
Forced to Transferred to Another World

Having a hard life and huge debt, Arco was lucky that he was transferred to another world to start a new life. He was automaticaly had a hero build. But the one who summoned him was not from a Kingdom instead it was a lone girl. Not summoned through the kingdom, he didn't get the privilege a hero should have, he become that girl's slave instead. He enjoyed every moment with her as her slave. He was very happy and didn't regret anything about being Forced to Transferred to Another World

MyFingerstyle_Tab · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


Everyday was the same for Arco Brundy. From morning until night he kept on working. His earning was not much but he had to do it to pay off his parent's debt. Even though both his parents had passed away, he still had the obligation to pay off the debt.

As soon as he got home from work, he always go to his room to sleep. His work was a hard one, need a strong body and muscle. but his 18 years old body of his was not bulky, so he got very tired after work.

Lay down in his bed, he couldn't help but sulking today.

"Damn it, my body is going to break soon if this keeps going. I tried to find other job but as someone who didn't go to school, it is really hard."

Closing off his eyes as he was trying to sleep, he said to himself.

"Forget it. It is already good enough that i can get a job."

Soon after that he fell asleep.

But not long after that he waked up.

But his surrounding was not what he expected.

It was not his room!

In front off his eyes was a savanna with unknown trees around.

"Huh? where am i? am i dreaming?"

Before his brain could process the condition further, a loud shout was shocking him to the core.


Arco turned around his body and found out that the one who shouted was a girl. She looked very exhausted with sweat all over her body.


She was pretty. Really pretty. The prettiest girl Arco had ever seen. Even the most prettiest girl in his fantasy couldn't compare the the girl in front of him.

She was as tall as Arco, only around 10 cm lower than his. Her long blue hair was really pleasing to look. Her skin was white and smooth. Her eyes was so pretty and her curvy body made every man dream of her.

Arco stunned there for a while.

And the girl just stand there smiling at Arco.


After a while the girl spoke to break the silence. "Are you done?" Her face was full of smile, with a spoiled sound she told Arco. "I know i am pretty. I am in a pretty good mood so i will allow you to adore me a little longer."

Hearing that, Arco came back to his sense but he still didn't say a word. he kept looking at the girl, and the girl was just looking back at him.

With a gulp, he finally said something. "Can you please be my girlfriend?"

He didn't know who the girl in front of him was. They didn't know each other. It was their first meeting. And the first thing he said was to ask her to be his girlfriend.

Hearing that the girl smiled, while giggling she told Arco.


"I am the one who summoned you, so you will be my personal slave from now on. You better forget everything and dedicate your whole life to serve me foreveeeerrr."

Hearing the word 'rejected', Arco heart broken, even though all of this happened spontaneous and his mind didn't control what he said before, he still felt down.

But wait a minute.

Arco missed some important details there. He came back to his sense and asked the girl in front of him. "What do you mean by summoned? And slave? Even though i am poor and have a load of debt, i can't be a slave." He seemed to be triggered for some reason, he kept on yelling to the girl. "You wear some fancy clothes, are you the daughter of the person my parents have debt to? I pay money every month, the debt will be payed off eventually. And..."

Before he kept on going, he saw the girl expression. She was just smiling happily. He looked at his surrounding and finally he calmed down. "S-sorry"

The girl was just laughing as she saw Arco. "It seems it was a good thing for you to be here. Well, i will just tell you this. People will kill to have a chance to be my personal slave."

Arco was confused at what the girl was saying. She sure was a beauty, being her slave means that they would be seeing her time to time or maybe become her plaything and maybe will be with her all the time. He came to a conclusion that it might be not that bad and people might really be killing to be her slave.

Having that thought, Arco couldn't help but asked his insanity. 'What the heck am i thinking?'

He faced the girl once more, facing a beauty he couldn't help but became nervous as he ask her. "Can you tell me what is happening?" "I am really confused right now.

Hearing him, the girl patiently told him everything."You sure are a troublesome one. I am Iris Bleury, your master from now on. I summoned you from another world for you to help me with my problems. Basically you are sent here against your own will from your world with no method to return back and become my slave forever."

Arco couldn't help but looked at the girl expression, she said some cruel things with smile all over her face. Her expression was like someone who have done a great masterpiece in her life.

Arco understood a bit the situation he was in. With a confused expression in his face, he asked the girl once more. "Why slave though? Is a friend is enough if you just want me to help you?"

Hearing that, Iris become smug. "I am the one who summoned you, so your life is mine to decide"

Seeing Iris like that, she still looked cute in Arco eyes. He rebuted her though. "So this is like an Isekai anime. If that is the case then I should be a hero, not a slave."

"How do you know about that?" Iris seemed surprised that Arco knew about the hero. It must be his first experiece so she thought he would not know anything.

"So that was really the case then? I should be the hero who everyone love and respect. Whenever i go, everyone will worship me." Arco answer her smug with his own.

Seeing Arco acted like that, Iris smiled back at him. "Too bad that really won't be happening. A kingdom usually the one who summon the hero with the help of many high rank mages and the hero summoned stone. So he/she will be that kingdom's protector and of course the citizen will praise their kingdom's hero. But in your case, i am the the only one who summoned you so you won't have that treatment from the citizen. But looking at another angle, you are free from the kingdom restrictions." She paused a moment before continuing. "But you are in my restrictions" She said while giggling.

