
In the beginning....

In the beginning, there was only dust and energy. Swirling around, nothing else existed. But from this desolation came The Ancients. Beings born of pure energy, no light existed. They used the powers available to created different planes. However they couldn't use fire or light. They were cursed with infinite power but no way to see. After thousands of years. A new being was born. The first god. Named Dissanri, he had the power of creation. Forging the planes together as well as creating a plane of fire and a star for this new created planet to revolve around, they were soon horrified. The Ancients, in all their glory, were truly vile looking. The most disgusting things to ever exist, not seeing was a blessing in disguise. Mortified, they went underground, residing at the center of this new world, they allowed their magical energies to fill the planet, speeding up the creation of life and make the air thick with magic. This was their atonement. More Gods were birthed from the energy, creating factions. The Peace faction, the Order faction, the War faction, and the Chaos faction. Those who refused to join were forced to the corners of the world, becoming the neutral faction. Their impact on the world is negligible though they hold the most power. Thousands upon thousands of years passed and empires and species rose and fell, the world is finally being fully explored. For adventurers, travelers, and wanderers, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. To explore a place they know nothing about. To explore the Forgotten Kingdoms.

Hello! This is my first novel. Not sure how often ill post chapters but for starters ill aim for 1 chapter a week but no promises. I dont think ahead enough... anyway let me know what you think and if somethings aren't clear with this chapter. Thank you!

Sleepy_Cultivatorcreators' thoughts