
Forever and Always.

"Forever and Always" is a heartwarming novel that follows the journey of two individuals, Dymar and Dara, as they navigate life together, from their early years of young love to the joys and challenges of growing old together. The story begins with Dymar and Dara as teenagers, discovering their feelings for each other and embarking on a journey of love and companionship. As they navigate the ups and downs of adolescence, they also face the realities of adulthood, including pursuing higher education and starting their careers. Through hard work and determination, Dymar and Dara build successful and fulfilling lives for themselves. They support each other through various milestones and challenges, celebrating their achievements and providing comfort during difficult times. Together, they create a loving and nurturing home, raising a family filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. As the years go by, the couple experiences the inevitable changes that come with aging. They navigate the complexities of health issues and the bittersweet moments of watching their children grow up and leave the nest. Through it all, their love remains steadfast, providing them with strength and resilience. "Forever and Always" beautifully captures the essence of a lifelong love story, showcasing the enduring bond between Dymar and Dara. It explores the themes of commitment, sacrifice, and the power of love to withstand the test of time. The novel reminds readers of the beauty in growing old together, cherishing the memories made along the way, and finding joy in the simplest moments. With its relatable characters and heartfelt storytelling, "Forever and Always" is a touching and inspiring novel that celebrates the power of love and the beauty of a lifelong partnership. It serves as a reminder to readers that true love knows no bounds and that the journey of growing old together can be filled with immeasurable happiness and fulfillment.

Amelia_Polish · Hiện thực
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12 Years Old

Dymar Rojas is a bright and curious 12-year-old boy from Costa Rica. He lives with his loving parents and his younger sister in a small town on the outskirts of San Jose. Dymar is about to start his first year of lower secondary school, and he is both excited and nervous about this new chapter in his life.

As the summer comes to an end, Dymar notices that his eyesight is starting to worsen. He finds it difficult to read the small text on the television screen or the board in the classroom. Concerned, his parents decide to take him for an eye exam to determine the cause of his deteriorating vision.

At the eye clinic, Dymar goes through a series of tests to assess his eyesight. The optometrist carefully examines his eyes, checking for any signs of abnormalities or vision impairments. To Dymar's relief, the eye exam shows that he has a common refractive error and would benefit from wearing glasses.

Dymar's parents purchase a stylish pair of glasses for him, and he feels a mixture of excitement and self-consciousness as he puts them on for the first time. However, he quickly realizes that the glasses not only improve his vision but also enhance his overall appearance. Dymar feels a newfound confidence as he heads off to school, ready to tackle the challenges of his first year of lower secondary school.

One day, Dymar's classmate, Carlos, invites him over to his house for a fun evening of games and laughter. The group of friends gathers in Carlos's living room, engaging in a spirited game of truth or dare. As the game progresses, Dymar's heart starts racing when it's his turn to choose between truth or dare.

Feeling a mix of nerves and excitement, Dymar decides to choose dare, wanting to impress his friends. Carlos, with a mischievous grin on his face, challenges Dymar to kiss the girl he has secretly had a crush on for some time now - Dara. Dymar's heart skips a beat as he glances over at Dara, a girl with short blonde hair and cute chubby cheeks.

Dara, though not conventionally slim, possesses a natural charm and radiates confidence. Her infectious laughter and kind heart have always drawn Dymar towards her. He has admired her from afar, never daring to express his feelings until now.

Summoning all his courage, Dymar approaches Dara, his heart pounding in his chest. He looks into her eyes and, with a mixture of anxiety and hope, leans in to give her a gentle kiss. In that moment, time seems to stand still as their lips meet. It is Dymar's first kiss, and it feels both thrilling and surreal.

To his delight, Dara reciprocates the kiss, and a wave of happiness washes over Dymar. The room erupts in cheers and laughter, and Dymar realizes that his friends are genuinely happy for him. The truth or dare game continues, but Dymar's mind is elsewhere. He can't help but think about the beautiful connection he shared with Dara.

A week passes, and Dymar can't stop thinking about that magical moment with Dara. He musters up the courage to approach her during lunch break one day. His heart races as he stammers out an invitation for her to join him for a movie over the weekend. To his delight, Dara accepts his invitation with a smile that lights up her face.

And so, Dymar and Dara embark on their first date. They spend the afternoon laughing, talking, and getting to know each other better. Dymar learns that Dara is not only beautiful on the outside but also possesses a kind and compassionate soul. They discover shared interests and dreams, forming a deep connection that goes beyond appearances.

As Dymar and Dara's relationship continues to grow, they find themselves becoming closer and more comfortable with each other. They share their hopes, dreams, and fears, supporting one another through the ups and downs of adolescence.

One sunny weekend, Dymar suggests going on a group outing to the local zoo with their friends. Excited about the idea, Dara readily agrees, and the couple begins planning the trip. They invite their classmates, Carlos, Sofia, and Lucas, forming a small but adventurous group ready to explore the wonders of the animal kingdom.

On the day of the zoo visit, the group meets up early in the morning, brimming with excitement. Dymar and Dara greet each other with a warm hug, their smiles reflecting the joy they feel in each other's presence. They exchange small talk and laughter as they make their way to the zoo, enjoying the beautiful Costa Rican weather along the way.

Upon arrival, the group is greeted by the sight of vibrant tropical birds and lush greenery. Dymar can't help but feel a sense of awe as he takes in the exotic surroundings. The group decides to start their adventure by exploring the reptile house, curious to see the slithering snakes and scaly lizards up close.

As they move from one exhibit to another, Dymar notices Dara's eyes lighting up with wonder and fascination. She is particularly drawn to the playful monkeys swinging from branch to branch. Dymar can't help but smile, realizing how lucky he is to share these moments with someone who appreciates the beauty of nature as much as he does.

The group continues their journey through the zoo, encountering a variety of animals from all corners of the world. They marvel at the majestic lions, graceful giraffes, and playful penguins. Dymar, with his newfound glasses, takes in every detail, appreciating the clarity and sharpness they provide.

Throughout the day, Dymar and Dara steal glances at each other, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment. They hold hands as they walk together, feeling the warmth and comfort of their intertwined fingers. The zoo trip becomes more than just a fun outing; it becomes a shared experience that deepens their bond.

As the afternoon progresses, the group finds themselves in front of the elephant enclosure, mesmerized by the gentle giants. They watch in awe as the elephants splash and play in a small pool, their powerful presence leaving an indelible impression on Dymar's heart.

Sofia suggests taking a break and enjoying a picnic lunch near the flamingo exhibit. The group finds a shady spot under a tall tree and spreads out their blankets, unpacking the delicious snacks they brought along. Dymar and Dara sit close to each other, laughing and sharing stories, their hearts filled with joy.

In between bites of sandwiches and sips of juice, Dymar and Dara steal tender glances at each other. They find comfort in the knowledge that they have found someone who accepts and appreciates them for who they truly are. Their relationship is built on a foundation of trust, kindness, and mutual respect.

As the day draws to a close, the group takes one last stroll through the zoo, bidding farewell to the animals they have come to know and love. Dymar holds Dara's hand tightly, cherishing the memories they have created together. The zoo trip has not only been a fun adventure but also a testament to the strength and beauty of their relationship.