
Forever Mine[BL]

Wang Tao emotionlessly spent his life following the same routine. His only interruptions were when he fought or visited worlds. But what happens when one day he decides to visit a world in a galaxy ruled by systems? Will he finally be free of that never ending cycle? Will he learn to feel and love? Or will he slowly sink into the sea of depression, falling into a state worse than before? ... ps: Part of the Wang Tao(WT) series. Check my bio for clarification. ... More accurate tags: male x male, angst, mc falls in love first, various worlds, slow-burn, non-human x non-human, unique, new experience, multi-verse, supernatural, magic, emotional, HE.

EM236_otaku · LGBT+
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60 Chs

Chapter 42: What's So Good About Grass?/Arc 6.1

The clouded sky permitted small beams of light to peek through as ice crystals sauntered down onto the earth. All trees shed their usual wear, adorning themselves in white as per the trend. Animals were scarcely seen in the forests as they hid in their warm abodes.

In L City, a towering mansion, isolated and serene, resided on the snowy hills. A slick black car drove through the forest towards their destination.

Driving through the second iron gate, the car came to a halt outside the entrance of the mansion. Three figures exited once a butler opened the door, the shortest one quickly entering the double doors of his home.

A fourteen year old boy ran up two flights of stairs and down the hallway, pausing before a door at the end. Opening it, he walked in and locked the door behind him.

Raising his head to reveal his phoenix eyes, the cold purple warmed as he stared at the figure a few feet away. In the dark room, the only source of light was the occasional blue sparks from the figure's fingertips.

Lazily sprawled across his bed, pale fingers played with magic as the silver eyes stared into a daze. His thin hand moved slowly, drawing in the air with the bright blue trail.

The phoenix eyes narrowed feeling the warm hand run through his silver hair. The cloudiness in his eyes cleared as he looked at the boy. His friend's long black hair draped over his shoulders, slightly tickling him.

"I'm back, A Tao."

"A Jian."

Wang Tao smiled at Zhou Jian and rolled over. He was too lazy to get up so just gestured for the other to lie down. Zhou Jian chuckled, knowing the reason well, before lying down and asking,


"Mm, you took so long."

"That's why you should have come with us!"

"But the bed felt so nice~"

The older boy poked his friend's cheek and smiled. Blushing slightly, Wang Tao turned his attention back to his magic. It had been a few years since they entered this modern world.

The two were sons of the three incredibly rich and influential families in C Country. When Wang Tao's parents died upon his entrance into this world, Zhou Jian's parents, who used to be good friends of the Wang family, took him in.

Zhou Jian's mother and father were absent parents though, mostly out and about with work. Because of this, the couple didn't have much interaction with them.

The Zion chose these type of parents on purpose. Even if it is a nice experience to make relations with people, it wasn't a good idea to make too much. This was especially the case for powerful beings whose life spans go far beyond other races.

It wouldn't be healthy to constantly form bonds with people who would die in a few years. Decades may seem long but to races like Celestials and Zions it was short.

Although Zhou Jian had encouraged his friend to become close to the Old Wang and Madame Wei, it was mainly because Wang Tao never experienced familial bonds and deserved a chance to feel that warmth. The Zion had been concerned about his friend's mental state and had hoped it would help.

The older boy soon snapped out of his thoughts. The purple eyes darkened slightly as he stared at the Celestial's face. A minute of silence passed before he tore his gaze away. As his friend played with the blue sparks, Zhou Jian got an idea.

"He he…"

"What are you planning?"

"Nothing, nothing."

Wang Tao scrutinized the Zion closely but he just looked at him innocently. The Celestial scooted away a bit and stifled a laugh at Zhou Jian's hurt expression.

Moments passed, and just as the younger boy forgot his friend's suspicious behavior, Zhou Jian grabbed his hand and dragged him out of bed.

Pouting, Wang Tao just let him lead him wherever. Struggling would take energy, besides he knew that if Zhou Jian wanted to mess with him he'd be unable to stop the other anyway. Thinking this, the Celestial stayed quiet as Zhou Jian attentively dressed him up in winter clothes.

