
Forbidden Temptation:Dear Alexander

Love! So sweet... Yet so painful... It can determine ones happiness and misfortune. It's like a coin with two sides. I happened to experience both the sweet part and the painful side... I wasted my youth chasing someone I knew I could never get. ‘Hah’ Love! So ironic

Omma014 · Thành thị
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15 Chs

Seeing him again?

Avery smiled and rubbed his head.

"Okay. Go and meet your aunt Sally. She'll give you the clothes I prepared for you."

"Okay, mama. Smooches...I love you, mama "

"Mama loves you more "

"Ugh, you both are so mushy...alright Champ let's get you ready for the day."

Sally dressed in dark blue baggy Jeans with a black round-neck blouse.

She looked sexy and stylish and the same time.

An hour later, Sally, Avery, and Little Darien stepped out of the little villa.

Avery was dressed in a pink hoodie that had a big white rabbit drawn on the front, high waist Jean trousers, and a pink sneaker.

While Little Darien was also dressed in a blue hoodie that had the same rabbit on it, but it was a baby rabbit. With black jeans trousers and a pair of white sneakers.

With just one look, one could see that it was a mother and child outfit.

It looked cute.

Sally screamed in excitement.

"Ah, ah... You both look so sweet. Alright, let's take a picture."

After 5 minutes, the family of three was on their way to the prominent pond house in the city.

When they got to the pond house, because of their dressing and outstanding looks, people were stunned.

The mother was tall, slender, and beautiful.

The son was cute and tender.

They attracted the stares and gazes of the people there.

Little Darien ran forward.

There was excitement dancing in his beautiful blue orbs. He was fascinated with the fish he saw in the water.

"What, mama look..." he screamed in excitement.

As he laughed, Avery was very happy. It's been five years and she was still living well and better without that man.

She was going to protect and love Darien with all her heart, she will love him in such a way that he will not even need the love of a father.

It was a promise she had made when she first held Little Darien in her arms when he had just been born.

Sally quickly caught up with Darien and pick him up from the floor.

"Slow down champ. You have all the time to watch the fishes."

"Hmmm, I heard they even have where they keep mermaids and the sharks."

"Wahh. Aunt Sal is that so?"

"Uh-huh. Let me take you there while your mother gets a snack for you to eat."

Avery got their snacks and walked towards the last corridor leading to the mermaid's section.

It was 5 p.m. When they left the pond house.

"Uhh am so fucking tired!"Sally exclaimed.

"Language Sal. Language" Avery said while closing her son's ears.

Sally rolled her eyes at her.

"Oh! That's true... Avery, I think I'll have to be returning to Country M next week. My Dad called last night and said my brother will be getting married next week. So he'll be coming over here to manage the family business."

"That's okay Sal. When are you leaving?"Avery asked.

"Next week Thursday."

"That's good. I'll go with you. It's about time I return ."

"No Fu*king way...are you nuts. Avery you and I know that place has done a lot of damage to you."

"Sal I know your worries. Rest assured am stronger than before. I have grown in the past five years, and am more mature and stronger. I'm no longer the Former Avery who was a pushover."

Sally sighed.

"Avery think about it.

Okay, if you think you are stronger now I won't mind, but you have to think about Little Darien. What if you and Alex meet and he sees Darien?"

"No way. I won't allow him to take my son away from me."

Avery said, she held onto Darien's small hands as she said this.

Her face was as pale as a sheet of paper.

She was really scared of leaving her son.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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