That made sense to Arco. But what exactly restrictions mean. Did it can hurt him whenever Iris want to? Did it restrict him on what he can do? There were many question in his mind, he then looked at her beautiful eyes seriously this time. "Why are you doing this?"

"Wha-?" Iris seemed a bit surprised at what Arco asked her. Even though it was a normal question for him to ask, It seemed it reminded her of something unpleasant. Her expression change 180 degree.

"I want someone strong to help me rescue a person. Heroes are all strong but they have to follow their kingdom's rule. Unrestrained hero are rare, i haven't meet one. There are also some strong adventurers comparable in strength to the heroes, but someone that strong is also hard to find. Not to mention whether they are all willing to risk their life helping me." Said iris with one tone lower than her previous sound.

Seeing her like that, Arco felt sorry for her even though he knew that he was a victim there. "So by summoning a hero by yourself you can have someone strong that will do as you says in helping you rescue that person."

Iris didn't response to that, her face became red a bit as she continued speaking. "She said to me that i will have a strong life partner that will forever be with me undergo happiness and sad times together. Well, a hero is guarranted to be strong. And... you are quite... handsome..."

Arco was really confused and excited right now. What was really happening, he didn't know anymore. He really couldn't understand Iris. But from what she said earlier, it might be that she liked him? She summoned someone strong, hoping to be her life partner and helping her for the rescue. And she even said that Arco was handsome.

"Err Iris right, you summoned me against my own will leaving behind forever my live from my previous world, so you have to take the responsibility and become my wife and live with me from now on." Arco shamelessly told Iris to be his wife.

Hearing that Iris smiled and laughed. "You went ahead from asking me to be your girlfriend and now to be your wife? As i said you will live with me forever.. but as a slave." She couldn't help but giggling happily right now, forgeting the sadness from before. "And your life in your previous world was bad right? you have a lot of debt and such. You should be happy that i summoned you here and starting a new life."

What Iris said about previous world life was true to Arco. Living alone and had to work everyday from morning until night with little earning and had to pay the debt. Starting a new life here might be a good option for him. As he process what she told him, he couldn't help but felt confused for the girl. 'Why she keeps wanting me to be her slave? she seems not the evil type, she is definitely a good and cute girl'.

He asked her once more.

"Why do you keep wanting me to be your slave? You said i am handsome. You must have a crush for me then."

"Yeah you are handsome so what. You will be my slave so you will do whatever i want you to do." She said in a stubborn tone.

"But i will still do whatever you want as your boyfriend." Arco didn't know what to say, the words flew out just like that from his mouth.

"...Really?" Iris doubt what Arco was saying.

"Yeah, be my girlfriend and i will difinitely make you happy. Didn't she also told you so, the one she was talking about was ME." Arco didn't know who 'she' really is, He just said whatever needed to make the most prettiest girl he know to be his.

Hearing Arco brought out 'her' in his confession made Iris silent for a moment. After a while she finally decided what his fate will be. "Thanks but no thanks. You will be my slave. That's final. You can't convince me now. And she said that person is strong but you are really weak right now." she said as she smile to him.

"But you said it yourself that the hero is guarranted to be strong."

"Yeah, but you are not strong right now."

"Wha-." Arco didn't know wether to laugh or cry. "Well isn't it the same, i will still do what you wanted."

"If that's the case than deal with it and become my obedient slave. You said it yourself it is the same right." "And also if you really want me to be your girlfriend, make me love you through your action not from some empty words. After all you already have a good start right." Said Iris as she smile to Arco.

Arco was stunned for a while there. He loves everything about her. Her beautiful face, her choice of clothes, her hair style, her sound, her arguing with him. He just felt that she was the one for him. At that moment Arco decided he will make her his and life together forever. Maybe he was too hasty about this and decided to take things step by step.

"I understand, i will be your slave Iris." He said solemnly to her. He then thought to himself. 'What is the definition of slave to begin with? Maybe it had a different meaning in this world.'

Hearing that, Iris was very happy. She then walked closer to Arco and kissed him in the cheek. "You should have said that from the start." Both of their face was red and their heart beat could be heard in this silent environtment.

"Iris you?" Arco was really confused and happy. He had this urge to hug her and kiss her right there.

"Huh.." Iris suddenly felt weak, her body felt so heavy and her conscious was fading. Her body was really fell to Arco bosom as he hug her soft body.

"Iris what happen to you? Are you okay?" said Arco with his face full of worry. He felt really happy having Iris in his bosom but at the same time he was worry for her being to suddenly fell like that.

"I am okay, i was so excited to successfuly do the impossible in summoning you, my body seems to forget the fatique i have. Normally it needs many High rank mages working together to summon a hero, but i did it by myself. I am awesome right? Anyway let me rest for now." Without waiting for Arco's reply, she fell asleep just like that in his bosom.

Everything was happened so quickly. Arco just sat there under a tree with Iris in his arms. He didn't want to think about anything. Not about the summoning, how his life here would be, what would happened in his previous world nor anything. He just wanted to enjoy this current moment with Iris to the fullest.

-to be continued-