The older boy sat Wang Tao down before bending to help the other put on his shoes. The Celestial was startled, and retracted his foot quickly.

"W-what are you doing?"

"What do you mean? Isn't it obvious? I'm putting on your shoes."

"But that isn't…you shouldn't…isn't that too much?"

"It's fine, I don't mind."

Wang Tao was hesitant but nodded after a moment. The younger boy flinched slightly when the other touched him and his ears turned red.

[ Why am I so sensitive? ]

Finished, Zhou Jian got dressed in his coat and led his friend outside. Arriving at the backyard, the older boy finally let go of the pale hand and turned to grin at him, causing Wang Tao to raise an eyebrow.

"So what did you bring me here for?"

"To play of course."


"Mm, remember when I taught you how to build sandcastles?"


"Well I'm gonna teach you something else."


Zhou Jian ignored the skeptical gaze and started his explanation.

"We're gonna make a snowman. You know what that is right?"

"Of course…not."

"Pff! It'll be easier to show you."

And so the Zion led his little cat step by step, his purple eyes twinkling in amusement. Wang Tao slowly followed the instructions, rolling up a big ball of snow across the ground. After repeating two more times, Wang Tao looked at it for a long moment and remarked,

"It looks…plain."

"That's because we're not finished yet."

"There's more?"

Zhou Jian nodded and told the other what was left to do. He stifled a laugh at the other's comical expression when he heard they needed pebbles and a carrot.

Shaking his head, Wang Tao began his search. Soon he returned with the materials to see the Zion holding a hat and scarf.

Suppressing his growing confusion, he watched curiously as the older boy placed the pebbles to create a face. Once he was done, Zhou Jian took the Celestial's hand and gave him the carrot.

"Stick it in the middle, it's the nose."

"Oh, now it makes sense."

Afterwards, the two did the finishing touches, the hat and scarf. Stepping back, Wang Tao appreciated their work.

"It's very nice."

"Mm-hm, wanna build another one?"


"Because that one was you. Now I want to make one that's me."

"How could that be me? It looks nothing like me."

Zhou Jian looked between his friend and the snowman before nodding.

"...You're right…"

Wang Tao watched curiously as the Zion piled up some snow and began working on their snowman. After a bit, Zhou Jian grinned in satisfaction before looking at the Celestial for approval.

The younger boy tilted his head as he gazed at the snowman. His friend had added ears and a tail for some reason. Noticing the bemused expression, Zhou Jian smirked and drew near before whispering into the other's ear.

"Cause you're my little cat."

Wang Tao flushed red upon hearing that. Before he could question the other on this unusual nickname, he noticed that the Zion had disappeared. A smile bloomed on his face as he watched the snowman.

[ …Life with A Jian is really splendid isn't it? Such things like playing in the snow never crossed my mind before... ]



"A Tao...A Tao, wake up…Little cat wake up~"

"Mmm, leave me alone."

Zhou Jian looked helplessly at the sleepy boy. It had been almost a year and the two were now fifteen, preparing for high school. The Zion knew the other wouldn't accept going to anything lower than that so the two had been homeschooled all this time.

Today was their first day of high school but his little cat had entered his lazy phase. The older boy was unsure of what to do, knowing quite well that the Celestial wouldn't budge in this state.

"Alright, go back to sleep."

He rubbed the silver head and whispered. He then proceeded to go fill up the tub with cold water, just as the Celestial liked it.

Returning, the Zhou Jian lifted the other up gently. Placing him on a stool next to the tub, Zhou Jian began to undress the other. Finally, the silver eyes snapped open as Wang Tao blushed.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Undressing you. You have to bathe."

"There's no need for that. I'll bathe myself."

The older boy looked at the other silently before smirking.

"Ok then, don't fall asleep though."

"I won't, now go."

So Zhou Jian left, satisfied that his plan worked, though a bit disappointed.

Wang Tao swiftly took a bath and changed into the clothes his friend had prepared for him. Walking out, he noticed that Zhou Jian, dressed in the same outfit, was waiting.

Zhou Jian turned his head hearing the bathroom door open and froze.

