
Forgotten God: The Journey Of Kaizaki

Kaizaki Grimlock, a being who ascended to godhood and stayed in the immortal world for countless years until the world has changed to what we know today as Earth, thus begins the life of a god who tries to fit in society and look normal but... how long will it last till the immortals, cultivators and magicians begin to know that a god is living among them.

Ashuelot_Grimlock · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

3. The Date and Interference Part 1

It's a beautiful sunny day today, now you might be wondering where I am heading off to? I have a date, yes, a date.

"I arrived 20 minutes early than what she said, I guess I'll just watch some anime to pass the time." taking my phone out lazily, I opened Google Chrome and watched Rakshasa Street, after finishing a episode, she finally arrived. "your up early, you couldn't wait to have a date with me don't you?~~~ I know, I know, I'm just so beautiful~" she said with a air of pride. oh for the love of me, your ego is so large if you were to become a sin, You would surely become The Sin Of Pride.

"Yeah, Yeah, so what is it now? I was planning to play games the entire day but because of YOU, I have to go through such a hassle right now." I said with a bit of irritation. "Sheesh, calm down, are you really getting angry at poor little me." trying to act as if she was bullied I just stopped. "sigh, fine go ahead."

"so, do you wanna marry me?" I puked all the food I ate this morning, what in the name of burgers is this? Why asking me a marriage? pls just go find another man.

"Yeah- nope. sorry but not interested on getting married." I said while grabbing some burgers I bought on my way to the park. "instead of asking me to marry you, how about you eat some burgers so you can stuff some energy to your sorry excuse of a brain." she tried to punch me but I just side stepped, she fell, well, karma's a bitch I know but today, it is quite helpful.

I created a skeleton arm using «Creation Magic»

"Need a... HAND?" I burst to laughter.

"not funny." she said deadpanned.

--- Timeskip ---

"So, did you seriously just call me out here to ask me about marriage? bruh, dude, if you have anything more to say, say it now because I don't have all day." well I said that but I was just gonna play games or watch anime for today.

"Sir, Ma'am, here's your order, 2 Cheeseburgers, 3 French Fries, 2 boxes of chicken nuggets, 2 Chicken Fillet, 2 Orange Juice. will that be all?" the waiter said while Fujiwara was drooling, but, can she finish all of this? dude, I'm going bankrupt because of this gluttonous lady, meh, I'll just create more money later.

"Uhh, yes, that's all." while getting my wallet and slowly peeking, I don't have cash anymore.

"uhmmm.... does McDonald's accept credit cards?" I asked while she just started eating without a care in the world.

I karate chopped her on the head.

"ouch, I was eating Kaizaki." anime tears threatening to fall at any moment.

"wait dumbass, let me pay first will ya."

"We do accept credit cards here sir." I gave him my credit card and after a few minutes he came back and returned it.

"Yosh, time to eat, Thanks For The Food."

along with me she also said "Thanks For The Food." and started eating everything.

while I ate mine.

After finishing eating, I was full.

"yeah, I have another thing I want to ask, will you become my partner, because, as you know, I'm weak but I promise I won't become a dead weight. please... be my... partner.." damn... why must she use the sad cute face.. sigh, I guess it doesn't make any difference if I had a million magicians under my protection.

"sure, from now on we're partners." I said.

smiling cheerfully, bruh, what a turn of behavior :u.

"Thank you so mu-" a explosion could be heard. I sensed a new energy, it seems it's an evil cultivator, sigh, it's much stronger than her but not for me.

"A evil cultivator?! he's stronger than us, we should run!!" saying with a hint of fear that could be heard in her voice.

"Don't worry, I'm the strongest." I stretched my limbs. the cultivator spoke.

"so your the person who can wield both mana and qi, interesting, I'll kill you and experiment on you, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" what a fucking maniac, meh.

he dashed towards me and did CQC.

«Crushing The Great Mountains» the cultivator casted.

«Rho Ais» I casted, deflecting the damage entirely.

"Hide for now Fujiwara." I spoke while creating a weapon.

"WHAT HO YOU LOT, GUESS WHAT WE HAVE HERE, A RUBBER CHICKEN!" I was hitting him so fast with the rubber chicken he couldn't react, this may be ordinary at first glance but this has mythical god tier- magic enhancements on it. I didn't use it's full power or he'd die in one blow, I was bored so I might as well play him.

"OI OI OI, IS THIS ALL YOU GOT DIPSHIT? and here I thought you were strong, just acting tough? weak ass trash." Intentionally provoking him, he dashed towards me in pure rage.


«Flowery Sword» he yelled in rage.

but, let's be real, he won't be able to hit me.

as a god who's lived for probably eon's, I'm almost transcending to Primordial Godhood. I'm omnipotent and omnipresent. I guess I'll try "that" technique.

after hitting me with his technique, a explosion of smoke covered around us.



she screamed, crying.

"We just went over this a moment ago, can't you even learn? ughh... this smoke."

"WHAT!!? HOW!! YOU SHOULD BE DEAD, IM SURE IT HIT YOU!" he said panicking.

"To put it simply, you didn't hit me."


"You touched the "infinity"that exist between you and me."

"I'll show you, put your hand out."

"...." too stunned to speak.

"come on, come on." I said waving.


"come on, come on, come on."

'... no hostility? I guess I'll see what it's about.' walking towards me and pulling out his hand.

"see?" looking at his shocked expression is funny asf xD.

'I can't touch him? it stops just before him. so this is "infinity".'

"you're not exactly stopped, the closer you get, the slower you go." I said explaining a tiny bit of it.

"So, what now? we could just shake hands like this, you know." touching his hand doing a handshake.

"TCH, I refuse!"

"Don't be shy now, your making me embarrassed too." I said sarcastically.

"DAMN YOU!!!" then palmed him to the gut.

'Damn his fast, it's not just a hit enhanced by qi or mana, what is this!?! I don't get it! I HAVE TO KNOW!'

"There's More!" I palmed him to the gut again continuously and kicked him.

"Infinity exist everywhere. my techniques brings it forward to reality."

"Convergence, Divergence, what do you think will happen if one touches this void?"

«Yin Yang Conversion: Repulsion»

~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~