

The most important thing a parent can teach their child is how to get along without them. But I guess that was never the case for me. My parents were old fashioned and strict. My name is Levena Johnson, and this is my story. I fell in love with a gangster... yes you heard right, after being heartbroken 5 times that is hahaha funny right, sigh. "Mom, can I go to the movies with Jeriah, I really wanna watch the new barbie movie" I got up the courage to ask but alas I failed to free myself again...

Dreambabyy_ · Thanh xuân
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Levena's POV:

Waking up sore in his embrace felt better than ever, as the memories of yesterday torment my mind. I remember how we showered together, how he cleaned me up after, his gentle touch. How he whispered sweet things to me. I love you, he said, he said he that I should never forget that no matter what happened.

His muscular arms wrapped around my waist tightly. I reach down and tug on his arm, his grip tightens, and he pulls me even closer. I sigh giving up and relaxing. I felt something poking my ass. "Kayden?" I say, "Hmm?" he hummed. "Did you bring the remote to bed last night?" I question, I felt his smile against my neck.

"Baby, that's not the remote" he chuckled, his voice deep and raspy. I shiver at the sound. "Then what the hell is that?" I ask, "It's my dick" he laughs as if it was obvious. "Omg eww, get it away" I whined. "Oh, c'mon babe, it's the same thing that was in you yesterday." he said. "So?" I reply "Soo" he said "grow up" he continued sounding annoyed.

He lets go of my waist and sits up, stretching his muscular limbs and entering the bathroom, the sound of water trickling into the toilet fills the room. I to decide to get up. I look at the clock its 7:32am. I stand up only to feel even more sore, I limp to the bathroom I begin washing my face, when I am done, I reach up into the medicine cabinet to look for some paracetamol.

I am wearing an oversized jersey shirt and when I open the medicine cabinet I have to tiptoe. My shirt or rather his, rides up and my ass becomes visible, "why is your medicine cabinet so high up?" I ask, "Why are you so short?" he shoots back. "I am not short, I'm 5'1" I boast. He begins to laugh, clutching his stomach. "Baby no wonder you refuse to grow up, you look ridiculous next to me" he laughs.

"Oh yeah, how tall are you?" I ask "6'4 baby" he replies. "You- you're mean!" I pout. he chuckles again. I feel the urge to choke the life out of him. I continue to fiddle with the bottles in the cabinet. Suddenly a hand collides with my ass. "Sexy little thing" he says proud of himself.

"ow, why did you do that?" I ask, "are you sore baby? he asks looking down at me. "I-yes a bit" I say. "yeah?" He says reaching for my waist and lifting me onto the vanity. "Kayden?" I whine blushing red. "shhh" he says putting a finger on his lips. he stoops down between my legs, spreading them wide.

"Lemme see" he says, I wasn't wearing underwear, shit, I gasp as his nose makes contact with my clit. "Kayden, we- I don't think we should" I say nervously. He stands between my legs, grabbing my face in one hand and my pussy with the other "this pussy" he says looking me in the eye. "this pussy is mine," "I'll fuck you when and where I want, so you either take it, or get the fuck out"

He slaps my clit and I jump, "is that clear?" He demands, "y-yes" I say, He stoops again and begins ravaging my pussy "ahh, ohh, Kayden you, it" I try to speak up, but my words refused to form. "mmm" he says drinking my juices. "oh God" I say forgetting myself. He slaps my clit again and plunges a finger into me roughly "ohh Kaydennn" he pumps his fingers in and out, "cum for me baby" he states. "shit, shit, shit, yess fuck you finger me so good daddy."

I climb my high, "ohhhhhh" I cum and he removes his finger slapping my pussy again as I quiver. He checks his watch, "oh fuck I gotta go bae" he says. He quickly showers and turns of the pipe. "where are you going?" I ask, "business" his eyes darken. "Why don't you quit this 'business' of yours, you'll die by the time we get married!" oh God no, did I say that out loud? "Married?" he arches a brow in question as if he was thinking about it.