Wang Tao was wearing a white shirt, black pants and shoes. The black school jacket had a golden emblem on the right chest. Just as he'd suspected, it fit the other well. The normally cold boy looked more like a fresh teenager in the uniform.

Inwardly giving himself a pat on the back, Zhou Jian approached the other, took his hand and seated him before the dresser.

It was all done in one swift movement and Wang Tao only processed what happened once he was seated. A feeling of deja vu rose as the older boy reached for the brush.

This time, the younger boy kept quiet from the start, silently watching his friend who concentrated on fixing his hair. Zhou Jian's long fingers skillfully tied the silver hair into a high ponytail.

Finished, he bent down slightly and fixed the head which had turned towards him forward. A gentle smile surfaced as Zhou Jian met the silver eyes in the mirror.

"Look how handsome my little cat is."

A shy smile rose on Wang Taos face.

"Why do you call me that?"

"Call you what?"

"Little cat."

Zhou Jian chuckled lightly and met the silver eyes in the mirror.

"Because you're a cat. You're lazy, cute, arrogant, love milk, absolutely adorable when angry and could be both fierce and docile."

Wang Tao blushed like crazy, his heart was beating so fast that he swore it would jump out of his chest. How could the other say something like that? The Celestial never imagined Zhou Jian ever thinking of him as such.


Wang Tao trembled at the sensation in his ear. The silver eyes widened in shock when he felt Zhou Jian nibble his earlobe but what surprised him even more was his body's reaction.

'Even your blushing is cute.'

The older boy had uttered those words, his hot breath tickling the Celestial's sensitive skin, when he couldn't resist the urge to nibble the cute ear before him. Zhou Jian cursed himself in his mind for his impulsive action as he tried to come up with a way to explain.

"A Tao, I-"

"Are you hungry?"


"Are you hungry? It's just that…well I assume that…there's no need to be embarrassed. I probably took too long to get up, my bad. Let's go and eat."

Zhou Jian was stunned as Wang Tao stood up in a rush to go. It took him a moment to react and another to understand.

[ He's too innocent. ]

The Zion had forgotten how little his friend knew about love, much less relationships or sexual attraction. Zhou Jian had noticed the other's confusion at Zhou Jian's action and towards himself.

Wang Tao had probably sought through hundreds of possibilities but his inexperienced mind could only relate his friend's behavior to hunger.

It was such an adorable side to the other but also worrying. Zhou Jian wasn't sure of what wolves or bees may come after his little cat and take advantage of him.

[ I have to keep him safe. ]

The Zion swore this in his heart before quickly following the Celestial downstairs.



[ I think I understand how Xiao Lan felt... ]

The two teenage boys stood before the school gates, backpacks slung over their shoulders. After a moment, Zhou Jian held Wang Tao's hand and led him inside.

Passing through the gate, they walked towards the hall where orientation would take place and entered inside, finding a spot in the corner to sit.

Finally here and seated, Wang Tao slumped on to the chair. He'd pushed back his laziness but was reluctant to any longer.

Zhou Jian's eyes softened as he rested the silver head on his shoulder.

Wang Tao eyes widened a but in surprise. Despite this, after a moment of hesitation his body relaxed and he drifted off to sleep. Noticing, Zhou Jian placed a barrier to cancel out the noise from nearby students.

Ten minutes passed before the Celestial was woken from his rest. The orientation had finally begun and the hall was silent.

A middle aged woman stepped onto the stage and began her speech.

"Welcome new students to Guan Jun Academy, I am your principal, Lui Qin. I am quite certain, as all of you are sitting here today, that you are very intelligent individuals. In this school, what we look for is effort, talent, intelligence..."

Principal Lui continued on for a while, giving a very detailed explanation on the school ethics, motto and system. She followed with a short summary of the expectations for new students after informing them of the fundamental rules.

Two hours later, after a few more adults came up after her, all those who needed to speak spoke and it was mostly over. To proceed with the last agenda, the students were first placed in their respective classes before receiving a few things from their new school.

Once that was done, two senior students were assigned to each of the four new classes and led them on a tour of the school. Zhou Jian and Wang Tao were placed in class 1-E, the Elite class.

One of their guides introduced himself to start things off.

"Hello, I am Yang Ning, from class 3-E!"

