

Deku didn't reply when Bakugo called out his name. Instead, he just turned around to face Bakugo.

Bakugo took a few steps, then gabbed Deku by the collar. The some of the class stood up and stared in confusion. They didn't know what was happening, or how to react, so they just stood there.

"Where the hell was your quirk when we were kids, Deku!" Deku was confused about why Bakugo was asking that question after he had used it many times before in U.A, but they weren't thinking of the same quirk, "Answer me, goddammit!" Bakugo was furious.

Still, Deku didn't respond. His expression stayed the same. In order to get answers out, Bakugo threw Deku onto the floor, This opened up one of Deku's head injuries that were yet to fully recover. The class were shocked by what was happening, and decided to act as Bakugo kicked Deku into the wall.

Deku laid sideways on the floor until he sat up against the wall, touching his forehead to reveal that he was bleeding. Still, Deku didn't respond. Kirishima and Sato held Bakugo by the arms. Uraraka ran to Deku's side and held him in her arms.

"Deku, are you okay?" Uraraka was worried for Deku, but Deku just looked down at his hand that was red from his own blood.

"Dude, chill out." Kirishima tried to cool down Bakugo, but nothing worked.

"I'm weak." Those were the words Deku said that took the attention of everyone in the class, including Bakugo, "And I am so tired of pretending to be a hero. Why can't you all just die?" His voice was filled with the pain he kept inside for so long.

"Deku?" Uraraka was as confused as the rest of the class. He did just wish for their deaths, but why?

"Inko. She won't get out of my head, why?" The only one in that classroom that knew who Inko was other than Deku was Bakugo. Bakugo had cooled down after realizing what he had done, walking over to Deku and offering his hand to pick him up.

"Fuck off, Bakugo." This wasn't the Deku that Bakugo knew. What happened to being called Kacchan? Bakugo had never even heard Deku swear in his life until then. He felt like his heart shattered as his only hope of forgiveness faded right in front of him. Uraraka distanced himself from Deku.

"So, now you're afraid of me, huh?" Deku's voice was so tiresome, and he was yet to even look up at everyone.

"N-No, that's not-" Uraraka tried to defend herself. She didn't mean it that way, but that's how Deku took it. In the mindset Deku was in, everyone was staring at him like he was some weakling.

"Yaoyorozu, you take the role of class rep. Iida, I vote for you to be deputy rep." Everyone was shocked as Deku stood up like his body was numb.

"Midoriya, are you sure?" Iida questioned Deku's decision.

"Did I stutter?" A effortless response came from Deku to answer Iida's question. Everyone just watched as Deku made his way to the closest door. Uraraka tried to reach out to him, but it was too late. When Deku arrived at the door, he vanished, sending a gush of wind through the hall and the classroom.


The sound of the door closing turned Toga's attention from the TV to Deku. Toga was confused about why Deku was home early, but wasn't really complaining. Then, she noticed the blood dripping from Deku's chin as he leaned and fell against the door.

"You're bleeding." Toga looked down at Deku now that she stood in front of him. Tears started to roll down the side of Deku's face, "It was Kacchan, wasn't it?" Toga got down on her knees to get on the same level as Deku.

Deku lifted his face, and Toga took it into her hands.

"You look cute when you're bleeding..." Toga got so close to Deku that they could feel each others breathing, "But the thought of someone else hurting you makes me angry." Toga did think Deku looked cute when he was beat up, but anyone who does it with the intention of hurting him if not for training made her irritated.

Toga wrapped her arms around Deku, then Deku rested his head on her shoulder and cried his heart out.

"You're gonna be okay. I'll make sure of it." Toga stroked Deku's hair as they were in each others embrace, "So, tell me what happened." Toga wiped the tears off Deku's face, stood up and reached her hand out with a smile of joy. That smile made Deku blush.

Deku explained everything that happened at U.A. They were sat on the couch with tissue box on the table in front for Deku.

"You know what could cheer you up?" Toga had a great idea to cheer Deku up. Deku looked confused at first, so Toga explained with a cheerful smile, "Why don't we try to cook something together like we planned this morning?" Toga stood up like she was proud of her idea.

"Sure!" Seeing Toga so happy pushed away the sad thoughts drifting around in Deku's head, letting out a warm smile.

They made their way into the kitchen and opened up every cabinet that held ingredients in them. Toga stared at Deku, who was deep in thought to make the decision on what to cook with Toga. The first thing that came to mind was, naturally, Ramen.

"Okay, let's make Ramen!" Deku announced the start of their cooking session. Toga jumped in the air, excited to start cooking.

Deku got all the ingredients out and got a quick recipe up on Foodle. He scrolled through once and understood it, ready to guide Toga through the process. Deku was still in his uniform, so he took off his blazer and took of his tie. Toga was wearing casual clothes for once, I'll leave that up to you as the reader because I don't know what she'll look good in.

"Alright, found a quick and easy recipe." Deku placed his phone on the kitchen side and picked out the ingredients. Toga waited impatiently for Deku to get everything ready.

