
Forever Unleashed

In "The Eight Apocalypses: How Saturo Changed the Fate of the World," journey alongside Saturo as he navigates the mystical realm of Nimrodel, an ancient forest teeming with magic. Unveil the secrets of the sealed warlords, the Violet Flame, and witness Saturo's quest for survival and self-discovery. As he faces both magical wonders and lurking dangers, the story unfolds, revealing the intricate web of fate that connects Saturo with the powerful forces that shape Nimrodel. Will he conquer the challenges and rewrite the destiny of this enchanted world? Explore a tale woven with magic, legends, and the indomitable spirit of a protagonist destined to alter the course of history.

OldCover · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 4 -Nimrodel and Eight Lengends Part-2 ⌈⌋

While Saturo was wondering he found out varoius thing like various diffrent trees which he is thinking of making little hut to stay in and things like edible or non-edible things which was thought by Eira while romaing around . He try making himself a fisging rod to fish in lake but it turn out there are only water monster in that like Kraken , Leviathan( water serpant) but it was shocking that they were not acting hostile against Satrou for some resaso ( story continues )

Ya i think I have all building material to build my hut . I really need axe to cut some trees for hut wall but that can't be possible now so i will use banana leaves to cover hut for now and use this long brach for skeleton on my hut . Tanks to Eira i was able to find edible things now and have lake for water (feeling proud of his hut for some reason one air blowes and his hut will be a long history) 

[You should go futher and look for resorcess , it will be usefull now that winter will start now in month you need to have food and water resrve for this rather harsh winter . In this place it will all be covered in snow for months ] (giving usefull information )

i see now that i need food and someway to reserve it for months too aah , I can use old method that used to use in my world from ancient time using snow we make natural refrigerator to store food as long as winter last , then I will have no problem about food and the thing left is clothes and shelter (now getting nervous)

[But your skill Thermal Invulnerability will help you not dying in this cold so you don't need any heavy clothes ](speaking casually)

ya but I stil need clothes to wear I cant stay in this clothes which i was reincarnated , they are good but still i need some spair clothes and i don't even know to make clothes ( irritation and nerves and sad )

[I can help you with that if you give me matria I ca nmake decent clothes for you using my skill "Weavecraft Mastery"] (feeling proud)

really , that skill looks totally amazing . Now then tell me what material will you need for making clthes for me , try to keep it simple liek matrials that are easy to find in this palce (trying to convince)

[for sure i will keep the clothes matrials simple and designs rather good which will suite you ] 

ok then tell me the list of matreial i will need for clothes (getting excited)

[Then start with colecting some 


 1-Silk Threads: Gathered from the webs of common Forest Spiders.

 2-Deerhide: Sourced from the local deer monsters population.


 3-Floral Fabric: Woven from fibers of vibrant forest flowers.

 4-Vine Thread: Extracted from flexible forest vines.

 5-Fish Scales: Collected from the plentiful river-dwelling fish.

 6-Barkcloth: Strips of bark from the forest trees.

 7-Crystal Shards: Easily found near the sparkling riverbed.


 8-Spider Silk: A stronger version obtained from larger spiders in the forest. ]

[this material should be easy to find and straight forward to you to locate ,so go and bring all those material for some fanatstic clothes]

i think this should be easy enough to get here so i off to find them ....(went out with exicted face )

(afetr several hours have been passsed )

you said it will be easy and simpel but it took entire day (feeling exhausted after day of work )

[i have given you easy materia lto find and you still took so much time , ok now keep all the matrial in front of you ]

ok i have kept all materials in front of me now 

[will you use your skill Weavecraft Mastery on this]

yes use it

(materials conerting in clothes )

[your clothes is ready now you can now wear it , i made sure it sto your feeting and also when you use mana(magic) on clothes you will get bounces like increase defence ,agility , speed and reistance to magic and physical atatck ] (feeling proud)

that so good i can feel little bit more safe 

magic infuse ..

(clothes glowing)

which means its done right ?

[yes .great job] 

yes now i can try going near the lake for some fish (nervous )

[you dont need to get nerves now you are preety strong to deaft a water monster ] (saying without hesitation)

how can you say suff like that without hesitation

(satrou walking towards lake )

it does not look that scarry does it ( feeling fear for life )

i can just check the deapth may be (banding forward and looking bottom of the lake )

i cant see the bottom even after water is so clear (trying to llok deep down in lake )

(satrou lag slip from edge of lake and fell in the lake )

aaaha aahah aaah aah ....i dont know whats happening its feel like something in trying to pool me down in water .....(trying to hold breath )...i cant see anything 

i am out of breath i can't go...down, i.....can't....breath....., my consciousness is fading (satrou feeling high water pressure deep inside )

i.....can't ...(satrou loodes his consciousness)

 ⌈ you have fianaly arived human⌋-(dialoges of sealed legends )

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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