"And I'm Zhi Mei, also from 3-E."

"Greetings Senior Yang, Senior Zhi."

Wang Tao gaze lingered on the male for a moment before looking away, earning a frown from Zhou Jian.

"Do you know him?"

"Mm, forget it."

At the whisper, the Celestial only gave a curt response. With slight suspicions and confusion, the Zion dropped it.

A young female student raised her hand after the introductions.

"Excuse me, Senior Yang, just a question. Would you consider yourself the top of your class?"

"Maybe, but I don't think that matters does it?"

The girl couldn't help but be embarrassed by the response but her heart was comforted when her senior flashed her a smile.

It was very obvious from just a few minutes of interaction with the students that Yang Ning was a cheerful and charismatic young man, very patiently answering his juniors' questions. His amiable behavior and warm aura gave off a very welcoming feel.

A few students squealed or blush when faced with his blinding visage and his charm helped the students quickly warmed up to him, encouraging them to make small talk.

Not only was he kind but also insanely good looking. His golden hair and eyes were quite eye-catching, though not out of place with various colors like pink or blue around him.

Yes, this world wasn't a typical modern world. Here, a few of the humans' biology was different, hence the hair and eye colors which could only be accomplished through dye in other worlds.

Zhi Mei was also a beauty, with midnight blue hair and dark silver eyes, she didn't fall too far behind Yang Ning, the current school grass, when it came to looks and charisma.

During their chatty tour, their class made their way to the double doors leading inside the school and entered. Immediately, the two friends were greeted with a novel sight.

Students mingled and laughed as they passed through the hallways. Lockers and promotional posters lined the walls and bathrooms were available at both ends of the hallway.

Wang Tao curiously observed his surroundings as the class proceeded. The further they group went, the more they felt that the school really did live up to the image as the number one high school in C Country.

The buildings were large and majestic, the facilities new and of high quality. There was a room dedicated to showcasing awards which the school or students won, barely any silver, not to mention bronze, in sight.

An hour and a half later, the tour was completed and the students were directed to their class. Mr. Li, class 3-E's homeroom teacher introduced himself once everyone was settled.

Time passed with everyone introducing themselves or evaluating others until school was over.





Wang Tao let out a sigh as he leaned against Zhou Jian, relieved that it was lunch time once again.

It had been a week since school started and the younger boy found it both interesting and boring. He was beginning to understand the complaints most teenagers had about school.

The Zion smiled as he opened a container to reveal cookies. Wang Taos stared hungrily at them causing his friend to shake his head slightly.


The Celestial blinked, before opening his mouth. Munching on the cookie, he failed to notice how his lips brushed against Zhou Jian's finger tips.

They slightly trembled as the older boy retracted his hand. After a short pause, Zhou Jian showed a slightly helpless expression before continuing to feed his little cat.

As Wang Tao enjoyed being pampered unknowingly, they heard someone call.

"Hey is Wang Tao here? Someone wants to see him."

Zhou Jian frowned but didn't answer nor did Wang Tao. His mouth was stuffed so he couldn't even if he wanted to.

Seeing him eating, the classmate turned towards the figure outside and said something. In the next moment, Yang Ning strolled in and made his way over to the pair.

The rowdy class grew quiet as everyone turned to look at the three. The students expected a good show, not believing the trio to be on friendly terms taking into account that Senior Yang never spoke to them before.

Unfortunately for them, Yang Ning simply made a gesture and left. As the students grew confused and disappointed, Wang Tao glanced at the remaining cookies and shoved one into his mouth before reluctantly standing.

Zhou Jian was unsure of the situation but had understood that the school grass wanted them to follow. The two friends made their way out and tagged behind until they reached outdoors.

Arriving at a secluded spot, Yang Ning paused and faced them. Noticing Zhou Jian, the boy raised a brow but didn't mention anything and shifted his gaze towards the Celestial.

A smirk plastered across Yang Ning's handsome face as he stared at the silver haired boy.

"Well if it isn't little underclassman Wang. You seem livelier than ever."


Wang Tao stared blankly at the other before inwardly sighing.

"Greetings...Emperor Yang."