
Chapter 13

I feel like killing someone. Literally.

I don't care if I get charge for murder, I will do it.

How dare he eat from my ice cream!!!

I so want to bash his head against the glass table right now.

"Did your mother ever tell you, never ever mess with a girl's meal!"

I shouted earning stares from other customers, but right now I don't give two fucks what they think.

I stared at the halved ice cream feeling sad. My baby, I have been taking my time to to love you until that monster came and took you away from me.

I could feel tears brimming in my eyes as I stared at the beautiful ice cream. I spent so much time to get a coupon last night to enjoy a whole bowl. Out of the goodness of my heart I gave Lucy my extra coupon.

I heard laughter from the housefly who dared to come free load which earned him a glare from me. It's a surprise he didn't get brain freeze.

He stopped laughing and stared at me. Jason just gave me an innocent look then shrugged, leaning back on his chair.

"I am sorry". He said. "I promise to buy you a whole truck, I just couldn't resist. It's a habit"

I scoffed. "You owe me Jason, like big time. A truck load of ice cream won't be enough for the pain you have caused my poor heart."

"Okay how about two trucks of Carmelo ice cream?"

I frowned. "Are you planning to kill me from being over fed? And what do you mean two trucks, are you trying to show off?"

He gave me a blank look.  I raised an eyebrow at him waiting for his reply.

Jason shook his head, leaning forward. "Listen shortcake..."

"Don't call me that" I interrupted.

He rolled his eyes and continued. "You were the one who said I hurt your fragile heart so I decided to compensate. You wanted more ice cream and beside I was just being nice. Or do you want money? Is that the problem?"

This time tears really filled my eyed as I stared at him sadly "Are you trying to call me a gold digger?"

His eyes widened. He shook his head furiously "No of course not. I would never....wait why are you crying? Oh my God, what's with the mood swings? Is it that time of the month or what? Gosh I feel like pulling my hair out talking to you"

I stared at him, he stared at me. We just stared at each other for a few seconds.

"PMS" I said breaking the silence between us.

He frowned. "What?"

"It's PMS"

"What's PMS?" he asked.

I narrowed my eyes at him before getting up.

"Google is your friend" I said walking out with my ice cream.


"Google is my friend, really?"

I froze in fright.  I placed my hand on my chest where my heart was beating erratically. I took in deep breaths to calm myself before turning to the guy who was leaning against the wall of the houses on the street giving me a smirk.

It was a lonely street which I prefer passing on my way home because it gave me time to think. I never expected someone else to be with him, especially not Jason. Most people would think I was crazy walking on a lonely street all by myself. Not like I care though, I just like it.

I looked at him once, harrumphed and walked off holding my school nag tight.

"Hey wait up!" he rushed towards me placing a arm around my shoulder which of course I tried to shrug off but couldn't.

Damn! Who knew that his arm could grip me so hard!

"I understand that all these are pre menstrual symptoms, but to show my sincerity I got you this"

We stopped as he handed me a cup of Carmelo's ice cream. "This isn't to kill you or show how rich I am, but to show how sorry I am for taking a huge scoop from your ice cream. Of course I don't regret it, it was delicious but still"

I frowned a little taking the ice cream from him. The cup was still sealed, so all is good.

I opened it happily taking a scoop for myself, moaning in pleasure.

I looked at the eyes that were eying my every move. "If you think I am going to give you some then your are mistaken. Also, I am not really this emotional, I just wanted to irritate you so that you could leave me alone. Too bad it didn't work...Anyways, apology accepted. I shall be on my way now"

I said walking off happily. Hopefully he get the memo and leaves me alone.

He didn't leave, instead he walked beside me.

"Are you suppose to be taking something this sweet? I mean your period would soon arrive right? So should is it safe to...you know...take this ice cream? I thought all girls would have an heavy flow because of too much sugar"

I gave him a weird look. Why was he worried about me? I thought.

"You know, not all girls like to talk about their period"

"I am just curious" he said, chuckling nervously as he placed a palm on the back of his neck.

I sighed. "Well, it's safe for me. I won't be affected at all. Everything would be normal, I can take a huge bowl of sugar and still be fine. No difference. Except for the slight pain on the second day, everything is normal. No  heavy flow or whatsoever, every girl and her body. Understood, Jay Jay?"

He nodded like a little kid being thought the ways of life.

We kept on walking in comfortable silence, the weather was nice and I was still a long way from home.

I would have taken the bus but unfortunately, I don't have enough cash for that. I should consider taking a job now.

I dropped the empty cup into the trash can at the side of the road. Lara's island had always been know for it's cleanliness, there is always a trash can at evey corner of the the streets and it would be cleared out every month if possible. But there are some citizens who are just naturally evil as they love littering the streets and neglecting the trash can.

I looked at Jason who was staring ahead looking around. I could see his eyes watching everything on the street, paying attention to every detail. Probably as a king's son, he would have have to be very meticulous and observant of the way his people were living.

I smiled inwardly. How nice. He seems to have taken his responsibility well. And he looks handsome doing it. He had a sharp jawline which I find really handsome in men, he also had long eyelashes and his skin was so clear and perfect like that of a baby.

I sighed. It would be good to be able to take care of my skin, however that means more expenses which is not something I need now. I had little freckles and a rough skin, it was far from smooth. It would probably take a lot of skin products to bring my skin tone to smooth and soft.

"I feel like it would be cliche if I said 'if you want to take a picture you can' but I don't want you to take a picture" he said winking at me.  "You can always call me so that you can stare at the real deal. This perfect body is not as good enough as it is in camera" he added smugly.

I scoffed, I felt that I was already blushing. Good thing I have an olive skin tone, it won't be noticeable. "Who wants to have your picture? I was thinking about something, unfortunately your profile was within my gaze. You must be a really arrogant young man. No, scarp that  you are arrogant"

He grinned. "I believe I am arrogant.  It's definitely a flaw, which I don't mind. I know for one I don't snore or have any other bad habit. So all is good. We can't all be perfect now can we?"

I sighed ignoring him. All of a sudden he stopped.

"Can I take you somewhere?" he asked.

"No" I said bluntly.

"I promise it would be fun"

"I have to be at the supermarket"

"But it's only one day, I promise you will really enjoy this. Just change your schedule today, have some fun. Please"

I stopped and stared at him. He gave me a sad gaze which made me rolled my eyes at his pitiful act to pout and do the cutie dog face.

"Fine. Maybe I do deserve some fun but I better not regret this Mr. Kade"

He grinned. "I promise you won't my queen. As a Queen, I would surely treat you as one. To impress you of course"

"Cringe!!" I stomped off.

I heard his laughter from behind.

"You are forgetting that you don't know this place my queen. You might be going to the wrong direction"

Gosh! This guy is really annoying!

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