

Jared scoffed, "no one could have warned us what we were in for? Ian couldn't have told you to swear off sex for a while. Why did you not care about this? I have been tormented at least three times a week for five months. Lately, Cora has been dealing with it daily. Every day! What will happen when the baby is born, and Cora is curled into a ball unable to even care for our daughter?"

Antione's face was horrified. "I don't know…"

"I do know. Cora will be forced to break their bond. We've known how to do it for months but held off hoping… I was only able to continue because I chose to seek relief. Cora can't do that. Won't do that. Plus, now you are saying it wouldn't be safe for Margo to remember…" Jared stood and began to pace.

"I really don't know. Margo is deeply involved in Dark, and it would be a risk for her to know about the three of you." Antione stood as well and walked around the table. He stopped Jared with his hands on his shoulders.