
Day Walker I

Margo stared at Cora unhappily for a moment. "Sweets, I don't know how to tell you this, but…"

"Jared is dying." Cora said with a frown.

"How do you know that?" Margo asked as she sat back in her chair confused.

Cora sighed, "I just do. Just like I know that I need to change him myself before sunrise tomorrow or he will die. If either you or Antione change him, he will die. I have to do it so he can be like me."

Margo stared at Cora her mouth slightly open. There was a lot to unpack here. "How do you know this? Cora you are too new to change anyone, you would never be able to control yourself. There is no way you be able to walk into the hospital with all those humans. What do you mean be like you?"

"I just know…" Cora groaned.

"Cora we can't trust just knowing with Jared's life."