

Antione startled awake as his phone began to ring. He opened his eyes blearily before spying the phone buzzing and clanging loudly on the nightstand. He grabbed the phone hitting 'end call' not bothering to look at the screen sending the caller to voicemail.

He was just drifting back to sleep when the phone began to buzz loudly again. Antione groaned before once more sending the caller to voice mail again. Less than ten seconds passed before his phone lit up and noise intruded on his sleep again. Jared was sitting up now and shook him to get him up.

Antione sighed sitting up as he picked up his phone. The screen said, 'Margo,' which made him frown. She hadn't had time for him since finding her mate so what did she want now?

Antione hit the speakerphone button as he raised a finger to his lips at Jared. "Hello?"

"Antione, where are you? Why didn't you answer the phone at first?" Margo sounded alarmingly frantic.