
Forever Dreaming

Shanti Araleth had always been a dreamer. Dreaming of a better life, a better world...Anything, really. But eventually, all dreams and hopes were given up on, for fate was cruel. And Shanti knew he was much, much crueler. His grasp was far too tight, too suffocating. Flowers cannot survive without sunlight and freedom; Shanti was no exception. Her future seemed bleak, non existent even. Is life truly worth living anymore if there was no future waiting in the horizon?

Ashhh_6600 · Thành thị
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3 Chs

Author's Note

Hello everyone!

After discovering that I am unable to italicise words here, I have decided to make just a short note explaining what I'm planning to do.

Instead of italicising the thoughts a character has, I will put them in { } instead!

Thanks for understanding, and let's move on to the story~