
Chapter 2: The Proposal

My father has just remembered that one of the Clan's sons are coming to pick me up for a "Date" in 10 minutes whether I was ready or not. WHAT!? I yelled at my father. It was here in time that I realized I must make a run for it, but how? Or 3 story mansion at which I am currently staying at is surrounded by security guards surely one of them would catch me before I made it far enough away. I thought to myself as I peered out my window. Hold up, a single thought occurred in my head, what if I went on this so-called "Date" then stated that I had to go to the bathroom and ran off from there? Since we will already be in the city it will be easier to find the underground subway and get as far away from this place right... Okay, it's settled I will bring a change of clothes in a bag with some money and some food then make a run for it. I went over to my computer and purchased my self a plane ticket and an underground subway ticket I used the money from the personal account in which I had been secretly stowing money into from my allowance to the point where I had more than enough for my Plane ticket, and subway ticket. I had decided that I would go visit a friend in Louisiana, to get away from everything happening at the 3 story mansion I had been staying at with my father in a forested area of California. 2 minutes later I had walked downstairs in my elegant blue dress and my simple black high heels with my small over the shoulder Black personalized handbag, this is when he arrived. I could not believe my eyes when June walked in through the front door of the mansion and asked my father if I was ready all the while completely ignoring the 16-year-old standing a little ways away from the front entrance, up until this point I did not realize how much security this guy would have around him. Uh-Oh, this made my whole "Bell Escapes" plan even less likely to work. I still had hope that I could pull this off, plus I had already bought my tickets and informed my friend about what's happening. All while thinking about this I had fallen into a daze and was pulled out of my daydreaming when something cold touched my bare shoulders, I shuddered and nearly jumped when I realized that June was standing right behind me with his hand on my shoulder. I turned around to face and as I pulled his cold clammy hand off my shoulder I told him that I could see my own way to the car. For some reason or another, this must've amused him because he just stood there trying to hold back a smile and laugh! I mean I had not even left the house and I was already fed up with this rich guy who thinks he is so cool and his attitude. Just who did he think he was! I guided myself to his car and opened the door for myself while I sat in, all I could think about was getting away from this pace and living with my friend out in Louisiana. I must've been making a face because June looked at me and aske1d me if I was Ok. I mean come on who is this guy!? Finally after what felt like forever, (probably because all June did was stare at me the whole car ride) we arrived at the restaurant in the heart of the town yes! It just so happened that the restaurant we were eating at was 1 block down from the underground subway! As we walked into the restaurant however I realized that June had bought out the whole restaurant and it was just us! I was so angered it's like my father told him in advance that I have a history of running away. Oh, wait! My father crap! He knows that I have a history of running away, he probably told June to make sure he had heavy security so that if I did try I wouldn't stand a chance! It's ok I told my self as I decided not to freak my self out before I knew anything for sure. But then I knew for sure because as soon as we entered the restaurant the big security guards which I had not noticed when we walked in locked the front entrance from the inside a stood in front of as if given the order "Don't let her even try to open the door's tonight" ARG! Father always making it so hard on me! As we approached the table June pulled out a chair and told me to sit, when I refused he lightly grabbed my shoulder and asked me a little more sternly to sit, after I refused he finally just gripped my shoulder and with little force, pushed me into the chair. Hmm, I am losing my temper with the guy! As soon as the waiter came over and asked what he wanted I asked where the bathrooms where since I had to go, June was very reluctant to let me go but seemed satisfied to let me go only if another security guard came and stood in front of the door. He insisted that it was for my safety but we both could see past the truth in that. Once inside the bathroom, I started planning how I was going to get passed the security guards.. Then it clicked in me! I would tell them that I was eager to learn about how the food was prepared, I would go back, find the back exit and make a run for it, I changed my shoes but thankfully I chose to wear a long enough dress to the point where you would not be able to tell that I changed my shoes I then flushed the toilet to at least make it seem like I had used the restroom, washed my hands and walked out. Only to find the restaurant was empty! Ha! They just left me here perfect chance to escape, without even thinking about it twice I ran towards the front entrance only to find that it was still locked. I struggled at the door for a while before pulling my bobby pin out of my long black hair and had just picked the lock, I was so close! Until right as I stepped out, one of the big bodyguards originally at the door stepped out in front of me and forcefully gripped my shoulder "guiding" more like forcefully shoving me to the table at which we first sat at. What was with people and guiding me with my frail shoulder?! I sat down crossed my arms and let my hair all in front of my faces, suddenly I a hand reached out and put the hair that was in front of my face behind my ear, this action startled me and I almost fell out of the chair but caught myself. "Oh, my dearest Bell, you thought you could escape that easily even when you knew your father had warned me ahead of time about your past of 'Running away'" Stated June. I know you don't want to be on this date either so how about just make us both happy and let me go! Please! Bell practically begged June to just let her out of the restaurant. "Well, Bell this is where you are wrong, for I was the one who requested you to marry me in the net 2 days!" Whoa, Whoa, Whoa hold up! Bell argued! No one and I mean NO One mentioned marriage in the next 2 days! "Oh was that slight detail left out? Well Bell you will marry me in 2 days" June proudly stated not needing Bell's apporaval for the marriage.

This is the second chapter of the story Forced Marriage: The Calling don't be afraid to leave comments on how I can better the story!

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