Deku and Toga both went through each step on the recipe to make the Ramen. Many mistakes were made along the way, but Deku supported Toga and helped her get through it just like she had done for him.

It took around twenty minutes to get it all prepared, and just before they started to cook it, Deku had a great idea. He picked up his phone and went into his camera.

"Say cheese!" Deku had a wide smile on his face, looking into the camera and making the peace sign with his free hand. Toga held the knife up in her hand and smiled just the same, looking into the camera. Deku took the picture and had a look at it.

"You look really cute in this one!" Deku complimented Toga, which made her almost blush, "I'm using this as my wallpaper for sure!" Then Deku added it as his wallpaper.

After joking around for a moment, Deku and Toga moved onto cooking the Ramen. Because they used a quick recipe, it only took 20 minutes to cook and be ready. Once everything was done, Deku put the Ramen into two bowls for both him and Toga.

"Hey, Izuku." Toga called out to Deku and was holding a knife. She put Deku against the oven, which had cooled down, and put the knife to his right cheek, "You know, I could stab you right now!" Toga looked excited as she held the knife in her hand and waited for Deku's response.

"And I wouldn't stop you." Deku have his response and put his face closer to hers, causing the knife to cut his cheek. They were so close until they heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Toga put the knife on the side and skipped over to the door, leaving Deku as he went red after realizing what he had just done. They were so close, and he acted without thinking. His heart was pounding.

Toga finally arrived at the door, and when she opened it, she was greeted with three people that she had never expected to see.

"Hello, is Midoriya home?" Deku could recognize that heroic voice anywhere. He turned around and looked at the door to see All Might, Bakugo and Uraraka standing there. He walked over, forgetting about everything that had just happened and remembering what took place at school.

Deku arrived at the door. Bakugo looked away, but Uraraka awkwardly shouted out his name.

"Deku!" She was worried that Deku had gone home and done something stupid. On impulse she went in to hug Deku, but was blocked by his hand.

"So, what do you want?" Deku's voice was cold as he leaned against the door frame.

"We have a lot to discuss, young Midoriya. But first, would you let us in?" Deku sighed and let them in, Toga closed the door behind them and gave a death stare to Bakugo.

Deku grabbed the Ramen and sat down next to Toga on the couch. They both started eating before the Ramen gets cold, causing an almost awkward amount of silence. Uraraka jealously looked at them, Bakugo looked at the floor in shame and All Might stood heroically.

"Midoriya, I understand that you must not be happy with Bakugo." All Might cut straight to the point, talking over the sounds of Deku and Toga eating, "But he wishes to apologize and I hope you can accept it." He held his arm on Bakugo's shoulder.

"Listen, Deku, I know I haven't exactly treated you right, and I'm sorry." Bakugo felt like this would be his only chance of forgiveness. It took a lot of convincing from All Might as well. All Might spoke to Bakugo about turning over a new leaf, and Bakugo gave it a lot of thought whilst remembering everything he had done wrong in his life.

"You know, this Ramen is really nice. You should've told me in advance that you was coming, then me and Toga would've made some for your too, Bakugo." Deku's voice sounded cheery, but violent at the same time.

"And what happened to Kacchan?" Bakugo blushed slightly when he asked the question he held deep in his heart since Deku dropped the name.

"Who?" Hearing Deku ask who Kacchan was crushed Bakugo. Deku had decided that he would forget all about his childhood and focus all of his thoughts on what he had in that moment. Uraraka was next to talk.

"Deku, you don't hate me do you?" After what happened in the classroom, Uraraka thought she had ruined their entire friendship when Deku thought she became scared of him.

"Do I hate you?" Deku put down his Ramen bowl and looked at Uraraka with a cold expression, "Name a moment when I said I liked you." Those words stabbed Uraraka in the heart, causing her to tear up and eventually cry.

"That was uncalled for!" Bakugo pointed out how harsh Deku was to her.

"Says you, Katsuki Bakugo." Just hearing his full name come from Deku was enough to shut him up. All Might mostly remained silent throughout the whole situation as he hoped that he would accept Bakugo's apology, but that hope was shattered then and there.

"M-Midoriya, surely you don't mean those things." All Might struggled to keep his heroic persona up as he stuttered over how cold Midoriya, the kindhearted and cheery student, had acted.

"I do. And you should listen up to what I'm about to say. I'll leaving U.A, right now." They were all shocked, including Toga, who decided to leave things in Deku's hand to sort the situation out himself, "As if I could be a hero. Now, please get out of my house and never return."

All Might was shocked after hearing what Deku had to say.

"Very well, I will bother you no more." All Might wrapped his arms around Uraraka and Bakugo, comforting them as they walked over to the door, as was let out the house by Toga.

"Are you sure about this? Your Master isn't going to be happy with you." She spoke with her usual smile, which almost contradicted her concern.

"I'll deal with it." Was Deku's response.

---End Of Chapter---