
Chapter 1

"Princess Astra wake up, it's time."

I rolled over my bed only to receive love from the big bright sun which gladly shone in my face, almost blinding my poor eyes.

"Wow seems like even the sun is happy for my wedding." I mumbled as I tried to find my footing. I could not believe that I was getting married today. It all felt like a dream, well actually more like a nightmare. This wedding had been planned for months and is supposed to bring the Kingdom of Iszeria and Venocco together. This felt more like a diplomatic arrangement if you ask me. It is so shocking that my family would do that to me, but well what can I say, I am the black sheep of the family, so of course they would want to get rid of me.

"Well are you excited Astra? Today is your big day." My "lovely" mother sang as she walked in. "Today our wonderful, beautiful and smart daughter becomes a queen, I am so proud of you my darling Astra." she embraced me in a big hug, as I rolled my eyes.

I am not being rude or anything here but the fact is that this is the first time she has ever hugged me in 10 years. Surprising! I know right. As a middle child and the "black sheep" of the family, I hardly got any love and attention from my parents ever since I was 12. It was almost as if the moment I got into adolescent they decided that I was on my own. I mean that is one of the many reasons on why I am so sour.

"Come on it is  time for our beautiful bride to get ready. I had Mercedes prepare the royal bath for you and shortly after that you will undergo the purification, but first things first, let us go have breakfast with the family. Our bride cannot get married on an empty stomach haha."

I awkwardly laughed with her as I followed her out of the room. I sighed in my head at the harsh reality I was living in, but then on the outside I had to keep a straight and happy face. We walked down the long corridors to the stairs. I am going to miss this place I thought to myself. The Grey quartz marble floors, large ceilings with religious artistic paintings, the large windows with silver sillings which sparked everytime the sun shone on them, the century old brick walls which reminded every time of how ancient our castle is.

"I always wondered why was your room so far away everyone. When you are gone I will definitely have this area renovated, it needs to have a little more life, it needs to look more grand."

My mother said as she scanned the hallways leading to my room.

I am not even gone yet and here she is already planning to erase my existence in this place. The old me would have argued with her, but I realized that it was quite pointless. She was still going to do it anyways and as per rules, she always has the last say.

We finally made it to the stairway after a few rude remarks and comments about my choice of dwelling. The walk down the stairs to the dinning hall was very quiet. I was probably zoning out at everything Mother said. Upon entering the dinning hall, Mother fixed me making sure I was "clean" and "appropriate" considering the fact that I had just woken up. I walked in to see my two elder brothers, my elder sister and my two younger twin siblings, one boy and one girl. At one glance you would say that our family was perfect, but trust me we were very far from that.

"All hail the future queen Astra." my Father announced as everyone in the room did an act of courtesy towards me. I subtlety rolled my eyes at this ridiculous, empty hearted gesture. Not paying them any mind I made myself comfortable. I took a seat and began feasting on my favorite blueberry pie.

"Now this deserves a courtesy." I said as I savored and swallowed the pie. It was so good, way better than any I have had before.

"Are you sure that this is going to be the future queen of Vennoco." My elder brother Archenius spat in disgust as he took his seat.

"No need to be mean Archy. Astra will learn one way or another, remember she is still a child." my elder sister Skyzra chimed in as she followed suit on the teasing train.

"I am not a Child Sky, I am a grown twenty - two year old women who can EAT how she wants."

"More like a grown baby." Victor my youngest brother, one of the twins scoffed.

"That's enough all of you." My father slammed his fist on the table "Astra is a soon to be queen and I advise you to treat her like one, very soon you will be begging for her time, so cherish the time you have with her right now."

"Your father is right children, can we not all have a simple and normal family breakfast." My mother chimed in with hopes to lift up the atmosphere.  "Esteria how is sports going for you, I heard you came first place in your horse-riding classes."

"Well horse-riding has been great, we have a tournament coming up and I am certain that I am going to win, I mean I am royalty after all."

"I am going to make sure that I come and watch you, I would not want to miss it for the world." I smiled as I looked at Esteria. She reminded me of the younger me and I wanted to protect her, I did not want her to end up like me, broken and hurt.

"Do not even waver your breath, you would just ruin everything like you always do." she snarled at me.

"Esteria that's enough!" my father shouted "What is with you children, can we not have a normal family breakfast."

"It is alright father, I would love to take my leave now, everyone enjoy your breakfast and have a good day."

I quietly made my way to the stairway. My tears welled up as I tried to suppress the feelings of pain and hurt. My family could not see me like this or they would that they have won. I took a deep breath before making my way up the stairs with my head held high. 

I was going to get married and I promised myself that everyone from this Kingdom was going to bow down to me, they will never know what hit them.