He sighs, "look we'll talk later" he says, pulling on a black t-shirt and jeans, he throws a leather jacket over the shirt with some black Nike shoes. He kisses my forehead. "C'mon bae, you have my card, go shopping, or something, I can't be around all the time."

He steps out, I flop down on the bed and spot his phone, he left it? Should I go through it? I pick it up and try a pin, incorrect, I try again, you have entered the wrong pin to many times, phone will unlock in 1 minute. wtf? sigh the door opens and my hair stands up as his eyes spot the phone. He walks over swiftly and snatches it out of my hand.

"At least respect my privacy by asking first" he rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry I was just..." I was cut short "curious, look what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine, but if you want to search my phone in the future, please ask." he says. "cuz, I have shit on it, you do not wanna see" he throws his head back in wild laughter and exits the room. ugh he's so frustrating. I couldn't even ask what, whatever sigh.

I get up and shower, feeling refreshed, I enter the closet and spot a whole line of female clothing. Did he get them for me, or does he always have women over? I sigh picking out a black mini skirt with a spit on the left thigh. It came up to two inches above my knee. I spotted a white oversized hoodie. Perfect I say winking at myself in the full body mirror.

I slip on a pair of black lace up ankle length boots and grab a light pink heart shaped purse with a string of white pearls for the handles. I grab his credit card and the cash and dash out of the room down the stairs. The kitchen was spacious, with emerald green walls and white curtains with a marble stained island. Six chairs, three on each side. A large chandelier hung elegantly from the ceiling, giving everything a homey and elegant look.

I rummage through his cupboard and find sum pop tarts, I pop two into the oven and wait. I heated up some tea and just as I was pouring myself a cup, "Dang girl, you are fine" came a voice. I turned around to find a slim girl with dark hair falling to her breast in curly waves. "love the outfit" she continued, she wore a black strapless body fitted dress. "Hi" I smiled warmly "thanks" I say feeling slightly weary. "The boss said I should take care of you, so let's go" "Who?" I asked unsure Kay-D your man, girl, are you slow?" she asked her hand on her hips.

"Oh" I responded, "ok" I nod. "You don't talk much do you" it was more a statement than a question. "Actually, I talk just fine" I retort starting to lose my cool for some odd reason. "ooo she is sassy," she says, "I love it girl your gonna be the perfect mafia princess"

I roll my eyes. "Max!" she calls, a large man enters the room, his dark brown hair framing his face perfectly. He was quite handsome but not nearly as cute as Kayden was. "Why is-" I begin pointing at Max as she called him, she cut me off. "He's your bodyguard" she says casually, her tone bored. "But I-" she cut me off again, "you need him trust me, you do" she says.

She keeps fucking interrupting me. We left the house and headed for the mall. 'Fabtastic' or so it was called. As we enter the mall someone shoves past me brushing me, I nearly toppled over. "Watch it" Max's voice came laced with Venom. "My bad" the young lady said rolling her eyes.

I was mad, like really mad... my mood had gone from annoyed to sour. I couldn't find anything I liked and Brianna, that was her name, kept looking over my shoulder at what I was looking at. She pisses me off. I spotted a red dress, spaghetti stringed with two long splits at the front. It looked classic and elegant. "I love i-" I began. "eeeee" she squeals "I want one to" she screams.

"Look bitch, if you interrupt me when I'm talking one more time, one more fucking time, I will throw you" I look at her with a I'm serious expression. Her jaw drops, she closes her mouth and opens it again but no words came out. She was silent the rest of the time while I chose. I picked up a ripped jean short, a denim skirt, three blouses and six pairs of jeans.

The blouses were really pretty one of them was a hot pink color trimmed with gold embroidery it had one sleeve, the second one was baby blue and was sleeveless, simple yet if paired with the right bottoms would look perfect. The last one was black, it was sleeveless and when I tried it on was a bit tight in the bust area. It will be fine I thought. I cashed out and put everything on Kayden's card.

The woman's eyes widened at the sight but she said nothing. Putting every piece in bags and handing it to me. I gave them to Max an we drove home. By the time we had finished shopping it was already 5pm and I was burned.