

The most important thing a parent can teach their child is how to get along without them. But I guess that was never the case for me. My parents were old fashioned and strict. My name is Levena Johnson, and this is my story. I fell in love with a gangster... yes you heard right, after being heartbroken 5 times that is hahaha funny right, sigh. "Mom, can I go to the movies with Jeriah, I really wanna watch the new barbie movie" I got up the courage to ask but alas I failed to free myself again...

Dreambabyy_ · Thanh xuân
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

Kayden's pov:

I sat at the dinner table with my family, as my father discussed who owed us debts, my mind was preoccupied until I heard the names. "Johnathan Piper, he's got a wife and three children", my father smirked, chuckling evilly as he did.

I would have joined him but all I could think about was Levena at the moment. My mind clouded by the pain I saw in her eyes when I called her, a little girl, she was mad. Celina Lockhart or C.C, whatever she preferred calling herself sat across from me.

She was chewing rather loudly; she wasn't what you called a girly girl. she was a tomboy, maybe even emo if you thought about it. She shoved her fork towards me, "heyy earth to Kay-D~" she said, her annoying voice reaching my eardrums. I look up at her and sigh.

"Ohhh girl problems already" she teased I sucked my teeth, "it's nothing like that" I defended. Scowling at the nickname the criminal side of the world had awarded me. Kay-D the Dangerous. "What is it?", my father asked seeing the look on my face.

"Nothing" I said swallowing my words. "Oh, come on boy, I know you better than that', my father stated. I sighed again, "there's this girl I-" I began, "oh, I knew it I was right; he's got his nuts in a twist" answers C.C.

"Hey, my nuts are perfectly fine" I say holding up a finger. "Then what's your problem" my father asks his face changing, the room went quiet, and I started becoming uncomfortable. "Well, there's no problem, or rather the problem is I think I like her" I admitted.

"Well do you want us to get her for you, we could bring her back here and you can do whatever you like to her." My brothers stated. "Are you mad!?" I asked, "I said I like the girl, I never said I wanted to violate her rights," they chuckled exchanging looks.

"So, you're in love?" my father stated "w-what?" I retaliated" "I never said it was love we just met; I'm saying I like her alright" I finished "ohh is it like a crush" my mother asked "no!" I stated feeling backed into a corner, "alright let's leave him alone and stop prying" my father ended everything with his words. Thank God I thought.

I Headed up so could wash up before my older brother Keven, shouted to me on my way up "going to beat it in the shower!" he laughed falling off the chair "oof," instant karma I smirked laughing under my breath. I turned on the hot water and went in. I sighed enjoying the bath, when I was done I but on sum boxers and a dived onto my bed grabbing my phone I begin scrolling through Instagram.

I went to the chats and looked at it hey, I sent, seen 2 mins ago it read, did...she just leave me on seen? Am I really an asshole? I sigh and go offline getting ready to fall asleep, I enter dreamland and there she is on top of my bed. she is sitting at the edge her legs spread wide and she is fingering herself. She calls for me 'Kayden' she says pleading the next thing I know it was morning.

Damn it why was it so short? I groaned pounding on my pillow, a knock sounded at my door Son come down for breakfast. "Alright I'll be there in 10 minutes" I called out groggily my morning voice echoing through my room. I sat up from bed examining the morning wood I smack my forehead. "A cold shower it is" I whisper.

I get dressed, putting on my black school shirt and red tie, black pants and white sneakers. I throw on a black hoodie and head downstairs. Morning my voice echoed through the dining "Jesus, you scared me" Rhianna stated. I knew my voice was rather deep, but she was exaggerating way too much. Rhianna was a girl who was quite smart, she was a thief, not the kind you're thinking though, the kind who would do it for a lot of money.

"Mellissa," I called "get me some coffee" I told the maid. She was new, she brought me the coffee and left without a word, I tasted it, I spit it out in a flash "Jeez you'd think these dumbasses would know what they're doing" I stated It was scolding hot, with milk and sugar none of which I took.

"Ted," I called, "Ted!" I said again, "yes boss" he replied "borrow me your gun real quick" I asked "what for?" he asked "just give it here!" I shouted. I went into the kitchen, a gunshot echoed through the house, and I came back here I handed him the gun and walked away calmly Remind my father to get a new maid" I stated before reaching my bike and starting the engine.

Entering the school yard, I quickly park, siting her. Her beautiful brown hair in a side swoop, two long curls hanging from the front. Her hair was really long. "Hey" I say as I sit next to her "Hi" she says her voice soft.

"oh, so you can answer, why did you leave me on seen last night?" "Uh I-" she says, her face turning red. "M-my parent are very strict, when I saw your text, my mom sent me to bed" she says shyly. "What, what the fuck are you saying? Levena, you're 16 not 12!"

"I know!" she shouts "Not everyone can be a big bad boy like you ok, not everyone can go here, there, and all around, like you, I'm a girl and you're a boy" "I-I'm sorry" I sigh.

"Look in my family boys get to go wherever and do whatever they like, and girls are to stay inside to save the family embarrassment, "I arch my brow up in confusion, embarrassment, what? I look at her face seriously and decided not to pry further.

"Alright I understand" I say calmly, "let's try this, introduce me to your parents, I want to take you out". "W-what", her face flushed bright red, "I can't, they'll kill me!"

I chuckled, "trust me Babygirl, I can be very persuasive when I want to be" I smirk.