
One For All

Deku dashed down from the ice holding the knives in between his fingers like before to attack Todoroki. Using his left side, Todoroki created fire from his hand to draw Deku away from him. Deku used the ice wall next to him to jump out of the way and onto the floor, using his available hand to keep balance.

For just a brief moment, Deku had the advantage as he threw the knives in his hand towards Todoroki's head. Almost too late, Todoroki avoided the knives, only getting a slight cut on his cheek from one of the blades.

From when Deku was in U.A, Todoroki knew that Deku's quirk was super strength, but was yet to find out about his telekinesis. Todoroki didn't know what to expect when Deku moved his hand backwards and behind him like he was pushing someone out of the way.

Then, the three knives Deku threw hit Todoroki in the back.

"Shoto!" Endeavour called out the name of his son after making the foolish decision to watch from afar, and believe in his sons ability.

Deku's smile was eccentric and had actually made Endeavour nervous. Deku was unlike any villain he had ever faced before, he was a villain for fun and one that somehow became more and more powerful with each encounter.

"You know, I think you'll look pretty cute when you bleed." Deku skipped over to Todoroki, who didn't use his quirk as he the pain control him.

Before Deku could get to Todoroki, however, Endeavour tried to punch Deku from above, a punch that didn't land as one of the rocks Deku used before hit Endeavour in the back. Deku was about to turn his attention to Endeavour until Todoroki used his right side to freeze the floor, stopping Deku from taking another step.

"So this is who you really are?" Todoroki spoke with a hint of pain as he tried to pull the knives out from his back.

"Look how smart you are!" Deku looked Todoroki in the eyes with a wide smile that represented both his murderous intent and his excitement. Now that their focus was almost completely gone and the street stayed silent, Deku could once again hear the screams of Hosu.

Then, they noticed a helicopter flying above the buildings, recording Deku's every move. Yet again, Deku was on the news. It was time for them to set an example.

Todoroki tried surrounding Deku in his ice whilst Endeavour used his hands like a flamethrower in the hopes to injure Deku if only a little bit. It was hopeless. Deku used his super strength to break out of the ice, forcing Todoroki to avoid Endeavours flames to keep himself safe.

They may have been father and son, but they had no skills in working as a team.

Deku was now above the street, using a rock that was floating in the air as the surface for his jump to get back down and start his attacks. Opening up his unbuttoned blazer, Deku got out twenty knives that formed a circle around his shoulder using his telekinesis.

The impact of Deku's landing caused a gust of wind and an uncorrelated attack from Todoroki and Endeavour. Todoroki clapped his hands together to create smoke in the battlefield as Endeavour rushed in for a physical attack against Deku.

Things were easier now that Todoroki and Endeavour were fighting amongst themselves although not literally. Deku jumped above Endeavour the same way he did with Stain, head above head. Deku sent two knives into the top of Endeavours shoulders, then using his super strength to kick Endeavour to the floor as Todoroki's flames surrounded the pro hero.

Endeavour was down, and it didn't take much effort for Deku.

Once the smoke cleared up, Todoroki looked at his father in surprise. Endeavour was passed out on the floor, and the fight was settled between the hero and the villain. It was then that Deku publicly defeated the number two hero.

The flames Todoroki used for his attack was too much for his body to handle after taking such an unexpected hit from Deku, causing most his body to shut down in order to recover.

There were many people who were watching that fight both outside and in Hosu. The people seeking safety by hiding in local shops were the most afraid as they watched the fight on the TV'S that were put up for sale.

Within just two days, Deku had made headline news twice. He became known for being strong, smart and overly psychotic. The world only knew him as a one time villain in that moment, but Japan feared him. Deku was the name people called him by, the same name he used in his introduction. Villain Deku had became one of the most feared villains on that night.

Todoroki came back to his senses and tried t o attack Deku with ice, but Deku easily avoided by jumping back up to the building he was originally on, standing next to the Nomu.

"You can deal with him." Deku gave his orders to the Nomu, and the Nomu followed. It used its wings to fly down to Todoroki, and was a distraction for Deku to go find someone more fun now that he had gotten bored of Todoroki.

Deku retracted the knives from Endeavours body and began walking away. There wasn't much for Deku to do, no one seemed like they would be any fun as he jumped from building to building.

The sound of many hero's ordering one another came from the street ahead, so Deku went to check it out. Once he had arrived on the edge of the building that looked down at the scene, it revealed that another one of the Nomu were captured.

Deku thought about jumping down and stopping the Nomu from being taken away, but he knew that his Master, All For One, wouldn't have any issues getting the Nomu back.

