


The sun was already high in the sky by the time Mateo awoke. As he opened his eyes, he saw a pair of ice blue ones staring back at him.

“I don't want you to leave me," the boy cried outside Mateo's cell door.

“Jayden, I will always be in your heart. I will never leave you, remember that. I'll come back for you, just wait for me," Mateo shouted through the bars, reaching for Jayden. "Don't forget me," he added, knowing that the agency they both "worked" for would do anything to get rid of all traces of him. Soon, his name would be erased from all documents, and everyone would lose themselves in their own survival. Eventually, no one would remember him. Even his most prized possession, the one he held dearest, will neglect his existence. Suddenly, the metal creaked open, and Mateo saw a bulky, muscular figure looming over him.

“Hey kid, it's time," the guard said, rolling his eyes. Mateo nodded as he kissed Jayden on the lips softly one last time. Tears formed in their eyes as the younger boy was led away into a small chamber. Neither boy knew that Mateo would fulfill the promise he made to Jayden. All they could think of was their life without each other.

“Never believe ULTRASONIC," Mateo mouthed as he walked through the doors. Jayden nodded, determined to let Mateo know that he still believed him.

After ten long seconds of staring at the chamber's door, Jayden heard a loud “CRACK", and then a “THUMP" shaking the ground where he stood. The horrifying sound of bone being cut through and flesh tearing apart sent Jayden into a crumbling despair. He felt as if his heart had dropped into a bottomless pit of sadness. His best friend, lover, and partner-in-crime was dead.