
Ch9-Int Huaco Mundo 2

Ch9 Part 2 will be out at some point in the next 24 hours!

For now here's another snippet from Huaco (Just accept it) Mundo.

Edit: This interlude starts just after the end of the last update.

Groban and Ulquiorra are still 'deciding' who to send.


"Nnoitra-sama!" A gruff voice suddenly called from outside the 'training ground.'

Noittra paused his three free arms from ripping his subordinates a new one as he turned his head towards the source.

"Huh!? Da hell do ya want!?" He called out as one of his four arms choked the Espada in his grasp.

"-t's -r- sam-" The winged hollows voice kept on drowning out in the midst of all the screams.

Rolling one eye he stopped pouring out his reiatsu, finally giving the hollows around him the chance to breath as he removed his blade from the hollow in front of him and stopped choking the life out of the two in his hands. The three scampering away as quickly as they could, the rest of the -espades backing away aswell.

"Da hell were ya saying? Can't ya see I am busy?" He cackled, his voice almost breaking in the process as he walked over towards the red winged hollow. The creatures sleek body, though covered by the white robes Groban insisted everyone wear, openly showing his Vasto Lorde status.

"It's Panthera-sama! He's on his way-"

Nnoitra's sudden swipe with his blade cut off the -Espada's words and right arm, as he narrowed his eyes. "How many times do I gotta tell ya fools? Nickname or full name! Ya will not call him by anything else-" Whatever he'd been about to say to the winged hollow was suddenly cut off as he felt the rapidly nearing reiatsu. He ignored the -espada's sudden whining as it fell to the ground clutching it's missing arm.

"Well, well, well..." Nnoitra started beforehand, entirely indifferent to the fact number six probably couldn't even hear him.

Said +espada suddenly crash landed onto the floor before him, his long blue hair rapidly swirling behind him as the Panthera hollow locked gazes with the Mantis.

"If it ain't Eren-fucking-Jaeger! Finally caught up yet? Or is 'ar match postponed indefinitely?" Nnoitra's, forcefully modified words, surprisingly enough, for once didn't get the reaction he expected. Panthera hated his new name with a burning passion... Still, Groban didn't give him, nor anyone else, a choice in the matter. He'd quite literally made it impossible to call him nor Panthera for whatever reason by their real names. Though he would never admit to doing it, naturally.

Though why the bastard changed Huaco Mundo's fucking name aswell he didn't have a clue.

Eren simply turned his head as he eyed the rest of the -espada surrounding them. "You know... I forgot how much of a sadistic asshole you were..."

Nnoitra blinked at the words. "The fuck are ya talking about forgot!? Ya've been gone a day!"

Panthera smiled at the response as he barred his teeth. "And what a fucking day it's been!" He stretched out his hands, getting into a combat stance. His eyes gleaming in the light.

Nnoitra tensed his guard as he took a few steps back. "What kind of fucking inner awakening did ya go through!?" He snarled as he bent his body the slightest and quickly picked up the scattered blades.

Eren simply kept the smile on his face. "Oh, you wouldn't believe some of the things I've seen..."

It was only then did Nnoitra notice something off as he stared at his fellow +espada. "Where the fuck did ya get that scar?" He suddenly questioned, referring to the half crescent shaped slash on the +Espada's right shoulder, moments before either of them could move.

Eren, for a moment didn't look like he was going to answer before the smile, for the first time since arriving, disappeared as he narrowed his eyes.

"From you," The whisper reached the +espada a second before he realised he was missing one of his arms, the bright blue narrow flash of reiatsu burning into his upper right shoulder causing him to scream. Eren, having not moved a single step simply straightened his back, one hand held up, his finger taunting him.

"Come on then! I've got a list to go through and frankly you're not really a priority,"


Author Notes: Can anyone guess why Grimmjow remembers? Hint it's something blue, yellow and green have in common. Bones just got lucky.


As for why Grimmjow got named that?

Not-Aizen literally forgot his name midstory and replaced it.

Edit: Some of the +Espada know who Groban is.

Edit2: Green is freaking the fuck out.

Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback!