the entire process the old man with a long white beard only gave him a single look before once again focusing on the tea in his hand.

While standing behind the elder, Feng Zhu saw the many children who entered before him going through some sort of strict examination, most of them didn't make any sense to Feng Zhu so he just quitly watched having nothing else to do.

But from what he saw, it seemed like the passing criteria was quite low as only 1 out of roughly every 50 were being selected.

Of course compared to the college entrance exam from his previous life where the chances of getting admission into a good college went as low as 0.001%, it was indeed quite generous indeed.

Feng Zhu calmly watched as several participants burst out into tears on the spot after being rejected, he even saw several of them trying to bribe their way in but perhaps the bribe was too low or maybe the morality of the elder was too high as they directly disqualified such participants.

Of course some of the smarter ones must have already entered through the back door but that was none of Feng Zhu's concern.

By now he had also figured out why he was seperated from the rest, it wasn't hard to guess, without a doubt it must be because of the phoenix blood inside his body.

But that also confused Feng Zhu a bit, after all the drop of phoenix blood inside his mind was bright like sun while the one that appeared in the crystal was little worse than a firefly...

Whatever it was it worked in Feng Zhu's favour, after all he would have ended up causing a big commotion in case the pure drop of phoenix blood was discovered inside him.

Suddenly Feng Zhu's eyes moved towards a particular side of the arena there to his surprise he saw Wang Lie amongst the crowd dancing around in joy, the layers of fat giggling on his stupid looking face made Feng Zhu smile unconsciously.

But his smile soon turned stiff when Feng Zhu saw Chen Changpu slowly making his way out of the outer court with a dejected look on his face.

Seeing his state, Feng Zhu was more or less able to guess that he wasn't selected.

Shaking his head silently, Feng Zhu once again turned his head to look at the young faces of the kids on the ground filled with expectations, anxiety, dejection and many more such emotions.

"Resources around the world are scarce, that's why we cannot accept everyone, in a big crowd the talented ones will naturally shine while the others could only feel dejected by the destiny they were born with and be left behind."

"Such is the rule of nature.", The elder with a long white beard completed his sentence as he turned his head and gave Feng Zhu a friendly look.

Suddenly hearing the Elder's words, Feng Zhu wasn't startled instead he continued looking at the crowd before him.

Seeing his calm reaction the Elder smiled before turning his head back towards his tea but just as he was about to take a sip.

"Since when have we humans abided by the rules of nature?"

The elders hand holding the tea stopped moving.

"The ones who truly want to fly higher will naturally be able to do it, unrestricted by the so called chains of 'talent'."

"Of course the probability of it happening might be low but it's not zero."

Feng Zhu turned his head as his eyes matched with those of the Elder's.

"What is you're name young man?"

"Feng Zhu sir."

"Welcome to the divine phoenix sect, Feng Zhu."