Stain suddenly crossed Deku's mind as he wondered how Bakugo and Iida managed to deal with the Hero Killer, but decided he was going to leave it as a surprise for the next morning to see if he was captured or not.

After a long time searching for something to do, Deku decided to jump down from the buildings and walk around the streets.

There was fire everywhere, cars flipped and exploded, shops destroyed. It was such a pretty sight for Deku to see with the sounds of people pain. It was all perfect until an unexpected voice called out his name.

"Deku!" It was the voice of Bakugo, echoing from behind. A grin of excitement came over Deku as he turned around to greet his old friend.

"Bakugo!" Deku put his arms out as if he was welcoming Bakugo into his home. Unlike his usual behaviour, Bakugo stood in the middle of the street and around fifteen meters away from Deku with a calm but worried expression.

"The Hero Killer has been captured, and I can't lie that you played your part." Bakugo's eyes shifted away from Deku in embarrassment as he admitted that Deku was strong. This was a surprise for Deku, but one that he welcomed. Hearing that the Hero Killer had been captured made Deku happy.

"Hows Iida?" It was a question that the answer had no meaning to Deku, but he still asked out of curiosity.

"He's okay, the medical team are dealing with him." Bakugo gave a straight forward answer that sparked a question of his own, "Why did you help him? I thought... I thought you were a villain." Bakugo struggled with his words as he asked the question.

"Let's just say that me and Stainy just didn't get along. Plus, if that had gone on for any longer, Iida himself would have become a villain, and I don't think Iida would do good as a villain." Deku put his finger to his chin as he thought about how Iida would be as a villain, and it only confirmed Deku's point.

The idea of Deku being so passive aggressive irritated Bakugo, but he didn't act on his anger.

Bakugo was in the same hero costume as the one he was in when they had their first fight at U.A. Deku was in his suit, a suit that Bakugo didn't know how to feel about. It was the suit that fit Deku as a villain, but Bakugo didn't want Deku to be a villain. He felt like he failed Deku.

They stood in silence for a moment, no eyes watching their fight. They were alone, and it was obvious that they couldn't talk things out, but Bakugo still tried.

"Listen, Deku. I failed you as a friend." As soon as Bakugo started his speech, Deku's excitement had disappeared, "I know the death of Inko must have been hard, and I know I didn't treat you right, but you don't have to do this!" Bakugo put his heart into every word, but it wasn't enough.

"Failed me as a friend? Since when were you ever a friend after everything you did to me!" Deku was filled with rage, causing him to subconsciously lift every loose object around him into the air.

Bakugo took a step back, but firmly put his foot down, ready for whatever was to come next.

"Oh, and about my mother." Deku's voice was both soft and cold as he lifted his right arm in the air, gripping a knife in his hand, "Why would the death of a woman I murdered be so hard?"

Those words. They were the ones that threw Bakugo off guard for far longer than he could have wished for. A smile came over Deku's face as he dashed forward with the objects he made float in the air, quickly appearing in front of Bakugo.

Deku tried to slit Bakugo's throat with the knife even though he had no intention of killing the person he hated most. Bakugo avoided the knife by less the a few millimeters.

Bakugo had jumped back, but had to be quick to react as multiple objects came flying in his direction. Luckily, a few of the objects were good enough for Bakugo to use as platform to run back down to the surface.

With his quirk, Bakugo blasted himself forward and began running on the objects and prepared his right arm to go in for a physical attack. Deku had expected the attack, but something felt off as Bakugo got closer. With the back of his hand, Deku managed to easily throw the punch away, but an unexpected kick from the left side came from Bakugo.

It was the kick, there was something different about it. It caused Deku to go from the middle of the street all the way into the shop on his right. There's no way he was actually that strong without something helping him.

hearing the sound of Bakugo's footsteps reminded him of a situation he had created himself. That kick was strong enough for Deku to only consider one thing.

"So, what's it like being taken in by the symbol of peace?" Bakugo didn't want to fight Deku, so he let Deku talk whilst preparing to avoid any attack he would pull during their conversation.

Deku wouldn't look Bakugo in the eyes, he just looked down at the ground with a blank expression as he waited for Bakugo's answer. Bakugo was confused at first, but the question became clear to him.

"All Might had been training me recently, so my fighting skills have made me even stronger." Bakugo looked at his right fist and clenched it to represent the strength he had gained, however, that wasn't the answer Deku was looking for.

"I don't think you understood my question, so let me rephrase for you." A psychotic smile covered Deku's face as he lifted his eyes to stare up at Bakugo.

Deku's expression caused the air around them to become heavy. Bakugo was nervous, but knew exactly what Deku was about to ask. With a raspy voice of a psychopath, Deku rephrased the question like he said he would.

"What's it like using One For All?"

---End Of Chapter---