
Forbidden Player System

It is the age of Towers. Players who accepted the calling of the Tower now venture for a larger power. Alab, an orphan has now started his journey. He dreams nothing but to witness what is at the top of the tower. He knows it would be a rough journey but will his preparations be enough to overcome the challenges of the Tower? Or will he be defeated by the roller-coaster trail of events? Watch Alab as he paves his way to the top. A player who while others are busy in search of SSS-grade skills, is in chase of F-grades - a rank that is known to be the weakest. Will fate have another story in store for him? And is F-rank really the weakest as humans assumed? Amidst these uncertainties, one thing is certain. Alab... HE IS A NECROMANCER... a forbidden one at that. WARNING!!!! First Volume will entail the journey of the protaginist and his close friends in the Tutorial. As they had only entered the Tower, they are still naive and immature so expect the 1st Volume to contain so much drama as that would mold them into who they will become in the next Volume.

Steven_Hytes · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Worst of the Worst


[Name: Alab Cain

Rank: F (based on the highest-ranked awakened title)

Level: 1 (cannot level up at the Tutorial) 

Exp: 0%

HP: 60/60 (10× the constitution value × level)

MP: 100/100 (10× the intelligence value × level)

Physical Attack Damage: 8 (strength value × level)

Magic Attack Damage: 10 (intelligence value × level)


-Necromancer Lord (U-rank) (Locked)

-The One who will be forbidden to enter the Tower. (F-rank) 


Strength: 8

Dexterity: 6

Intelligence: 10

Constitution: 6

Free Attribute points: 5 (cannot allocate points at the Tutorial)

<Items> None

<Karma Points> None 


Stack (F)

Skeleton Summon (U) (Locked) ] 

Alab was satisfied with his attributes. It could be said that with attributes surpassing 7, one already belongs to the geniuses among humans. 

Not to mention his intelligence value that reached the peak value of 10. This not only measures the intellect but the mana capacity of an individual. 

A player would gain two titles at the tutorial, based on past and future experiences. It is rated with F being the lowest and the highest rank known, SSS. 

Alab had never heard of a U-rank. Clicking on his title "Necromancer Lord (U-rank)", a notification appeared in his sight. 

[An unlocking method is required to view the details of the Title.]

[Unlocking method: Unknown]

Alab clicked his tongue. Having a locked title was a widespread incident in the Tower. To date, there was no concrete method to unlock a specific title. 

Still, he felt dismayed as that would only mean that he had his remaining title to depend on. But that was the worst of the worst that could happen in the Tower… having the weakest, F-rank title. 

[The One who will be forbidden to enter the Tower. (F)

Description: A title given to a player who will be forbidden to enter the Tower in the fated time. 


Stack (F)

Damage: tentative 

Description: As you have alerted the Tower with your unknown future feats, you will now possess the power to destroy everything that blocks your path. Your attack damage has no definite value, an increment based on your stacked damage will be applied to your single attack. 

Effect: When activated, stacks up all the next successive attacks. With the host's current rank, you can only stack up to one day. The stack damage can be dealt with in a single attack only within that day.

Mana usage: exhaust the remaining mana

Cooldown: None

Other skills: (locked)] 

Looking at the skill, Alab was in conflict. 

'Is this really an F-rank skill?', he questioned as the effect was too absurd! 

If he was to continuously stack damage, wouldn't it be possible to deal damage of six digits or above? 

'Isn't this F-rank way too much?', he doubted. 

F-rank titles are inherently scarce in the first place. To date, only 1 F-rank title had been awakened and Alab now debuted as the 2nd. He had not seen titles of other ranks as well so he had no way to compare. 

In his mind, he reckoned that E-rank and above skills would have a monstrous effect. 


Alab felt his feet turning cold just from this thought. That day onwards, he swore to never exchange blows with an E-ranker. 

And S-ranker… he thought that a breath alone could kill him. 

Pulling him out of his nightmare, a system notification resounded. Alab brushed off his despair along with questions regarding the Necromancer and Forbidden definers. He had no bit of idea and pondering over would just be a waste of time. 

 He shifted his attention to the pressing matter at hand… the Tutorial. 

[The players are now all bestowed with titles]

[On the 460 new sets of players, here is a list of the awakened titles. 

F(Rank) - 1(number of awakened title/s)

U - 6 

SSS - 3 

SS - 5

S - 25

A - 103

B - 67

C - 68

D - 3

E - 639] 

With his eyes flashing with horror, Alab looked at the other people as if they were a monster. 

He felt his existence continuously being squeezed into nothingness. He felt like a tiny cockroach in a pond of humongous dinosaurs. 

'Ehhh? I am the only F-rank?!', he shivered. 

'Hehe, guess I would have to establish a guild, indeed', he thought. 

With his feet still cold, the rules of the tutorial were explained. 

[In this tutorial, items of varying rank are scattered in this wilderness. The players only have to get an item to be brought into the tower. Only one item is allowed per player. The item you get will serve as your reward in this tutorial.]

[You can exit the tutorial by saying the word "Exit" or you will be forcefully kicked out when the 7 days duration has ended.] 

[Warning! Beware of monsters. An SSS-grade monster is in slumber in the center part of the wilderness!]

[You can check for the available items through your status window.]

[The available items at the moment are: 

F(Rank) - 1(number of available item/s) 

SSS - 3 items 

SS - 5 items

S - 25 items

A - 103 items

B - 67 items

C - 68 items

D - 3 items

E - 191 items]

As the list was displayed, everyone's gazes were attracted to the SSS rank. 

'There are only three items…', coincidentally, they all pondered. 

SSS-grade items are relatively scarce. Having this item in possession would secure them a top spot in the Tower. 


Their minds were clouded by greed for power. It was a one-time opportunity that they couldn't miss. 

On the other hand, as most players were consumed by covetousness, a boy widened his eyes in disbelief. 

He was looking at the single item that no other players coveted. The F-rank item. 

'I've found my people!', he rejoiced. His previously cold and tedious demeanor was already brushed off, leaving behind an energetic boy. 

It was the age of the new Alab. 

And… the Tutorial begins.


AN: Disclaimer!!! As you may have realized, Alab has changed by 180° in this chap. From his tedious self who doesn't care about other things other than climbing the tower, turning into an energetic and naive boy who is easily overwhelmed by situations. He will feel fear, dismay, shock, and so on, much easier. This change is once again, brought by involuntary repressing of his memory (which actually happens in real life) mainly due to severe trauma/bad experiences.